Working Prophet

Chapter 171 Best Friend Mode

When he walked out of the subway, Li Yu was still thinking about how to slow down the black dragon.

In fact, there are still many methods, but there will be various problems in actual operation.

Especially considering that the dragon itself is amazingly powerful, can fly and breathe fire, and the most important thing is that it is very alert, so it is quite difficult to trap it through some conventional means.

Li Yu was thinking that the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated, it should be a WeChat reminder.

Since joining the third division, Li Yu has never received a single message from the company or colleagues during non-working hours. In fact, he searched the entire OA system and couldn't even find an address book.

Until now, I haven’t added the contact information of a new colleague. At the beginning, I was even a little unaccustomed to it. I always felt that something was missing in my life.

However, what happened to him during this period was far more bizarre than not being able to receive calls from the boss after get off work. Now that more than a month has passed, Li Yu has gradually adapted to this new job and the new company.

He took out his mobile phone and found that the sender's ID was a cone.

Cone asked him if he was still in City B, and if he wanted to go to the mountains together for two days on the weekend.

Li Yu was looking at the message, and the cone sent another one, explaining that she was actually called in by two friends, and now that she happened to be two women and one man, she had booked two double rooms, but in this way there was a The bed is empty, and it feels a bit wasteful, so I want to find another boy, and the four of us will share all the expenses for going out.

Li Yu glanced at ten lines, and just after reading it, Cone retracted the second message again.

After about a few seconds, the cone sent a third message, this time it was much shorter.

——There is a driver, plus you, there are four people, AA.

Li Yu originally wanted to refuse, because he already had other arrangements for this weekend, and planned to go to the library to find some more information to solve the most difficult problem for him right now.

But after receiving the WeChat message, I was a little hesitant.

Although strictly speaking, this is not overtime work, but as the spokesperson of Bratis Continent on Saturday, the prophet of the weekend religion, it seems a bit unreasonable that he is still busy with work on Saturday and Sunday.

And the most important thing is that the industry Li Yu worked in before has a tradition of working overtime. Even the department manager himself put a camp bed in the company, setting an example for white and black, 5+2 vigorously promotes the iron army spirit of not being afraid of hardships or tiredness, and working hard. Extra dry.

As a person below, of course, Li Yu can't have a normal vacation, and even three meals a day can only be ordered takeaway.

It wasn't until he joined this strange company that he got rid of the previous life full of intensity and 24 hours a day.

But some habits are not so easy to change, like he always taught those lizard people and little maids, the importance of entertainment and rest, but in fact Li Yu himself is the one who should relax the most.

Traveling in the suburbs seems to be a good choice, especially with the recurrence of the epidemic, the risk of being blocked in the local area after traveling far, so more people choose to travel in the suburbs.

So when Cone sent the third message, Li Yu also replied with a good word, and then typed to ask what time to leave tomorrow.

Cone didn't seem to expect Li Yu's reply to be so fast. It stopped for about half a minute before saying, "It's not too early, we all can't get up, please send your address, we will pick you up at around ten o'clock tomorrow." .

Upon hearing this, Li Yu sent the name and location of the community to him.

The cone replied with a little bear's ok expression, and then sent another message, our girls will purchase the ingredients for the barbecue, see you then.

Li Yu replied, "Okay, see you tomorrow."

After typing, he put his mobile phone back into his trousers pocket, changed direction, and walked to the nearby Hualian Supermarket to purchase some short-distance travel supplies and vegetable ingredients.

After returning home, Li Yu ate dinner first, and then prepared the beef sandwich for tomorrow's breakfast ahead of time. He specially made three extra servings, just in case other people didn't have breakfast in the morning.

Anyway, beef sandwiches can be stored for a long time in an insulated box, and they can be taken out to satisfy your hunger when you can't finish eating in the morning and climb mountains.

Then Li Yu packed his travel backpack, watched a movie, browsed the hardware forum for a while, looked at the latest electronic products, and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Li Yu even went downstairs for a few laps of morning jogging, took a shower, ate a beef sandwich and checked his phone for a while. It wasn't until a quarter past ten that the cones arrived Late.

Li Yu, who received the news, was already waiting at the gate of the community with his backpack on his back.

Soon a blue Volkswagen Tanyue stopped in front of him, the door opened, and Li Yu saw the woman in the A-line skirt who had lent him the electronic anti-riot device in the back seat.

But today, she no longer wore the clothes she wore in the park. She changed into a set of Japanese-style casual clothes and waved to Li Yu.

"Sorry for being late, Xiaoxi took a long time to go out."

"You're not much better. You had just woken up when we picked you up."

A girl named Xiao Xi was sitting in the passenger seat, and in the driver's seat was a tall, thin and elegant boy wearing glasses.

The two of them greeted Li Yu one after another, and their attitudes were very polite.

However, Xiao Xi looked at Li Yu with something like a smile, and the woman named Sweet Cone on WeChat then gave a brief introduction to the three of them.

Unlike Li Yu, who met at work, the two of them were friends with a woman named Sweet Cone on WeChat since childhood.

The man's name is Qin Shen, and he currently works in a bank. The woman's name is Zhou Xi, and she currently works as a freelancer. She takes orders and makes money by painting.

Zhou Xi seemed to be particularly interested in Li Yu, "You work in a consulting company, so you have to travel every day. How about that? Have you ever received a small card when you stayed in a hotel?"

"I travel a lot for work, but I usually come back soon." Li Yu said, "As for the card, I haven't received it yet."


Zhou Xi's eyes were a little suspicious, but she stared at Li Yu for a while and didn't see any panic on Li Yu's face.

Then she turned to the woman named Sweet Cone on WeChat and said, "Zhang Yanlin, has this friend of yours always had such a poker face?"

This time, before the woman named Sweet Cone on WeChat could speak, Qin Shen, who was driving, had already apologized to Li Yu, "I'm sorry, this child's head was squeezed by a door when he was very young, and he has been acting like this ever since. You do not worry about it."

"Hey, you guys, who's head was squeezed by the door?" Zhou Xi raised his eyebrows, "I'm just not as hypocritical as you guys. I'm still here with false politeness and directly enter the best friend mode. This fully shows that among the people in the car, I am the only one who is the most real.”

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