Working Prophet

Chapter 747 Are you that kind of person too?

The words of the female lord awakened many people.

The Silver Moon Church has been experiencing a lot of disasters during this period. In just two years, its top leaders have died twice, and the only high priest still alive is Quintus.

But Quintus put down his burden and went directly to become Merlin's student.

The Silver Moon Church now looks like it is unable to protect itself, and it is obvious that it has no time to protect their believers.

In fact, when the black dragon was raging in the Western Territory, the Silver Moon Church performed somewhat poorly and could be described as helpless. On the other hand, the Shuangxiu Church shined brightly by assisting Ilea in slaying the dragon.

However, at that time, everyone generally felt that the sudden appearance of a dragon was already the limit, and there should be no more in the future.

Moreover, the Western Territory has believed in Pisiya for thousands of years, and the Silver Moon Church is inextricably linked to the families of all sizes in the Western Territory.

Many nobles like to send their daughters or second sons to church studies, hoping that they can become priests in the future.

It can be said that the Silver Moon Church has been completely integrated with the nobles of the Western Region. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to get the families to give up their belief in Pisiya.

Until something changes.

Those Wing tribesmen suddenly invaded the Bratis continent and defeated the extremely powerful Red Lion Empire in just a few months.

Their cruel methods, astonishing fighting power, and the help of giant dragons made the imperial nobles who had been comfortable for a long time once again feel the threat from their survival.

At this time, the connection with the Silver Moon Church was no longer important. They really needed Saturday's shelter more.

The white dragon under Ilea and Merlin is the best proof.

The only problem now is that once you join Shuangxiujiao, it means you will be completely enemies with those Yi tribesmen. Now that the situation in the mainland has become increasingly clear, and when the victory of those Wing tribesmen seems to be determined, this may not be a Wise choice.

Fortunately, Miss Rabbit did not force everyone to make a choice immediately, she just said.

"In half a month, those who are willing to stand up and resist can come to Green Field. Then we will discuss together how to deal with the Wing Tribe and their lackeys."

After saying that, the girl ignored the nobles present and sat on the dragon's back again. Li Yu patted the white dragon's neck.

The latter let out an angry roar, then kicked off his legs suddenly and flew into the sky. His wings stirred up huge waves of air, blowing those who were close to him and staggering around.

Harvin and others had to help each other to avoid falling.

And when the girl and the prophet who had retired from teaching left, everyone felt as if they had been in a dream.

Miss Rabbit was not in a hurry to return to the green field, but begged Li Yu to go for a ride elsewhere. She also wanted to ride the White Queen for a while longer.

Li Yu did not refuse, so the girl excitedly directed the white dragon to fly eastward.

No matter when and where, flying is probably one of the innate desires of human beings, especially for Miss Rabbit who has never flown in a plane or a hot air balloon.

This was the first time in her life that she had the opportunity to leave the ground and appreciate the place where she lived from another perspective.

Seeing the familiar objects and scenery shrinking beneath her feet, the girl's heartbeat began to accelerate.

She let the white dragon keep going up until it plunged into the clouds. Miss Rabbit stretched out a hand, wanting to touch the soft-looking clouds beside her.

As a result, she was so excited that her body tilted and almost slipped off the dragon's back. Fortunately, Li Yu behind him took action in time and held her in his arms, preventing the latter from being hung upside down by the safety belt. tragedy.

Li Yu himself felt nothing. After all, the girl was still wearing full armor at the moment. Li Yu felt cold where he touched it.

Miss Rabbit, on the other hand, was so excited that she instinctively shrank as if she had been electrocuted. As a result, she almost fell from the other side again.

Li Yu had no choice but to remind him, "Sit tight and don't move around."

The girl nodded quickly, "Yeah, yeah."

This time she didn't run away anymore, but moved closer to Li Yu. Even though Li Yu had loosened the hand holding someone at this time, she still felt a big iron lump pressing against him. It sticks to itself, and sticks tighter and tighter.

After a while, it started to sway around.

"Are you okay?" asked the prophet of Shuangxiu.

"It's okay, just a little dizzy." Miss Rabbit gasped.

"We may have flown too high, let's lower the altitude a little." Li Yu said.

"No," the girl shook her head and said, "It took a long time to get up here. I want to stay up here for a while longer."

"But your body is already responding."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you hold me like before." Miss Rabbit said clearly.

But Li Yu didn't refuse, and put his arms around the girl's waist again.

Miss Rabbit immediately beamed with joy, and the two of them followed the white dragon through the clouds and came above the sea of ​​clouds. The world seemed to quiet down for a moment.

The girl was deeply shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of her, and it took a long time before she sniffed again and said.

"Hey, Merlin, if we keep flying up, can we reach the Kingdom of God on Saturday?"

"No." Li Yu said, "The Kingdom of God on Saturday is not above the mainland."

"What else is up there?"

"The galaxy in the universe, but we can't go there yet with our current technology."

"What about those Wing Clan people?"

"They can't either because there's no oxygen up there."

"What's oxygen?"

"A component in the air that we breathe every day to inhale oxygen." Li Yu said.

"You know so much." Miss Rabbit said sincerely, "It feels like there is nothing in this world that you don't know. Unlike me, we have been together for so long, but I only know a little about you, and I don't even know Your real name."

The girl was a little discouraged when she said this.

"What do you want to know about me?" Li Yu asked.

"Let's start with the name. The name Merlin was just a random thing I made up when we first met."

"Well, my name is Li Yu."

"Li Yu." Miss Rabbit repeated it softly, remembering the name firmly, and then asked, "What about the last name?"


"Li Yuli?"

"No, Li is my surname. My name only has the character Yu. This is our tradition there." Li Yu explained.

"This is really a weird tradition, but your real name is quite nice." The girl said, "Mei... Li Yu, was it the same when you were in the Kingdom of God?"

"What? You should call me Merlin, I'm used to it."

"Well, you are so unsmiling that people can't tell what you are thinking about at ordinary times. I heard that there are people who lack certain emotions when they are born. Are you like that?"

"No, I just work too much." Li Yu said calmly.

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