Working Prophet

Chapter 302 Detailed Settings

Wang Guowei didn't know how to answer Haigou's feudal and superstitious remarks.

I even feel a bit regretful that I found him.

Fortunately, Haigou vented a few words and didn't continue to entangle. Instead, he asked Li Yudao, "Tell me about your needs."

"Well, the background of the game is similar to the Middle Ages, with some fantasy elements added."

"Like Ice and Fire, or the Lord of the Rings?"

"Binghuo, but there are all kinds of orcs, um, their appearance is very similar to that of humans, with multiple ears and so on...the life span can reach three times that of humans."

"Beast-eared girl? If you want to make a two-dimensional game, the art resources must keep up." Sea Dog became a little more interested and rubbed his hands and said, "Selling meat is good, selling meat is the right way in the world, but now the approval process is getting more and more Strict, it is not easy to pass the trial."

"It's not two-dimensional, it can be regarded as a realistic style. The biggest feature of the game is reality."

After hearing Li Yu's words, the sea dog burst out laughing.

"Why, is there really any problem?" Wang Guowei was puzzled.

"Nine out of ten games that flaunt authenticity will die suddenly. Successful ones like Takov are just an example, and there is no reference value."

Sea Dog said, "In the final analysis, hardcore is just something that a very small group of players talk about. Most people just play games to have fun. The reality is bad enough, who is willing to experience it again in the game. "

"It makes sense." Wang Guowei nodded repeatedly.

"But you are the boss, you have the final say, I'm just offering some advice." Sea Dog picked up a piece of char siu.

Li Yu continued, "Afterwards, a traveler came to that world and established a church."

"A business simulation game? But it's rare to establish a church. The player plays the role of the time traveler, right..."


"No? What does the player play as?"


The sea dog was startled, "Wait a minute, let me clarify. You said you plan to make a game. There is a time traveler in the game, but it has nothing to do with the player. The player is not playing the role of a time traveler, but an indigenous person?"

"That's right."

"This is quite strange." Sea Dog regained some energy and touched his chin, "Traditional Western fantasy RPG game, but with... elements of time travel added. Why have I never thought of this angle? As an ordinary person Villagers, do you feel the changes brought about by the traversers?

"But why is it the church? It will be more popular if it is changed to the kingdom. That is the template of the standard farming text, and the market acceptance should be higher."

"Because I want to do something different, a theme that no one has done before." Li Yu said.

"One of the mistakes that novice producers often make is to innovate blindly," Sea Dog continued to comment, "In fact, most projects in the industry are copied by you, and I copy you, and at most make some slight adjustments. This is because capital prefers those who can bring in A project with stable returns.

"Investors all hope that the money they invest can be recovered. If you say you want to make an open world and what style you want, these investors actually don't care. But if you say you want to benchmark Genshin Impact, then investors will Understood, I will invest my money in you, because Yuanshen is very hot and has proved that this model can be successful.

"Whether it can be copied or not is another matter, at least the money has been obtained.

"So sometimes it doesn't mean that producers or planners just want to follow the trend and rush to make a certain type of competing products. The main thing is that if you want to do something else, especially something new and innovative, it is difficult to get money. When setting up a project I was killed... In the end, I had to come back and hold my nose and continue copying."

The sea dog sighed, with a complicated look on his face.

Li Yu did not interrupt his emotion, and did not speak again until he finished speaking, "Don't worry about profitability. Our game is customized, just to meet some personal needs, and will not flow to the public." market."

"Is that so?" Sea Dog was a little surprised, but didn't say anything else.

There are many hobbies of rich people these days. A certain wealthy family surnamed Ma even recruited all the kung fu actors to make a movie together to fulfill his martial arts dream.

It’s okay if someone wants to make a game and play it themselves.

So Sea Dog stopped doing market analysis for Li Yu, and began to seriously discuss with him about the upgrade curve and rewards.

Especially in terms of rewards, Sea Dog asked Li Yu more about his world background and the settings related to the traverser.

Haigou has been planning for so many years, and he thinks that his thinking is relatively quick, and he can conceive something quickly. But compared with Li Yu, he can only bow down.

The two were obviously talking about fictional settings, and Li Yu didn't prepare any documents in advance, but he answered all questions without hesitation, and even Sea Dog deliberately asked some very detailed questions.

Li Yu almost always answered in seconds. At first, Hai Gou thought Li Yu was just talking nonsense, but as he asked more and more questions, Hai Gou discovered something that made his scalp numb.

That is, all of Li Yu's answers did not have any logical conflicts, but could be mutually confirmed and linked together.

This guy... Could it be that he wrote a background setting of hundreds of thousands of words? It covers all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and even the local customs are compiled with nose and eyes. This is a huge project.

As a copywriting planner, no one knows the difficulty better than Haigou.

And all of this is just a game that will not be released at all, which makes Haigou feel even more shocked, and even awe-inspiring.

Sea Dog used a voice recorder to record everything Li Yu said, and then said seriously, "Give me five days, and I will prepare the first version of the upgrade system for you. If you have any questions after that, you can give me feedback." , I will modify it for you, and I guarantee that it will be modified to your satisfaction."

"That'll be troublesome." Li Yu was also very happy and paid 3,000 yuan as a deposit.

Sea Dog paused and asked Li Yu, "Can I play the game after it's finished? I always felt that there was no need to focus too much on authenticity when making games, but the world you described really aroused my interest. interest."

"Brother Dog, even if you say it so seriously, you just want to see the beast-eared girl in it." Wang Guowei complained.

"..." Sea Dog's face turned red when he was told something important.

But then I heard Li Yu say, "I'm afraid not, this game is not open to the public."

"That's such a pity." Sea Dog was slightly disappointed.

After the three of them finished eating, Haigou and Li Yu added each other on WeChat, and then went back to work. The remaining Wang Guowei was full of curiosity and asked Li Yu.

"Aren't you in a management consulting company? Why are you suddenly starting to make games again? And why don't you seriously recruit a planner? Come to Sea Dog."

"You didn't recommend Sea Dog to me. Is there anything wrong with him?" Li Yu frowned.

"There is no problem in terms of ability, but now that I think about it, what he said may make sense. Some people are good at it. Brother Gou is more bad at projects. All the projects he participated in ended up being bad."

"Don't worry about this. It won't be pornographic this time." Li Yu affirmed.

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