Working Prophet

Chapter 493 Hand of Judgment

"You want me to bring it directly to you?" Li Yu asked.

"Yes, if it is not for mass production, it would be easier for you, Prophet Merlin, to bring me the barrel directly from another universe. After hundreds of years of development of human industrial technology, the quality of materials produced by large machines It’s definitely much better than hand-forged.”

"Then what do you want?"

"For rifles and pistols, cold-forged steel pipes are generally used, and the effect is the best, but they should not be available, and we don't need such good materials just to make flintlocks. Seamless steel is fine, or cast steel is fine. All the guns are made of cast steel, so they are heavier and the walls of the tubes are thicker, which can ensure safety, but..."

"Just what?"

"It is obvious what an individual is trying to do with this material and it will almost certainly be brought to the attention of the police."

"Since you say that, you must have already thought of a solution."

"Yes, that's right, we can buy finished products," Ge Lipeng said, "such as scaffolding and bicycles, some of which use seamless steel, and you can bring them to Bratis for reprocessing by me. "



The above is the content of the conversation between Li Yu and Ge Lipeng when they first chatted about making guns.

After getting the required materials and asking the Black Dog Guard to help purchase some raw materials and tools, Ge Lipeng couldn't wait to devote himself to the great cause of gun making that he had in mind.

It took him less than a week to make his first pistol.

This is also the first time someone on the continent of Bratis has produced a flintlock pistol!

However, since Ge Lipeng couldn't speak the common language, and no one had seen a pistol before, even the people around him didn't know that this new Saturday follower had just done a major event that could change the history of the continental war.

As for Ge Lipeng himself, there was joy and excitement, but not too much.

After all, he didn't invent this thing, he just picked up the off-the-shelf technology and successfully completed a replica.

After you have a gun, you also need bullets and gunpowder.

Among the bullets, Ge Lipeng chose lead bullets, not because he wanted to restore the historical flintlock bullets one-to-one, but after trying many materials, Ge Lipeng found that lead bullets were the most suitable.

First, because it is heavy enough and dense enough, and it can cause greater damage when pressed into a flat shape. Second, due to the unique characteristics of lead bullets, it can absorb the gunpowder in the barrel like a cushion when the gunpowder is ignited. Excess impact.

People at that time may not know the principle of this, but it is the best choice that was finally selected after many trials.

As for the gunpowder used in the flintlock gun, Li Yu directly found it on Google. It is made of 74% saltpeter, 14% sulfur and 12% charcoal. These three things are not difficult to get.

Saltpeter exists in natural caves, sulfur occurs near sulfur springs and volcanoes, and charcoal is produced by incomplete combustion of wood. When they are mixed in proportion, black powder is formed.

This formula may not sound like much today, but in the Middle Ages it was a secret of the gunpowder makers, and the formula ratios of different makers were also varied.

Fortunately, for Li Yu and Ge Lipeng, they don't have to continue to worry about this matter like their predecessors.

After that, Ge Lipeng and Li Yu worked together to modify and optimize the pistol.

When it was placed in front of the female lord, it was already as elegant as a work of art, and the handle of the gun was also carved with beautiful patterns and the symbol of the Shuangxiu Church.

Miss Rabbit also found it amazing at first glance, but soon she became worried again.

"Is this little thing really useful?" She added after a pause.

"I'm not doubting Saturday's power. Merlin, the two holy weapons you lent me before were very powerful and allowed me to defeat a young knight knight of the Royal Knights. But my skill... well, you also know it. .

"No matter how powerful the sacred weapon is, it cannot exert its full power in my hands."

"This one is different," Li Yu said. "It has very low requirements for the user. It is not limited by the user's strength, agility, intelligence and physical strength, and it is more powerful than any sacred weapon you have seen before. It’s coming big.”

"Is there such a weapon in this world?" Ilea was startled after hearing this.

"Yes, the name of this sacred weapon is the Hand of Judgment. Anyone who is guilty can be cut off by this gun."

"But the problem is that this is not a gun," the girl gestured with her right hand, "the gun is very long."

"This is not the point. The point is that although the Hand of Judgment has very low requirements for its users, you still need practice if you want to really use it well."

"Practice? But I don't have time anymore. The martial arts competition will start tomorrow. Although I don't have to appear on the first day, I definitely won't be able to escape on the second day."

"It only takes half a day for you to master the basic usage, and when you compete, a Watt servant will accompany you and help you adjust the sacred weapon."

After hearing what Li Yu said, Miss Rabbit finally felt a little relieved and geared up and said, "Then let's start now."

As a result, Li Yu said, "You should rest for a while before dawn and recharge your batteries. When we can leave the city tomorrow, we will practice outside the city. There is a lot of movement in the new sacred weapon. If we practice now, I guess It will attract a lot of attention.”

When the female lord heard this, she immediately showed an "I understand" look.

She had already tasted the benefits of sneak attacks using anti-wolf spray and electronic explosion-proof devices before, and knew the importance of surprise. Especially for a player like her who had no strength and relied solely on Saturday's strength, it was even more necessary to hide. A good trump card.

However, Miss Rabbit still has many doubts in her mind, such as what to do after the first round. By then, the existence of the new sacred weapon must have been known to other players.

Is it possible that Li Yu will give her a fourth or fifth sacred weapon? Then Li Yuzhen became the Holy Artifact Wholesale Department.

In addition, I don’t know how this sacred weapon will fare against the Earth Bear, and whether it will be effective. Ten thousand gold coins is not a small amount, and it also comes with the friendship of the second prince. Ilea was actually a little greedy in her heart.

The girl listened to Li Yu's words and went back to the house to sleep for a while. The next morning, the palace guards came outside the hotel and said that His Majesty the Emperor invited the dragon-slaying knight Ilea to watch the upcoming martial arts competition.

The female lord was actually more anxious to practice how to use the Hand of Judgment at the moment, but she couldn't refuse Edward II's invitation, so she could only walk around the venue first, and then sneak out when she found an opportunity.

Promise me not to make guns...(¨)

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