Working Prophet

Chapter 838 Rules

Xu Mengyuan's voice continued, "I know that you have a lot of confusion in your heart right now, which is also human nature, but one thing is for sure, what you are doing is undoubtedly beneficial to mankind.

"The board of directors has also carefully considered the cheating device for you, and it is not a whim. Although this may destroy part of the game experience, believe me, it is all worth it."

"I'm just a migrant worker. I don't want to get into any trouble." Li Yu said.

"It's understandable." Xu Mengyuan said, "Let's do this. I'll apply to double your salary and bonus."

"It's not about the money. I need to know why the company is doing this."

"As I said, this is the decision of the board of directors." Xu Mengyuan's voice on the other end of the phone was helpless, "It's just a personal matter."

"Where is Director Taylor now?" Li Yu asked.

"This... I have no right to disclose it."

"Mr. Qin can also do it, or Miss Windsor, Bernard, Sergey, I want to meet any director of the company."

"Sorry, according to the company's regulations, I can't tell you where they are, and even if you find them, they won't tell you anything, because the time hasn't come yet."

"How long will it take for the time to arrive? Do you want to wait until the countdown behind the front desk ends?"

"It won't take that long. In two or three months at most, you should know all the truth."

Xu Mengyuan said, "So you don't have to worry now..." Before she could finish her words, a beeping sound came from the other side.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yu got dressed and returned to the industrial park. He went to the parking space to start the car, and then drove towards Hongye Villa.

Last year's annual meeting was held there. If Li Yu remembered correctly, the manor should be a property under Mr. Qin's name.

However, it was almost the peak time for get off work at this time. Li Yu was stuck on the road for a while, and it was already 9:30 in the evening when he arrived outside Hongye Villa.

After Li Yu explained his identity and purpose of visit, the bodyguard responsible for guarding the door said, "Mr. Li, you came at the wrong time. Mr. Qin is not in the villa now."

"Then do you know where he is now?"

The bodyguard repeated expressionlessly, "Mr. Li, you came at the wrong time. Mr. Qin is not in the villa now."

Li Yu realized that the burly bodyguard in front of him was probably a demon doll, just like the waiter who was stabbed by a flying knife at the previous annual meeting.

He was obviously not a good person to ask.

So Li Yu said, "When Mr. Qin comes back, remember to tell him that I want to talk to him."

The bodyguard nodded, "Okay, I will pass your message on to Mr. Qin."

Li Yu then drove down the mountain again, but he only drove halfway, and when the bodyguards could no longer see him, he stopped the BMW on the side of the road.

Li Yu opened the car door, his clothes shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, a sparrow flew out from under it, spread its wings, and flew towards the Red Leaf Villa.

Li Yu doesn't really believe that Mr. Qin is not at home, because according to Xu Mengyuan, those directors just had a meeting together today, and they are still discussing matters related to him. Among the five, at least Mr. Qin is still in City B. Very big.

So he decided to go to Hongye Villa to take a look in person.

The sparrow flew over the heads of those bodyguards, they really didn't know anything, they were still guarding the gate of the villa dutifully.

Li Yu flew straight to the villa where the banquet was held before, the magnificent hall is empty now, only the sound of gurgling water.

Li Yu took a look and flew to the second floor, but most of the rooms there had their windows closed and the curtains drawn, so Li Yu couldn't see anything outside.

He flew to the only room with an open window, and when he landed on the windowsill, he had turned into a Persian cat again.

At this time, a voice came from the room, "Transfiguration, a very practical godhead sequence, it seems that you have already mastered its use method proficiently."

The Persian cat blinked its blue eyes, looking innocent.

"I knew you would come when I received a call from Xiao Xu. Now that you are here, come in and have a cup of tea with me."

The Persian cat was not polite when he heard the words, and just jumped from the window sill to the ground.

Then he walked to the wooden table, where Mr. Qin was making tea in his pajamas, and he pointed to a huanghuali seat beside him.

There was also a set of clean clothes on top.

Li Yu lifted the transfiguration, got dressed, sat down opposite Mr. Qin, and was about to speak.

But Mr. Qin said, "Don't worry, let's try the new tea first."

After saying that, he made a cup of Lu'an melon slices for Li Yu.

Li Yu thanked him but didn't drink the tea after taking it.

Mr. Qin didn't urge him, but just said, "I know why you came, but unfortunately I can't answer your question."


"Because the time has not come yet."

Mr. Qin said, "Doing things is the same as making tea. You must pay attention to timing. If the timing is wrong, even the best tea will be difficult to make delicious."

"Then who will decide whether the time is up or not, the board of directors?" Li Yu asked rhetorically.

Mr. Qin nodded.

"Is it Taylor, because I offended her in Neverland? Didn't you want to kill the sperm whale?"

Mr. Qin shook his head, "Taylor is very optimistic about you, so she will take the initiative to contact you. She also applied for the increase in the catalog and reimbursement amount for you.

"But after getting to know you, she thinks that you are not...mature enough, so we decided to give you some more time. Of course, the early preparations will not be affected, and we can proceed together."

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"You are good at what you have been doing for a long time, spreading faith in another world and gaining followers."

"Then what?"

"You'll know then."

"What if I have to know now?"

Mr. Qin smiled when he heard the words, "I know you have activated many godhead sequences, and you also have the legendary [Reborn], but when facing an opponent you don't understand, I advise you not to do it lightly."

"I don't want to do anything." Li Yu said, "Can I borrow your phone?"

"Please go ahead." Mr. Qin handed his mobile phone to Li Yu, and unlocked it for him very considerately, "If you plan to call the police, I advise you not to waste your effort. No police will come back to me From the Villa.”

"I didn't want to call the police." Li Yu took the phone and entered a series of numbers, "Hey, is this the PR department? I want to use up an employee's wish to find out what the board of directors is hiding from me."

Mr. Qin was stunned when he heard the words, and he said after a while, "You know we are the directors of the company, right? The five of us manage the company together, including the public relations department of course."

"I know, but Tyler once told me that rules are rules, and even the directors can't break them."

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