Working Prophet

Chapter 594 Special Incentive Method

At dawn the next morning, a group of nobles in Solid Stone Castle woke up their men, got dressed, picked up weapons, and gathered in front of an open space in the south.

Ilea had a pre-war meeting last night and was discussing spies with Li Yu. She slept very late and was still bleary-eyed when she was woken up by Thomas.

But hearing that everyone else was almost ready, she also put on the armor with Thomas's help.

The captain of the guard said while fastening the shoulder armor on the female lord, "Lord Ilea, it's time for you to find an attendant."


"You are going into battle more and more often. It is best to have someone to help you put on and take off your armor, maintain your weapons, and take care of your horses. Also, your attendants can kill enemies with you on the battlefield and protect you when necessary."

"Ha, I haven't thought about it much." The female lord waved her arms to feel the fit of the armor to her body, and said to Thomas, "It's a bit tight."

So the guard captain adjusted the length of the belt again.

"Then you can consider it properly now. You are a dragon-slaying hero and the champion of the martial arts tournament. There are many nobles who want to send their sons to serve you. When you return this time, you can choose one or two of your favorites. come out."

"Don't you want to be by my side?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant," Thomas said hurriedly, "I always look forward to fighting side by side with you, but I am your captain of the guard, and I usually have other things to do, so I can't tell your attendants I will always be with you.”

"It doesn't matter." Miss Rabbit said, "I have Merlin."

"But Lord Merlin only comes back every two days, and he also has to deal with the affairs of Shuangxiujiao, so he can't stay with you all the time. The most important thing is that you can build relationships with other noble families in this way. Close relationship."

The captain of the guard paused, "Since you have no plans to marry recently, why not recruit a few promising young people from the families you want to make friends with."

"Well, after hearing what you say, I do need to find an attendant." The female lord touched her chin and said, "Thank you for the reminder, Sir Thomas."

"You're welcome, it's my duty to provide you with advice."

Thomas helped the girl put on her armor and handed over the last helmet.

Miss Rabbit didn't rush to put it on because others wouldn't be able to see her face.

She tucked the helmet under her left arm, then yawned as she walked out of the tent and came to where the army was gathering.

The female lord glanced at the nobles present, and then glanced at the big hand standing aside. Her eyes paused on the latter for a moment, and then quickly moved away and turned to the army in front of her.

Except for the two thousand people brought by Ilea herself who stood relatively neatly, the rest of the people were in no formation and just found a random place to gather together.

Most of them were simply farmers with simple training. Some of them didn't even have any armor on their bodies, and their palms holding simple weapons were covered in sweat.

He looked nervous, like a criminal waiting to be sentenced. .

As the head coach, the female lord felt that she should say something at this time to boost some morale.

So she took two steps forward and cleared her throat, "I am Ilea, the daughter of Blood-Eyed Russ, the owner of the Green Field, the head of the Arias family, the dragon-slaying knight, and the champion of the tournament. Commander-in-Chief."

The female lord reported the increasingly long list of titles, paused and continued.

"Now Marquis Cullen and the 10,000 troops led by him are in danger and are trapped in the mountains ahead. There may be your lords or relatives among them, but don't worry, we will rescue them now!"

Miss Rabbit's pre-war mobilization was concise and to the point. After speaking, she raised her arms and shouted, "Victory belongs to the West!"

"Victory... belongs to... the Western Region!"

There were sparse echoes from the crowd, and most of them were just members of the Arias family cheering for their female lord.

The girl noticed that when she mentioned that Marquis Cullen and the 10,000 troops led by him were in danger, the fear on the faces of the militiamen seemed to become more intense.

The female lord couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

At this moment, a burst of music suddenly came to her ears.

Everyone turned their heads, but no one could find the performer of the song.

It seemed to appear out of thin air, and the instruments used did not seem to be from the Bratis continent, and the melody was exciting.

"It's sacred music, it's sacred music from the Kingdom of God!"

A soldier from Luye reacted first and spoke excitedly. At the same time, he stretched out his left hand and made a praying gesture.

And the people around him immediately woke up and followed suit, giving thumbs up and little thumbs up, so the believers of Shuangxiu Cult raised their hands one after another.

Then someone discovered that there seemed to be an additional figure on the arrow tower not far away.

The Thrush stood at the highest point with a loudspeaker in hand, overlooking the army at his feet, and his heart couldn't help but surge.

He had waited for so long and endured countless looks and criticisms before finally waiting for this day——

It’s a day to rock out!

Before setting off from Luye, Li Yu approached him and asked him to write a war song, saying that it might be useful later. The only requirement was that it must be powerful and arouse the emotions of the audience.

The first thing that Thrush thought of after receiving this task was rock music!

There is nothing more suitable than rock music. It may feel a bit noisy when you listen to it normally, but when you are hesitant and uneasy, this is definitely a powerful medicine.

And what he selected from the music library this time is also a veritable blockbuster.

——The theme song of League of Legends S4, "Warriors", the representative work of Dream Dragon Band, Thrushbird has made some modifications to the lyrics.

The climax of the sentence in the middle was replaced by "We are warriors from the West", and now they sang loudly on the arrow tower.

With the help of the loudspeaker in his hand, his voice resounded throughout the entire rock fortress, bombarding everyone's eardrums.

All the nobles and warriors present were exposed to rock music for the first time. Let alone whether they could understand this exciting music form, the thrush's huge voice that was beyond the scope of human beings shocked everyone.

Not to mention the music that came from nowhere, which gave everyone a deep sense of shock.

And that's not all yet, when the thrush finished singing the last word, everyone saw a fireball suddenly appear in the sky behind him.

The fireball exploded violently and turned into sparks, scattering in all directions.

Then a second fireball rose, and this one was still green.

The aborigines on the Bratis continent had lived for so long, and this was the first time they saw such a magical vision of heaven and earth. For a moment, they were all stunned and lost their minds.

Well, this one is even later.

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