Working Prophet

Chapter 349 The tragedy of the world

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on the city of Scaled City, an army with various flags appeared on the avenue outside the city.

He is different from those new soldiers who are thin and showy.

The soldiers in this army are generally strong-backed, wearing armor, leather boots, and shiny steel swords around their waists. The proportion of cavalry is as high as 30%.

In addition, siege equipment has been prepared in advance, including more than twenty trebuchets and giant crossbows, as well as seven siege towers of different sizes.

Once the civilians filled the moat outside the city, these siege towers could be pushed to the city wall to help the attackers inside seize the city head.

The Skitarii are nominally commanded by High Priest Martina and fight for the goddess. However, since High Priest Martina does not know how to march and fight, the actual commander is Dordot from the Malir family. .

Dordot is the uncle of Judit, the head of the Malir family. He graduated from the First Knights of the Royal Capital. He once served as the emperor's bodyguard and served the royal family for 20 years. He participated in the relationship between the royal family and the Weiting family. war between.

After returning to the Western Territory, he was appointed as a military adviser by Judith, and then led the army to slay the dragon with Hells. Although he failed, it was not Dordot's fault.

Firstly, the black dragon is very powerful, far beyond what most people realize. Secondly, the commander-in-chief, Hells, did not even think about fighting properly at that time. He left a substitute to die, and then escaped first, causing many consequences. Erdot was too weak to use it.

And even though the coalition forces were defeated in that battle and Hells "died" on the spot, Dordot still managed to retain most of his troops and injured the dragon.

Speaking of which, Ilea and Shuangxiujiao were able to successfully slay the dragon, and he also had a small part of the credit.

It's a pity that history will only remember the winners.

Dordot led the Skitarii to attack Dolin City this time, intending to avenge his previous humiliation.

However, the direction of things was a little different from what he imagined. Dordot led his army all the way to the gate of Dolin City without seeing Herodotus' new army, and there was almost no obstruction at the top.

Dordot initially thought that Herodotus also realized that the new army was poorly trained and planned to rely on the fortified city of Scaled City to fight him in a war of attrition.

Dordot was not surprised but overjoyed, because he had already made a plan for this situation.

But what Dordot didn't expect was that before his army had set up camp outside the city, the gate of Dordot City had already been opened one step ahead of schedule.

Then the messenger of the Raimondi family came out.

The visitor claimed to be Shapiro, the second son of the city lord Sir Ed. As soon as he left the city, he shouted that he wanted to see the high priest Martina.

Dordot didn't know what kind of medicine the Raimondi family was selling in the gourd, but he still asked people to invite the high priest Martina, and then sent two teams of elite soldiers to protect the high priest Martina. Safety, isolating her from Shapiro.

Shapiro protested several times, but to no avail. In the end, he could only stand ten steps away from the high priest Martina, and spoke at the top of his voice with a heartbroken voice.

"High Priest Martina, the Raimondi family has captured the gates of the Scaled City for you and the goddess!"

? ? ? !

Dordot wonders if there is something wrong with his ears. What does it mean that the Raimondi family has captured the gates of the Scaled City for you and the goddess?

If anyone is pulled from the Western Region, they all know who the Scaled City belongs to, and isn't it the Herodotus and Raimundi families that he brought troops to fight from all this way?

However, Shapiro's voice continued, "You went to see my father before leaving the Scaled City, hoping to use the power of the Raimondi family to fight against Herodotus and his secret forces. My father also You were promised.

"But I didn't expect that Herodotus would take the initiative and lead a raid on your residence. When my father knew about it, he led people to protect you as soon as possible, but it was still a step too late. You had already left the city by that time.

"Herodotus later took control of the entire Holy See as quickly as possible. Almost all the people in the city of Dolin were Pisiya's followers, including the guards of the Raimondi family. Although my father was the city lord, he did not France and Herodotus openly fell out.

"So I could only make peace with him for the time being, and Herodotus became more and more arrogant after forming a new army, and he no longer took my father seriously. My father had limited troops, so he could only tolerate it in his mansion.

"I waited until last night, taking advantage of the internal instability of the new army, and suddenly launched an attack. After a bloody battle, I captured the city gate for you."

Shapiro spoke with emotion.

But the audience on the side were all stunned. Apparently they did not expect that the Raimondi family would be so shameless. First, they betrayed High Priest Martina to Herodotus, forcing High Priest Martina to leave overnight. Scaled City.

Then, seeing that Herodotus was in trouble, he jumped off the ship again and opened the door to the Scaled City for High Priest Martina.

After hearing this, Dordot couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty is truly unparalleled in loyalty."

As if Shapiro couldn't hear the sarcasm, he said solemnly, "That's natural. What my father hates most are capricious villains."

High Priest Martina herself was born into a noble family, and was well aware of the shamelessness of some of them. She was too lazy to dwell on the previous matters with the Raimondi family, so she spoke straightforwardly.

"Where is Herodotus now?"

Then a look of embarrassment appeared on Shapiro's face, "We haven't found it yet."

"But he is still in the city, right?" High Priest Martina frowned.


Seeing Shapiro's hesitant look, High Priest Martina knew that Herodotus had probably run away, and sighed, "Forget it, let's go to the city first."


Winning without a fight and capturing the Scaled City should have been something worth celebrating, but after entering the city, there was not much joy on the face of High Priest Martina.

In addition to the fact that the culprit Herodotus was not caught, the main reason was that the scene in the city shocked her.

Obviously when she left more than a month ago, this place was still lively and prosperous. When she came back, at least a quarter of the city had been reduced to ruins.

The rest of the place was also miserable. Except for the nobles who were protected by guards, the other civilians in the city, even though they were lucky enough to survive the heretic trial, did not survive the great robbery that swept through the city last night.

The loss of property was second to none. Many people's wives and daughters were defiled by the New Army bandits. Those who tried to stop them were directly killed by the New Army who had already taken advantage of them.

Tens of thousands of people lost their lives in this doomsday carnival, and the defeated armies are still raging in the city.

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