Working Prophet

Chapter 210 The Alert Miss Rabbit

Most of the drowsiness Ilea had accumulated with great difficulty was gone by this tossing, and she no longer continued to hold her body on the bed after returning to the room.

He immediately found a pen and paper and began to excitedly conceive of tomorrow's dragon-slaying story.

Facts... Of course, we still have to respect it.

As for the process of that battle, from the preparation stage to the final conclusion, the girl does not intend to make too many changes, especially the part of the credit that belongs to Li Yu and Shuang Xiujiao. Miss Rabbit will also describe it truthfully.

However, there is still some room for polishing the details. For example, when she launched the final charge, she fell down midway. It was obviously not very important and could be ignored. For artistic creation, of course, it must be detailed and strategic, and it cannot be overwhelming. show up.

Also in the preparation stage, the female lord felt that some dramatic conflicts could be intensified. For example, her counselors were all opposed to Li Yu's dragon-slaying plan, but she had withstood the pressure and finally made the decision to support Li Yu. Well worth focusing on.

Well, you can act like this when the time comes. Just when everyone was afraid of the power of the black dragon and worried that declaring war on it would get burned, the new head of the Arias family stood up and said loudly, "I will never fight against it. Evil surrenders!"

Hmm, this sentence seems a bit cliche. It has been used by the protagonists of many knight novels. It has been changed to "In order to protect the West, the Arias family is willing to fight to the last man!"

The idea is good, but it still sounds a bit stiff.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then crossed out the sentence and thought of it again. Anyway, there was still time... Miss Rabbit just scrawled and corrected it until dawn without paying attention.

She yawned and glanced at the papyrus in her hand. Her story of slaying the dragon was finally changed.

After reading it again, the girl's own role has already reached 60%.

Since there was really nothing to write about later, Miss Rabbit inserted a lot of inner monologues, plus some memories of herself and her father to fill the word count.

Not even in the water.

She has to explain where those beautiful qualities in her come from, otherwise the audience will question the rationality of some of her choices at critical moments.

Ilea herself was quite satisfied with the story, and even felt that her artistic cells were awakened when she was writing it, but in the end it still had to be left to professionals to judge.

The owner of the Love and Mead troupe, who was also the troupe's chief playwright, was clearly such a man.

After Miss Rabbit put down her pen, there happened to be a series of knocks on the door.

Ilea opened the door and found a maid standing outside, holding a wooden tray with a jug of wine on it.

The female lord was a little puzzled, "I...I didn't ask for wine."

"Manager Mattis was worried that you had run out of wine in the room, so he asked me to send another bottle."

"But I haven't had the last bottle..."

"I put the wine here, please remember to drink it." The maid said and put the tray in her hand on the table.

"Uh, well... ok."

Miss Rabbit was still immersed in the joy of finishing her masterpiece. Although she felt that the maid in front of her was a bit strange, she didn't think much about it. She happened to be a little thirsty at the moment, so she reached out to the bottle of wine.

But she stopped midway. She suddenly remembered what the guards said last night, about how assassins might sneak into the Marquis's mansion. The female lord suddenly became excited.

She almost forgot that Hells was also a member of the Figuerola family and had lived in the Marquis Mansion before. It would not be surprising if there were still his informants here.

Although Hulse let David not kill, it might be puzzling to run over to assassinate her.

But maybe Hells did this just to take her by surprise, because David's defense must be very tight at this time, and Hells couldn't find any loopholes, so he hit her on the head.

There are still many disputes between the two parties.

Hells murdered her father, and she later captured Hells' accomplices, and Hells had a reason to attack her, whether out of extermination or simply revenge.

Ilea felt that she should be more vigilant, she survived the strong winds and waves, so she didn't end up capsizing in the gutter.

She retracted her hand and went to get the other half of the bottle of wine on the bedside that was leftover from last night. She poured a glass of it to moisten her throat, and then began to polish her manuscript.

Until after lunch, David took her to watch the performance of Love and Mead as agreed.

Love and Mead is a famous troupe from the royal capital. From the first day they came to Rock Snow City, everyone was looking forward to watching their performance.

Therefore, on the day when the play started, there was a sea of ​​people in front of the stage. Some people lined up here before dawn. Those who came late could not even find a place to stand, let alone a seat.

But this is only for common people. The nobles have a special place to watch the performance. Their seats are in the front row, closest to the stage. They can clearly see every move and every subtle expression of the actors on the stage.

As for David, he doesn't even need to book in advance, as long as he arrives before the show, someone will naturally give him the best seat.

Although Ilea is also a nobleman, it is not counted as a banquet hosted by her own family. This is the first time she sits in the first row to watch a performance, and it is also in the center.

Even before the performance started, the troupe paid special tribute to David and her. They called the girl the heroine who saved the West, allowing Miss Rabbit to once again enjoy the warm cheers of the people.

Then Love and Mead officially began their performance.

As the top theater troupe in mainland China, whether it is the script, stage effects, or the performances of the actors, they are undoubtedly top-notch, far beyond what those small rural theater troupes can match. The audience is fully immersed in it from the first sight.

The girl was no exception, so much so that she didn't even notice that David left quietly beside her, until another person sat down next to her.

It was an old woman. Miss Rabbit was currently watching TV dramas with gusto, and didn't pay much attention to the person's appearance. She only reminded the other person softly, "There is someone else here."

However, the old woman did not get up and leave. Miss Rabbit thought her voice was too quiet, so she raised her volume slightly. Now the person must have heard her, but she still did nothing.

Ilea was a little surprised. She didn't expect anyone in Rock Snow City to dare to take David's position.

Until she turned her gaze to that person, her face changed slightly the next moment, "High Priest Martina?!"

"We meet again, Ilea." The old woman smiled.

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