Working Prophet

Chapter 714 New Visitors from Bratis

The figure on the dock has a petite figure and a pair of black wings.

Her wings are not big, but they look full of power and grace.

Crab Point had been in the hands of the Wing Tribe for some time, so the longshoremen on the dock were not scared away when they saw her.

Instead, someone was secretly staring at her.

The uninvited guest was not very old, probably in his teens or twenties, with a pure and sweet face, a firm belly and a pair of toned calves.

And unlike those women on the Bratis continent, she didn't wear much, only a pair of leather armor and a pair of shorts, with all her limbs exposed.

You must know that winter has just passed not long ago, and the oncoming sea breeze still carries a hint of chill.

But the girl looked like she didn't feel the cold at all.

The Wing Warriors stationed at the pier also noticed her at this time, and then a patrol team came to her immediately.

"Lord Lanita, you, why are you here?" The captain of the team couldn't help but be surprised when he recognized the person who came.

"My teacher asked me to come here to see how Solomon's work is going." The girl showed a smile as sweet as her face, with two small dimples appearing at the corners of her mouth.

"Lord Solomon had captured the royal capital two months ago and defeated the 100,000-strong coalition of imperial nobles in White River City. It's a pity that we were left to guard the city and were unable to participate in that glorious battle. ." said the squad leader.

"So Solomon has done a pretty good job, and he has lived up to the support that the wizard will give him." Lanita sniffed, "Who is currently stationed in this city?"

"It's Lord Napoleon."

"Very well, take me to see him, and kill all the land species on the pier."

"Ah?" The team leader was stunned for a moment.

"Many of them have been staring at me just now. I don't mind them admiring my body. Who doesn't like beautiful things? But as a humble terrestrial species, it's okay not to be afraid of the sky species. "

The girl said, "We must let them realize who is the real master of this continent. This is also the decision of the wizards of the Wizarding Association."

After she finished speaking, she asked the patrol team in front of her again, "Why, do you have any opinions?"

"Of course not. The wizards of the Wizarding Association are servants of the mother goddess Gauya, and their words must be carried out." The captain said respectfully.

"Then what are you doing in a daze? Start working. Just one person left will take me to find Nabo. Oh, by the way, where is my brother Sharjah now?" Lanita then asked.

But this time she didn't get an answer.

"Huh, so he's causing trouble again? It doesn't surprise me at all, my father keeps saying that Sharjah is exactly the same as he was when he was young."

"Master Sharjah secretly went to the western border behind Lord Solomon's back to avenge our compatriots who died before." A soldier said.

Lanita laughed lightly when she heard the words, "Revenge? That guy? So he has grown up a bit this time, and he knows how to find excuses for his impulsiveness."

Several Wing Clan warriors did not dare to answer the question. The girl also seemed to feel a little bored, and waved her hand, "Lead the way, I'll ask Nabo myself."

And when she left, a killing on the pier also kicked off.


After contacting Ledio and reconfirming that Solomon's attitude towards the Western Territory has not changed, Li Yu also temporarily put aside the prophecy.

After all, every prediction of [Unpredictable Life Simulator beta version] is not 100% accurate. It is good to use it as a reference, but you do not have to believe in the prediction results.

Besides, Li Yu has already prepared a plan in advance, even if the worst result happens, he will not be helpless.

After that, the prophets of Shuangxiu turned their attention to production and construction.

In the past two months, Greenfield has built many large projects, including mines, steel plants, and gun factories.

The female lord also sent people to Iron Horn City and poached a group of blacksmiths at a high price, preparing them to cooperate with the blacksmiths among the dwarf captives to produce weapons and armor.

In addition, there is another basketball court, a glass court, and several new water conservancy projects on the territory of the Luye Shuangxiu Church...

The essence of the latter is actually similar to the improvement of agricultural tools, which is to further improve farming efficiency and liberate the labor force. This is why many officials in ancient times would focus on water conservancy first when they took office.

On the one hand, this thing can increase food production, which is a real political achievement; on the other hand, it can also prevent floods during the term of office, causing oneself to lose black yarn.

However, the river passing through the territory of the Shuangxiu religion is very small, so there is almost no risk of flooding.

In addition, during this period of time, while Li Yu was expanding his armaments and improving production efficiency, he did not forget to pay close attention to education.

Right now, the Blood Moon Society has collapsed, and the Silver Moon Church is at its weakest in nearly a thousand years, and even the High Priest has not yet been elected.

Of course, Li Yu will not be polite to these competitors. His weekend education has officially entered the expansion stage after accumulation and incubation.

Many Hughes left the green field and embarked on their own missionary journeys.

Up to now, Li Yu has cast out nearly 200 Hughes, and there are not many Hughes left in Shuangxiu Sect.

While Li Yu was working hard to find newcomers, he also opened a church school, intending to standardize the training of priests as much as possible.

However, if there are too many Xiu Shi, there will inevitably be mixed good and bad among them, and some people with evil intentions will mix in and just want to use Shuang Xiu's prestige in the Western Region for their own personal gain. The corresponding tribunals must also be expanded.

In addition, with the current construction speed and project volume of Green Field, the Bureau of Truth has been constantly recruiting people.

Wealth will be equally generous, and the war has affected the sales of some products. However, the few products that Shuangxuejiao currently sells are almost all necessities of life, and they are all of high quality and low price.

Even if the market fluctuates violently, it will be difficult to affect their sales. Mrs. Saffli is still steadily increasing production capacity. On the contrary, many competitors have gone bankrupt.

However, the focus of the travelers at this time is not on these things. What they have been talking about in recent weeks is a term that is somewhat unfamiliar to the natives of Bratis.

-Internet cafe.

Yes, that's right, the first Internet cafe in Luye is about to open. This Internet cafe is only open to time travellers. It is only open for one hour every day, and the Internet fee is extremely expensive.

But even so, the travelers are still excited.

Because that's an Internet cafe! ! !

It is a bridge to another universe. Even if it is only one-way and can only be browsed without replying, it still does not affect the enthusiasm of its potential customers.

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