Working Prophet

Chapter 730 Destined Destiny

Ferdinand followed the advice of the female lord and stayed one more night in Teacup Castle, and met Li Yu who appeared in Bratis on time.

"Prophet Merlin." This was the first time for the head of the Bathory family to witness the arrival of Li Yu.

There were only two people in Miss Rabbit's study one moment, but the next moment there was another black figure.

Even though he was as strong-minded as Ferdinand, he was shocked when he saw this magical scene, but he quickly came to his senses and saluted Li Yu.

And when the dizziness passed, the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult could clearly see the appearance of the man in front of him.

"Oh, it's Ferdinand, do you want to see me for something?"

"Yes, Lord Prophet, I would like to ask you if there is any way to save Lord Hells? He has been captured by those Wing Clan people." Su Rong, the head of the Bathory family, said.

"Hels?" Li Yu raised his eyebrows, looked at Ferdinand and understood immediately.

"Are you going to save him?"

"A vassal cannot abandon his lord at any time." The head of the Bathory family said sternly, "This is the code of knights."

Li Yu knew his character, so he didn't try to persuade him. He just said, "Then you can imitate it."


"You are not planning to save people. You can use the new holy weapon to predict the results of your actions."

As Li Yu spoke, he asked someone to go back and help him get the life simulator back.

Instructing Ferdinand to operate on it, Li Yu asked him to input for 5 months considering that it might be difficult for him on the road this time.

After watching the first month, Li Yu said, "You don't need to go."


"Hels can't die."

Ferdinand couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, "Did someone else save him?"

"No, he surrendered." Li Yu said calmly.

Ferdinand was immediately stunned.

"It's not entirely his fault," Li Yu said, "Solomon didn't give him any other choice. In the eyes of Hells, or most nobles on this continent, the Vespasian family was doomed.

"Either we are buried together, or we have to change our stance. It seems that Hulls has chosen the latter."

Ferdinand was silent after hearing this, "I... It's not that I don't believe in the predictions of the holy weapon, but I still want to see Lord Hells's choice with my own eyes."

"You will die there." Li Yu glanced at the simulation results behind him and said.

"Even if you die at the hands of those Wing Clan members..."

"No, it was not the Wing Tribe people who killed you, but Hells. Of course, you can also put the blame on those Wing Tribe people, because Hells killed you just to show his loyalty to the Wing Tribe people. .

"He is still dreaming of returning to the Western Realm and continuing to be the Lord of the Western Realm... The above is the prediction of the Holy Artifact, and it may not be completely accurate."

Ferdinand seemed relieved to hear the last sentence.

Li Yu knew what he was going to say and shook his head, "Although fate is unpredictable, the Holy Artifact has warned you that if you insist on going your own way, you will eventually step into the river of fate."

Seeing that Ferdinand was still hesitating, Li Yu said, "Okay, let me ask you a question."

"If Hells truly betrays his lord, will you continue to serve him?"

Ferdinand fell into silence again. This time he thought for a long time before speaking.

"No matter what, he is my monarch, Prophet Merlin. You saved me once in the royal capital. I said that I would follow your guidance unconditionally, but I also have my own insistence on this matter."

"Loyalty is a double-edged sword." Li Yu sighed, "Then go ahead and do what you should do."

A trace of gratitude flashed in Ferdinand's eyes, "I plan to take twenty elites on the road. The lords of the Golden Valley are fighting those dwarves. If there are more people, it will be easy to be exposed. Then they may be like Lord Hells. They are also stuck in the middle of the road."


Miss Rabbit on the side couldn't sit still when she heard this. She couldn't bear to see her friend and important ally of her family die like this.

"Ferdinand, you idiot, you heard what the holy weapon said. You treat Hells as a vassal, but that guy doesn't treat you as a vassal."

"I have to confirm this myself." The young lord said.

The female lord was so angry at him that she looked at Li Yu on the side again, wanting to ask the latter for help, but Li Yu turned his head to the other side this time.

Ferdinand continued, "After I leave, I will ask Ilea to take care of my territory for me.

"I will tell several of my vassals to temporarily obey your orders, and I will also give you the remaining guards and militia for you to command.

"If I die, please call my cousin back and make him the new head of the Bathory family."

Miss Rabbit held her forehead, "I know how you died. You must be stupid. Forget it, go ahead and kill yourself. I won't stop you."

Ferdinand nodded slightly, saluted Li Yu again, then turned and left the study, disappearing into the night with firm steps.

The girl looked at his back and couldn't resist the strong urge to send someone to knock him out secretly.

"You don't have to worry about him." Li Yu finally said.

"Although I have many friends now, most of them are close to me because of the rise of the Arias family. Only Ferdinand will stand by my side at all times."

"Because our ancestors made a covenant, that rigid guy valued this very much, but I didn't expect that he would die because of it."

"He won't die." Li Yu said, "I just said it casually."

"Ah?" Miss Rabbit opened her mouth wide.

"The prediction result of the simulator is that there is more than 70% probability that he will turn back halfway."

"But this doesn't sound like Ferdinand's style at all. That guy is really willing to give up his life for honor."

"But there are some things he can't let go of."

"What?" the female lord asked curiously.

"Friendship, and oaths." Li Yu replied, "He wanted to go to Lionheart Castle because of his oath, and he also wanted to return to the West because of another oath.

You said that the ancestors of your two families had made an ancient covenant, so when he learned that you were in danger, of course he would turn back.

"But I definitely can't tell him that, otherwise he will suspect that I am looking for an excuse to keep him here." Li Yu explained.

"You mean Ferdinand will come back for me?" The female lord just breathed a sigh of relief and realized something was wrong. "Wait a minute, did you just say that I would be in danger?"

"The war is coming." Li Yu raised his head and glanced out the window. It was pitch dark. "But it doesn't matter. No matter how many enemies there are, I will help you defeat them."

The prophet of Shuangxiujiao spoke firmly.

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