Working Prophet

Chapter 737 Meeting

When Harvin heard that Ilea wanted to meet the commander of the coalition forces, his head immediately began to hurt.

This time, it was the lords of the Western Territory who took the blame first. Under the pressure of the Wing Clan people, they had to go to war with the Arias family. Harvin felt that he had no face to face the female lord.

He would rather everyone say nothing and just start fighting when they meet.

But according to the tradition of the Western Region, the coaches of both sides will have a meeting before the war begins, usually to make a final effort.

See if there is a way to reach consensus and avoid bloodshed through negotiation.

However, Halvin did not start this war, and he did not have the power to end it.

So there is nothing to talk about even if you negotiate.

However, adhering to the etiquette of the nobles, Harvin finally agreed to Ilea's request for a meeting.

The place where the two met was on a hillside, not far from the coalition camp. The hillside had a wide view and there were almost no obstructions nearby, so there was no possibility of an ambush in advance.

Not far down the hillside is a forest. Obviously Ilea is also wary of the white dragon. Once the dragon appears, the female lord can find it immediately and rush into the woods to hide.

Overall, it was a satisfying meeting place for both parties.

According to tradition, Harvin and Ilea each brought three attendants to this meeting.

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces saw the fluttering rabbit flag on the top of the slope from a distance. He looked at the empty place behind him and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Because this time the lords of the Western Region united together, but they were not fighting for the Figuerola family.

The Wing Tribe is different from the natives on the Bratis continent. They adopt an organizational structure similar to that of ancient tribes. Although there are also families within the tribe, they are not too prominent and do not have special flags or family crests. chapter.

As for the Bolas family behind Harwin, he is just a small nobleman, and he does not want to fly the flag of his own family. It seems that this is a war between the Bolas family and the Arias family.

In the end, the coalition coach could only pretend to have forgotten the matter and just came over.

After he climbed the hillside, he saw the female lord who was already waiting there.

The strong wind blew the cloak behind the girl's back.

Fortunately, there was no figure in black clothes beside her, which made Harvin feel a little relieved.

After all, as a noble in the Western Region, I have heard too many legendary stories about the Shuangxiu Sect and its prophet.

Harvin was even worried that his trip would never come back, but he also felt that Ilea had no reason to attack him. Although he was now the commander of the coalition forces, without him there would be almost no impact on the next war. Influence.

Thinking of this, Harvin didn't even know whether to feel lucky or helpless.

Harvin stopped about ten steps in front of the female lord.

Although his stature is not very tall, he is definitely not short, let alone compared with women.

However, because the war horse under his crotch was almost half the size of the girl's war horse, it made him look half lower than his opponent.

At this time, Harvin remembered that the extremely powerful war horse under the female lord's crotch seemed to have been given to her by the former emperor of the empire, Edward II.

However, Edward II was poisoned to death a few days later. The murderer has not been found yet, and the Vespasian family seems to be finished. Now it is the turn of the Arias family. It can only be said that things are unpredictable.

Harvin wanted to introduce himself first, but Ilea didn't expect that Ilea had already spoken first, "Sir Harvin."

Harvin was startled. He didn't expect that the other person could call his name.

Bolas was just a small family in the Western Region. When he first became the commander-in-chief of the coalition, many nobles did not know his name and had never heard of his surname.

Moreover, he only made some adjustments before immediately leading his troops to the green field. Logically speaking, the news should not have reached here yet.

Seemingly seeing what he was thinking, Ilea added, "It seems that you don't understand my Lord's power. You already know everything on Saturday."

"Really? Does it know that the Arias family is in danger?" Harvin asked.

The female lord was calm and glanced at the military camp not far away, "Is it just you and the 30,000 people down the hillside?"

"My military strength is several times that of yours."

"Wars are not fought solely based on the strength of the troops." said a person next to the girl.

"Who are you……"

Harvin had noticed the follower following the female lord early on. He was very impressive and well-mannered. His waist was still straight on horseback, and it could be seen from the calluses on his hands that he should be a useful person. Master of the sword.

Halvin had heard that there was a young knight named Thomas next to the girl. He was very skilled in martial arts, but his age was a little inappropriate, because the man in front of him was obviously older, and his eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life.

Generally, only people who have experienced major changes in their lives will have such eyes.

"I am Duren, Sir Ilea's military advisor." The man answered.

"Duren, why does this name sound familiar?" Harvin frowned, "Which family do you come from?"


"Betak? The Betak family that produced a total of four captains of the Royal Guards?"

Harwin was startled, "Wait a minute, you just said your name is Du Lun, so don't you belong to the late emperor... This is impossible, didn't you already die in the royal capital?!"

After Li Yu rescued Du Lun, he originally planned to let him hide his name and live under a different identity, so that he would not implicate the family behind him.

However, now that Garth is dead, no one will pursue the previous grudge between him and Du Lun.

So after much thought, Du Lun decided to restore his original name and surname.

"I said you know nothing about my Lord's power." Miss Rabbit said leisurely.

This time, Harvin could no longer refute this sentence. Although he was somewhat capable of leading troops in battle, otherwise he would not have won over others and became the commander-in-chief of this coalition.

However, the man standing in front of him now was the former captain of the imperial guard. He commanded all the imperial guards and was responsible for protecting the safety of His Majesty the Emperor. He was one of the most famous generals in the empire.

With him advising beside Ilea, it is almost impossible for the female lord to make mistakes, and the next battle will probably be even more difficult to fight.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the person in front of him is not Duren, but Ilea is just showing it to scare him, so that he will be restrained when commanding the army later.

Harvin knew that now was not the time to be suspicious, so he stopped thinking about the authenticity of Du Lun's identity and said instead.

"Lady Ilea, you probably didn't call me here this time just to show off Saturday's power."

He continued without waiting for the female lord to speak, "If you want to talk to me about the armistice, then I advise you not to waste your time, because you must also know very well that we did not initiate this war."

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