Working Prophet

Chapter 464 The Perfect Lead Singer

After talking with Li Yu that day, Che Haishen finalized the details of the cooperation with Zhang Yanlin. After signing the contract, he returned to school and devoted himself to music production.

Although Li Yu gave all the lyrics and music to Cha Haishen, there is still a lot of work that Cha Haishen has to do after that.

And strictly speaking, what Li Yu gave Che Haishen was just a lonely main melody. When arranging the music, Che Haishen also had to determine the instruments, accompaniment and harmony.

On the continent of Bratis, the bards are not that particular. Like Kieran, he basically travels the world with a lyre, so Li Yu actually doesn't have much advice for Che Haishen on this part, especially The rest is left to Che Haishen to play freely.

Fortunately, the arrangement of the guava song itself is not complicated, and it took Che Haishen about three days to complete this part of the work.

As for the lyrics, he just asked a roommate and solved the problem with a meal of little fat sheep.

After that, Che Haishen recorded a demo and sent it to Li Yu for trial listening. Li Yu compared it with the original version and suggested some revisions. Che Haishen then made revisions based on the feedback.

After almost three times, Li Yu agreed.

At this time, Che Haishen's application to use the recording studio was also approved - it was not approved.

But it doesn't matter, Che Haishen found a classmate who applied to the recording studio, and planned to hang out, and he had almost found a musician.

Most of the instruments used in "Oh, Please Take This Rose of Love" are relatively unpopular, and there is no ready-made soft sound source to use, so it needs to be recorded in a recording studio.

In addition, a lead singer is also needed.

And Che Haishen already has a favorite candidate - Chen Jiahan.

However, Che Haishen hasn't asked what the latter means, but now that the arrangement has been completed, and the recording of the instrumental part is about to end, the lead singer can't be delayed any longer.

It's just that when he thought of talking to Chen Jiahan, Che Haishen couldn't help becoming a little nervous again.

During the meditation class in the amphitheater, he was absent-minded all the time, sneaking a peek at somewhere in the second row every half minute.

And there are many boys like him.

Obviously, a certain figure in that position is more attractive than the teacher on the podium.

While thinking about how to speak later, Che Haishen sketched in his notebook, and sometimes copied a line or two of the lyrics of "Oh, Please Take This Rose of Love", but soon he seemed to be a thief again. The same was crossed out.

He just waited in a daze until the end of get out of class, when the bell rang, Che Haishen was suddenly awakened.

Then the heartbeat started to speed up again, and the throat became dry.

The teacher on the podium dragged on for about five minutes, left homework, and then left with the books in his arms.

At this time, other students also began to leave the classroom one after another.

Che Haishen saw that the figure in the second row was also tidying up the books on the table, chatting and laughing with another girl sitting next to him.

Che Haishen knew that he couldn't wait any longer, because the two seemed to be planning to leave.

However, there were still many people in the classroom at this time, but Che Haishen couldn't control so much, he gritted his teeth and stood up from his seat, walking towards the person in front with somewhat stiff steps.

But he had only taken two steps when he was stopped by another figure.

"Che Haishen, what have you been doing the last few days? Why can't I see your figure?"

"Ah, I took a job outside and I'm busy arranging music."

Che Haishen saw clearly that the person in front of him was his high school classmate Ying Man. Coincidentally, the two of them were admitted to the same university.

At the beginning of the freshman year, because they didn't know anyone, the two often ate together, went to and from school, and were misunderstood by roommates in the same dormitory as a couple.

Since then, Che Haishen has intentionally kept some distance from Ying Man, and both of them met new friends later, so they don't get together every day.

But Ying Man would still come from time to time to ask for a ride with Haishen to go out for fun, or have a meal or something.

"What song? Do you have a demo? Let me listen to it." Ying Man became interested.

"Well, I'll send it to you when I get back to the dormitory." Che Haishen looked for Chen Jiahan anxiously, because the latter had already stood up and was about to leave.

Ying Man heard this and said, "Why, don't you have it on your phone?"

"No, I have something else to do at the moment." Che Haishen said impatiently.

"What's going on?" Ying Man followed Che Haishen's gaze and looked back. When she saw Chen Jiahan, her eyes widened.

"Really? Do you know how many people in our college are chasing her, and there are rumors that there is a rich second generation who is very close to her recently. You have no chance, brother."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not chasing her." Che Haishen's expression changed slightly, and he quickly defended, "I just want to find her to sing."

"Haha, only a ghost would believe your words."

"It's true," Che Haishen said, "Didn't Chen Jiahan have the second highest grade point in the vocal music department last semester, and the teachers all praised her range and timbre."

"Then do you know who is number one in the grade?"

"Is it you?" Che Hai was stunned.

"No, I just don't want to improve my grades, but the teacher also said that my voice is very distinctive." Ying Man said.

"This is what teachers say to people who are not good at basic skills."

Che Haishen saw that Chen Jiahan was almost at the door of the classroom, and became more and more anxious, "Don't block the way, we'll talk about your business later."

"Tsk, tsk, it's hard to persuade the damn ghost. If you are rejected, remember to come to me for sex at night. I will drink two drinks with you to soothe your injured little heart."

Ying Man said while taking half a step back.

Che Haishen didn't care what to say and ran out of the classroom quickly.

After a while, Che Haishen came back from the door again, his eyes dull and lifeless, as if he hadn't woken up.

Ying Man glanced at the time on the phone, "Four minutes, not bad, your survival time has surpassed half of the competitors, which store do you plan to go to tonight?"


"Hey, what?"

"She agreed." Che Haishen murmured.

Ying Man took a breath of cold air, "Chen Jiahan agreed to date you?!"

"Of course not. She agreed to listen to my demo first and if there is no problem, she can record it for me."


"I didn't expect Chen Jiahan to be different from the rumors at all. She was surprisingly easy to talk about." Che Haishen finally regained his senses and said excitedly, "With her joining us, we will be a strong alliance. It is hard to think that this song will not succeed."

"This is probably what people often say about licking a dog. Hurrying to deliver the song is still so humble." Ying Man shuddered, "Hey, stay away from me, it's disgusting."

"Whatever you say, I have found the most suitable lead singer anyway." Che Haishen said, "So you should keep the skewers for yourself."

"It doesn't matter, where are we now? You will eat it sooner or later."

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