Working Prophet

Chapter 718 Black Panther in the Toilet

When the tall girl was pushed to the ground, the smile was still on her lips.

But soon the smile turned into panic, screaming, "Quick, get this cat away!!!"

However, her five companions were also frightened at this time. One girl stammered, " did this cat become so big?"

"This is a fart cat, this is obviously a black panther!" A boy with some knowledge of zoology said in a trembling voice. After speaking, he turned his head and ran away, ignoring the tall girl who was still lying on the ground.

The boy took out the posture of a 100-meter sprint, but compared with the black panther, his movements were still too slow. He only took two steps before he was slapped into a compartment by the black panther who came first. inside.

The remaining four people originally wanted to run, but they all stopped when they saw this.

Then a look of despair appeared on his face.

One girl was so frightened that she rolled her eyes and fainted.

The tall girl got up from the ground at this time, but before she could stand up completely, the black panther jumped in front of her again.

He also opened his mouth at her, revealing two rows of sharp teeth, and sprayed a stench on the face of the tall girl, completely stupefying her, crying and talking gibberish.

"Don't, don't eat me, go eat other people, me, I don't eat well."

However, the black panther seemed to have not heard it, but poked its head forward again.

Two sharp teeth had already touched the tall girl's neck, causing the latter's blood to coagulate, and then his legs became cold, and he became incontinent like this.

The five people on the other side were not much better. Those who were photographed in the cubicle simply lay in the urinal and pretended to be dead, and it was not too dirty.

The black panther held the tall girl's neck, and about ten seconds passed.

This is also the longest ten seconds in the tall girl's life. Many thoughts flashed through her mind, and she even recalled her life from kindergarten to now.

Finally weeping and begging, "I was wrong, I will definitely be a good person in the future, accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and save money to buy meat for you."

This time, the panther seemed to understand what the tall girl said, and let go of his mouth.

Then it looked at the other people, except for those who were already unconscious and those who were still pretending to be dead, the others followed suit and fell to their knees on the ground with a plop.

"I, we also buy meat for you, we don't have much meat ourselves, it's not tasty."

The panther turned his gaze to An Yixin who was not far away. Unlike the others, An Yixin's face did not show any fear, but a hint of excitement.

Seeing the black panther looking at her, instead of retreating, she took two steps forward and came to the black panther.

Then he stretched out a hand to touch the black panther's head.

In the eyes of the tall girl and others, this act is no different from suicide.

However, the next moment, a miracle happened. Instead of attacking An Yixin, the black panther lowered its head and let her touch it.

But it was only once, and then it jumped out from the small window behind An Yixin.

Li Yu didn't like being patted on the head very much, and he was still patted by someone younger than himself, but in order to do a full set of tricks and prove the relationship between the black panther and An Yixin, he reluctantly let An Yixin pat him.

After Li Yu jumped out of the window of the women's toilet, he immediately turned into a swallow again and flew outside An Yixin's classroom.

At this time, there were not many people left in the classroom, and most of the students had gone to have lunch.

Zhang Jingyi was still there, chatting and laughing with the two girls.

Li Yu paid special attention to the position of the camera at the door, and flew in from outside the window after confirming that he couldn't take pictures of it.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of the students in the classroom. Li Yu didn't turn the corner, and went straight to Zhang Jingyi.

After falling to the ground, it transformed into a black bear, tore up the exercise book in front of her, then growled at Zhang Jingyi with a sluggish face, and overturned her desk.

The few remaining students screamed and fled the classroom.

Li Yu is also planning to call it a day. This is the first time he has used this ability in actual combat after mastering Transformation.

Although the opponents were just a few kids, Li Yu didn't hold back much.

There is no way, to fight, you must go all out.

There's nothing wrong with being proud and complacent, but this time he seems to have taken it too seriously, and played a little too far, and it's almost time to stop.

But before leaving, Li Yu stretched out another leg and kicked Zhang Jingyi's stool, causing Zhang Jingyi to fall again, and then he turned back into a swallow and returned the same way.

Li Yu flew directly out of the school this time, and flew to the room he had booked in a nearby hotel.

Put on your clothes again, go downstairs to check out, and go back to work.

But the school was in chaos at this time. After Li Yu left the toilet, a group of tall girls immediately escaped and ran to the security guard, shouting that a leopard had entered the school.

A few security guards here have not figured out the situation, and Zhang Jingyi also came on the other side. This time it was even more outrageous. She said that a black bear appeared in the classroom.

However, the security guards called out the surveillance, but saw nothing. They followed them to the scene of the crime and walked around, but they did not see the beasts they mentioned.

The security guard suspected that the children were just playing a prank and making fun of him.

So I went to find the leader of the security department, a middle-aged man with a small belly, who was bald, and the students called him Teacher Wu.

Teacher Wu also felt that it was absurd to hear a few victims talking about their experiences.

But he is a leader after all, and he has seen a lot of strong winds and waves, but his face remains calm, and he also noticed that these students from different grades and classes all mentioned one person.

——An Yixin.

Obviously An Yixin was a key figure, so Teacher Wu also found An Yixin.

Ask the latter, "Are everything they said true?"

An Yixin blinked, "Black panther, what kind of panther, and black bear. These things should all be in the zoo. How come they appear on campus."

Teacher Wu nodded and felt that what An Yixin said made sense.

But he still said, "But those students all firmly believed that they had just seen a leopard and a black bear. Several people were injured by the that toilet."

"Could it be an illusion?"

"Are so many people hallucinating together?" Teacher Wu touched his chin.

"You can look back at the surveillance and you should be able to find out the truth." An Yixin suggested again.

As a result, Zhang Jingyi suddenly said, "Don't look at it. We admit that we lied. There are no leopards or black bears."

Teacher Wu snorted, with an expression on his face that I knew would be like this, "You young people... tsk tsk."

Teacher Wu shook his head as he spoke, "This is not the way to find excitement. Let everyone write a review, at least a thousand words, so that I can believe that you have realized your mistakes. Give it to me before school."

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