Working Prophet

Chapter 850 Divine Right of Kings

"Well..." Miss Rabbit seemed a little hesitant, but after a moment she continued, "I think the lords and even the emperor have too much power."

"Huh?" Li Yu originally thought that Ilea would say that if she became the master of the Golden Valley, the tragedy at Ganlin Castle would not have happened. Unexpectedly, the girl actually thought further.

Miss Rabbit said, "Many lords have complained to me before, saying that there are too many disciplines on double holidays. Those peasants who enjoy double holidays can forget it. Even serfs have to take five days off and two days off, and they also have to do hard labor. obey.

"But I have been to many places during this period and found that people's lives there are generally better than before. Under the supervision of the referees of the tribunal, the nobles no longer dare to exploit the people below as unscrupulously as before."

"If the cavalry of the Black Dog Guards can reach Ganlin Castle, I believe Badur will not dare to act recklessly again."

Du Lun on the side also said, "I have heard some similar rumors in Lionheart Castle before. Some lords will kill their subjects."

"But according to the laws of the empire, even His Majesty the Emperor has a hard time intervening in this kind of thing. Basically, as long as those vassals are loyal to their lord and pay taxes on time, they can do whatever they want in their territory. "

The girl seemed to have thought a lot this year. She continued, "I have also met many good lords. They are very concerned about the people below. Knowing that their houses and farmland were destroyed in the war, they gave them to them for free. They got a batch of seeds and exempted most of the land rent.

"But after their death, no one can guarantee that their successors will be as kind as them. The ancestors of the Rodriguez family were also deeply loved by the people of Ganlin Castle, but when they arrived in Batur No more."

"If the Arias family continues long enough, maybe there will be such a bastard among my descendants."

"So I think the world needs Shuangxiujiao, and our nobles also need to accept the supervision and restraint of Shuangxiujiao."

Ilea couldn't help but feel a little troubled when she said this, "But both Allister and Conley have faith. If they win the final victory, they will definitely find ways to limit the development of Shuangxiujiao.

"Claudio is left, will he want to convert to Saturday? I heard that there are some unbelievers in the Second Sons League. They are very wary of the power of religion, but if we help Claudio obtain the Golden Valley, maybe he will Be willing to sit down and talk to us.”

Li Yu was noncommittal, "Actually, we have better choices."

"Better choice? Who?"

"You." The prophet of Shuangxiu Cult looked into the girl's eyes and said.

Miss Rabbit was stunned and said subconsciously, "But I...I don't have the legality to rule this continent."

The continent of Bratis, much like medieval Europe, places great importance on blood. Compared to the truly famous Arias family, the history of the Arias family is very short, and apart from Ilea, there are no celebrities.

Therefore, in the eyes of those real nobles, Miss Rabbit is more like a lucky upstart, and it is very difficult for them to surrender to such a person.

It was at a special time for Ilea that the Western Territory was invaded by the Wing tribesmen, and the Figuerola family, the original owners of the Western Territory, announced that they had given up their ownership of this land.

Miss Rabbit stepped forward and drove away the invaders, so the nobles of the West accepted her as the new Lord of the West.

But people outside are not so easy to talk to. Even Ilea's identity as the "Lord of the West" is a question mark in their eyes.

The Figuerola family has ruled the Western Region for nearly a thousand years, and the twelve nobles at the top of the empire's power have very close ties with each other.

Many great nobles sympathized with the Figuerola family's plight, but the situation in Bratis Continent was still unclear, and the Western Territory was relatively far away, so no one said anything.

But the future is hard to say.

In fact, the girl has heard some rumors recently, saying that as a vassal of the Figuerola family, she drove away her lord.

Some people also fabricated lies, saying that it was because of her unfavorable rescue that led to the death of Marquis Cullen, and that it was from then on that she had the idea of ​​replacing the Figuerola family.

Miss Rabbit asked Ivan to investigate the source of these rumors and caught some of the people spreading the rumors. However, these rumors had spread and the impact caused was irreversible.

Fortunately, after driving away those Wing Tribe people, Ilea has been busy promoting Shuangxiujiao's new farm tools and farming methods, while at the same time wiping out bandits and restoring production.

Her efforts were noticed by most people in the Western Region, so she didn't cause any trouble.

But the female lord feels that it will take at least dozens or hundreds of years before the people in this land will truly recognize her, let alone other places outside the Western Region.

She is completely inferior to Allister and Claudio, who are from the Vespasian family.

"Legal principles are not a problem." Li Yu said, "As long as you are willing, I can grant you the legitimacy to rule this continent."

"How to do this?" the girl asked in surprise.

Li Yu gently uttered four words, "The power of kings is granted by God."

People on the continent of Bratis have an innate fascination with bloodline, but in addition to bloodline, the legitimacy of power can also come from religion.

This political theory was once popular in different countries in another dimension.

Combining secular monarchy with religious theocracy can greatly consolidate the legitimacy of monarchy.

Of course, the cost of doing so is not small. Since the total amount of power remains unchanged, after the introduction of divine power, the monarch's power will inevitably be affected, and once the legitimacy of the throne is left to the gods to decide.

This means that divine authority will override the authority of the king, and a strong sect leader may even have the power to depose the king.

A typical example can be considered the story of Gregory VII and Henry IV.

Henry IV, the Holy Roman Emperor, was dissatisfied with the growing power of the church and took the lead in provoking Pope Gregory VII, claiming that the latter was a fake believer and wanted to expel him from the church.

As a result, Gregory VII was angered and he excommunicated Henry IV first, depriving him of the legitimacy of his rule. The German princes, who had long been dissatisfied with Henry IV, took the opportunity to revolt and clamored to support a new emperor.

In the end, Henry IV could only go to see Gregory VII. He took his wife and son and stood barefoot in the snow for three days and three nights before he was received by Gregory VII.

Henry IV fell to his knees, kissed the toes of Gregory VII's shoes, and begged the latter's forgiveness.

Although Henry IV later took revenge, the impact of the introduction of divine power on monarchy was also obvious.

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