Working Prophet

Chapter 214 Wait, it’s poisonous!

"Unwilling to fail, Hells bribed a jailer and secretly delivered a small knife to Gabriel, intending to have Gabriel assassinate Lord David who was going to interrogate him. Fortunately, Lord David is enough Be vigilant, only slightly injured, and Gabriel was beheaded by the guards who arrived later... What, is there any problem with this?" Miss Rabbit asked puzzled.

"Logically, there is no problem." Li Yu said, "But Gabriel doesn't seem like someone who can be an assassin, and he never showed himself when he controlled the black dragon to attack the families before.

"If the black dragon hadn't been in danger, he most likely wouldn't have participated in the battle with us. It shows that he still cherishes his own life."

"But since he has been caught by us, there is no way out for the crimes he committed. It is also reasonable for him to get rid of the biggest competitor for his companions under the premise of knowing that he will die," the girl said. .

Li Yu shook his head, "The problem is that Gabriel and Hells are not companions in the ordinary sense, don't be fooled by what he said before, Gabriel's service for Hells is definitely not for noble status or money or land something like that.

"If the Wing Clan really plans to attack the Bratis continent in an all-out way, then Gabriel's true identity is likely to be a vanguard or spy sent by the Wing Clan. He and Hells will cooperate to get what they need. Bailey will not sacrifice his life to achieve Hells' goal, even if his time is running out."

"When you say that, it seems to be true," Miss Rabbit finally figured out something was wrong, and then came up with a new explanation.

"Is it possible that Hells and Gabriel have reached some new deal, and Gabriel has sacrificed his own life in exchange for what Hells has done for him?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, but it should be difficult for people like Hells and Gabriel to completely trust others. How can Gabriel guarantee that Hells will complete what he promised to him after his death."

"That's strange." The girl touched the back of her head, "Why is Gabriel willing to help Hells assassinate Lord David?"

Li Yu did not continue to struggle with this issue, and then asked Ilea, "Have you encountered anything else these days?"

"Other things? Uh, no, nothing special." Although Miss Rabbit said this, her expression was obviously flustered, her eyes flickered, and she did not dare to look at Li Yu.

"Really, what did you do today?"

"Well, the leader of Love and Mead wanted to adapt our dragon-slaying story into a drama and perform it on the mainland, so I went to see their performance today, and then gave him the manuscript I wrote all night , but that guy’s attitude is a bit irritating.

"In the afternoon, I went to the market to find a tailor to make some clothes. By the way, can you give me your size... I also ordered a set for you. It's too big for you to wear the same set of clothes every day. It’s simple, you have to change it occasionally, and besides, we all have money now.”

"I'm changing."


"It's not a set of clothes. I bought several sets, but they are all of the same style and color."


As Li Yu spoke, he reached for the wine on the table, wanting to pour a glass to soothe his throat.

But before his hand even touched the wine bottle, he was stopped urgently by the girl.

"Wait!" Miss Rabbit picked up another bottle of wine on the side, "For safety's sake, you'd better drink this."

"Is there any difference between these two bottles of wine?" Li Yu frowned.

"I don't know, I just suddenly thought that Hells is also a member of the Figuerola family, so there may be people from him in the Marquis Mansion. It never hurts to be cautious at this time.

"This jug of wine was brought to me by a maid in the morning. I said I didn't want it, but she still put it on my table regardless. It made me feel strange, so I I wonder if it’s poisonous..."

While the girl was still talking, she saw that Li Yu had reached out and picked up the wine bottle, revealing a small piece of paper underneath.

"Oh, how did you know?"

"There is a tray under the wine pot. Normally, the tray is not left behind when delivering wine." Li Yu showed the small piece of paper to Ilea, "What is written on it?"

The girl's face suddenly became strange after seeing it.

"It careful David."

"anything else?"

"No, just these four words." Miss Rabbit turned the note over and read it twice, "Be careful of David, why should you be careful of David? Is Hells trying to divide us?"

"Can you still remember what that maid looks like?"

"Well, I will recognize her if I see her again. I can tell Lord David about this and ask him to gather all the maids in the Marquis' mansion."

"Don't do it for now." Li Yu said, "If the other party really wants to hint at something to us, he won't do it so haphazardly. Recall what happened today and see what you missed, especially It’s some of the details.”

"Okay." Miss Rabbit took a deep breath, "I kept writing our dragon-slaying story in the room until the strange maid forcibly placed a jug of wine on my table. Then I continued writing and had lunch. Went out to the theater with Lord David.

"After the performance, we went to see the class leader named Timothy, but he couldn't grasp the point of his speech. He only glanced at the story I finally wrote, and then he dragged me to talk about the story just finished. That play, tell me the outline of that play, and tell me that it was specially chosen for me.”

"What was in that play?"

"A love story." The girl roughly told the content of "The Revenge of the Knight".

After listening quietly, Li Yu said, "He is probably from Hells."

"What?!" Miss Rabbit was startled, and then jumped up from the chair, "Then we have to quickly notify Mr. David to arrest him, maybe we can find out where Halse is hiding from Timothy."

"Don't worry." Li Yu said, "Hells won't be caught by you so easily, and Timothy is also hinting that you might not be the mastermind who killed your father."

"Impossible!" the girl said decisively, "Even if Gabriel's words are not completely believable, my great-grandmother would never lie to me, right? Hells has also been procrastinating on the matter, occupying the position of commander-in-chief of the coalition forces and not doing anything serious."

"Hells is indeed suspicious, but we might as well listen to what he wants to say before we do it. If his words are really not credible, we can also take this opportunity to fish him out."

"How to catch it?" Miss Rabbit opened her eyes wide.

"He has done this, and he should have left you his contact information. If you think about it again, you may have missed something."

"What else?" Miss Rabbit suddenly felt guilty, because the only thing she missed was her meeting with the Silver Moon Church.

Just when she was hesitating to confess, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "By the way, there is one more thing. After the show, I accidentally bumped into a little girl selling baked pies, or she accidentally bumped into her." When it came to me, I later compensated her with a gold coin."

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