Working Prophet

Chapter 431 Pie from the Sky

Hao Xiaoxiao looked a little flustered, "I... I just wanted to check some information. Besides, how do you know that I have used the notebook on the table? I have clearly observed that there is no surveillance in this room, and the camera on the notebook is not I was blocked."

"It seems that you have underestimated your opponent." Li Yu threw a bag of Dove Corners to Hao Xiaoxiao, "I heard from Miss Xu that you have been here for a while, so you should eat something to cushion your stomach."

Hao Xiaoxiao took the Duo Fei Jiao, but did not open it, "Even if I really tried to log in to the company's OA, it would not be a big deal. At the worst, I would apologize to the company's boss."

"It's not that simple." Li Yu said, "Tell me what you know first."

"Why isn't it simple? The boss here has a black background, or some kind of big shot?" Hao Xiaoxiao became vigilant.

"Don't you really want to do anything to me? I told my friends before coming here, and there are more than one. If I don't go back before dark, they will go to the police station to call the police."

"Things are not what you think." Li Yu said, "You are not in any personal danger, I can guarantee that." After a pause, he asked again, "Is it because of money?"


"I have interviewed you, and although your resume looks quite colorful, you don't give me the impression that you are someone who wants to continue to cause trouble, and you shouldn't come here for no reason.

"I know what happened between you and the first company. In the end, I chose to go private and owed a lot of money. So someone gave you money and asked you to use this application to investigate Third Ji?"

"No, I'm just more cautious and want to know more about the place where I work." Hao Xiaoxiao is still stubborn.

"Even if you have successfully entered the job, you won't work here." Li Yu said.

"Ah..." Hao Xiaoxiao was speechless. After a moment of silence, he said again, "What exactly does this company do?"

"If you have completed the assessment well before and successfully entered the job, you may know it slowly."

"You won't hire me. No company is willing to take me." Hao Xiaoxiao laughed at herself, "I know how bad my resume is. One of them is enough to kill you.

"It's a pity that life can never be repeated. People always say don't let your past define you, but in fact, no matter what you do, everyone will only pay attention to your past, because no one knows what the future will look like. You can only take What happened in the past predicts how you will perform in the future, and you can never get rid of the past."

Hao Xiaoxiao looked very depressed, and the whole person huddled in the seat.

"Maybe," Li Yu said noncommittally, "but since I agree to your interview, it means that I am still willing to give you a chance, and you shouldn't just waste it like this."

"Maybe this is fate." Hao Xiaoxiao said expressionlessly.

"So you were indeed ordered by someone. If it wasn't for money, then why?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I...I've been here for a long time, and it's time to leave. As long as you are willing to let me go, I can guarantee that I will never come to harass you and the company behind you again."

Hao Xiaoxiao was probably really hungry at this moment. After speaking, he opened the Duffy Corner in front of him and swallowed it all in a few mouthfuls.

Then she looked at the drinks on the table and pointed at the cup of coffee, "If you don't want to drink it, can you give it to me?"

When Li Yu heard this, he pushed another bottle of yogurt over, "Drink less coffee, it's not good for your health, please wait for me a little longer, I'll chat with Miss Xu, who is in charge of personnel affairs, and I'll let you leave if there's no problem."

Hao Xiaoxiao nodded.

Li Yu left the remaining Duofei corner to her, and then left the conference room with coffee.

He came to Xu Mengyuan's office door. Ms. HR did not close the door. She was turning on the computer and playing Go online with others.

"I just talked with Hao Xiaoxiao, and it seems like she doesn't know much about the company or what we are doing."

"Yeah, consistent with my judgment, I also believe that she knows nothing about us."

"Then you want her to drink lethe water with side effects?"

Xu Mengyuan looked at Li Yu with a half-smile.

Li Yu frowned, "So there is no lethe water at all."

"We are a law-abiding company, so of course we won't do this kind of stuffing in other people's drinks." Xu Mengyuan said as he took the coffee from Li Yu's hand and took a sip.

"Well, it's a bit cold. I just want to put some pressure on you and see if you can find out something we don't know."

Li Yu was speechless, and after a moment he said, "Hao Xiaoxiao must have been instructed by someone else. I never told her the address here."

"This is interesting." Xu Mengyuan drank coffee, "Who is interested in us?"

"I think you're quite free, so just check it out slowly and let Hao Xiaoxiao go first."

"Well... I have another suggestion." Xu Mengyuan said, "Why don't you hire Hao Xiaoxiao and let her stay in your project team, so that the company can slowly investigate and find out the truth behind her. The Lord’s messenger.”

"I already have a favorite candidate for my recruitment quota, and I don't want to put such an unstable factor in my project team." Li Yu said without hesitation.

"Don't be too busy refusing. I can try to apply to the board of directors for the selection. Since you are cooperating with the company's investigation, you may be able to use special recruitment channels. Hao Xiaoxiao will not take up your previous quota, and you can One more hand to work.

"As for instability, you don't have to worry at all. I will be responsible for this part." Ms. HR said, "Just use her as an ordinary employee. I will deal with her problems outside of work."

Li Yu thought for a while, "It's too troublesome. You should find other ways to investigate."

"What if I can help you get another recruitment spot? Just think of it as a thank you for your help."

"Three places?"

"Yes, there are three recruitment quotas." Xu Mengyuan raised three fingers and waved them in front of Li Yu.

Li Yu did not answer in a hurry, but asked again, "It seems that you are determined to keep her with me. Have you guessed who is behind her?"

"Just a little bit, don't worry, keeping Hao Xiaoxiao will not bring any danger to you and other people in the project team."

"I should ask for another spot."

"Three is already a lot. It's not good to be too greedy."

"Then three." Li Yu finally agreed, because as the faith points increase in the later period, the business of [Reincarnation Bell] will definitely increase.

Bringing talents with various professional knowledge to Green Field will undoubtedly greatly accelerate the development of weekend education. By then, this side will definitely need a lot of manpower to conduct background checks.

And the more employees there are, the less saturated and hard-working everyone will be.

After weighing the pros and cons, Li Yu agreed, and then went to persuade Hao Xiaoxiao.

Hao Xiaoxiao didn't expect that there would be such a good thing about pie falling from the sky. After hearing this, he was a little hesitant, always wondering if there was any trap hidden in it.

After all, she didn't participate in the assessment, and she caused such a big fuss afterwards. It didn't matter that Li Yu didn't drive her away, but he was actually willing to provide her with another job.

"Didn't you always say that you wanted to get rid of the past? Now is your best chance." Li Yu said, "Or do you plan to continue to work odd jobs in KFC?"

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