Working Prophet

Chapter 856 The troops are divided into two groups

This combat meeting was held in the city lord's palace in Yanxue City.

In addition to Lilania, his wife and Ilea, there were also many lords from the Western Region and the Golden Valley.

The guys didn't expect the girl to move so quickly. As soon as the front foot completed the crowning, the back foot immediately began to prepare for the battle.

However, after a year of recuperation, order in the Western Territory has now been restored, and there was a bumper harvest last year. At least the food and grass needed for the war is no longer a problem.

In addition to the rewards given by the Shuangxiujiao and the Arias family, the Campbell family also promised to pay another 600,000 gold lions to the lords who participated in the war if they could recover the Golden Valley.

However, Pipo and Lilania can't afford this money now, and they need to pay it in five years. But with the wealth of the Golden Valley, it shouldn't be a problem for them to fulfill their promise.

Therefore, although they were out fighting this time, the enthusiasm of the lords of the Western Territory was still quite high, especially those who had been robbed by the Wing Tribe before.

Although Ilea later recovered most of the property, except for those who joined the resistance early in the morning and fought alongside Miss Rabbit, no one else had the shame to ask the girl for it back.

Nowadays, everyone is generally short of money, and war is the fastest way to get money.

Pipo first introduced the current situation to everyone. After a year of hard work, the Campbell family has recovered nearly one-third of the land in the Golden Valley.

The situation in the remaining land is more complicated. There are new aristocrats who support Conley, old aristocrats who support Lirania's uncle, the Black Hand Edela, and others who are still waiting and watching.

And recently I heard that the Second Son Alliance also sent a mission to lobby around the Golden Valley to win over the lords. The price they offered was also very high.

After Pipo finished speaking, Lilania took over her husband's words and pointed to the fortress called Berry Castle in the middle of the map.

"Our people have been besieging this place for the past month. This castle belongs to the Marsson family. They were originally vassals of the Campbell family, but my uncle found them first. The current head of the Marsson family is Haledre. gram.

"He is two hundred and sixty years old this year. He was my uncle's military teacher before and they have always maintained a close relationship.

"Drake is also a famous marshal in the Golden Valley. Although he doesn't want to admit it, Drake did teach us a good lesson with Berry Castle. We have five times the number of people as Drake, but we still managed to do it even though we put in a lot of effort. Can’t take that castle.”

"And if we can't take Berry Castle, we won't be able to continue fighting eastward, otherwise Drake may lead people to sneak attack our rear at any time."

Ilea and others also stood at the table, looking at the big map in front of them.

At this time, Duren pointed to another town called Tongmen north of Berry Castle and said, "Who does this belong to?"

“The Philwood family, they haven’t made a statement yet on who they want to support, and it seems they plan to continue to wait and see.

“When we besieged Berry Castle before, we had been paying attention to the movements in Tongmen City, because the two places are very close to each other, less than half a day’s journey away.

"But the Philwood family has always been very honest. They didn't even send many spies. They made it clear that they didn't want to get involved." Lilania said.

"But if they knew that the Queen and her Western Army had also joined the fight for the Golden Valley, would they still be able to sit still?"

Kaiden, who had been quiet before, suddenly spoke.

Duren nodded, "That's what I mean too, so I suggest leaving an additional 3,000 people to pay attention to the Philwood family's reaction."

"Why three thousand people?" Ilea said, "We should have quite a lot of troops on hand now. We can definitely send more people to make it safer."

"Sir Duren probably wants to use these three thousand people to mobilize the Felwood family from Bronze Gate City." Kayden whispered in the girl's ear.

Miss Rabbit was stunned and looked at Du Lun again, "Do you still want to take down Tongmen City too?"

"That's right." Duren admitted, "It's fine if the members of the Philwood family stay in Tongmen City honestly. If they have other ideas, then we will give them to Tongmen City as well. Collect it, and then we can push north along the Long Neck River.”

Ilea thought for a moment and said without finding any problems, "How many people do you think we will send out this time?"

"Fifteen thousand people should be almost enough." Duren said, "You don't need a giant dragon, just fifty Italian cannons, a thousand musketeers, plus the Campbell family's original army, Golden Valley There is no one who can compete with us.”

When they heard that only fifteen thousand people were needed to capture the Golden Valley, instead of being happy, all the lords became a little anxious.

They also hoped that the financial difficulties they encountered could be solved through this war. However, the 15,000 people were much less than they had previously expected, and many people may not be able to go.

Ilea didn't expect the enthusiasm of everyone to be so high. She was relieved but also a little embarrassed at the same time.

Because Du Lun made it very clear before, if there are too many people, fishing will be impossible.

As a result, Kaiden suggested at this time, "I think we can consider dividing our troops into two groups."

The girl's eyes lit up after hearing this. Yes, since there are not enough places in one troop, it would be better to recruit another troop.

Anyway, the flintlocks and Italian cannons she has accumulated now are enough for the two troops, and if the two troops separate, it will not prevent them from continuing to fish, and they can recover the Golden Valley faster.

Miss Rabbit asked Duren, "What do you think?"

Du Lun pondered for a moment and said, "We can divide the troops into two groups, which is safer."

"Okay, let's make it this way. Anyway, we have plenty of food and grass." Ilea agreed, "I will lead an army all by myself, and the rest will be handed over to... well, Sir Ramsay."

I heard that the number of people going on the expedition had doubled, and all the noble lords present were also very happy. Some anxious people had asked their attendants to prepare their horses and prepare to go back to recruit soldiers.

Miss Rabbit then left Ramsay, Duren and others alone to study the marching route of the second unit and the final meeting point.

It wasn't until dusk that the steward Yago knocked on the door to remind the girl that it was time to finish work and rest. Then Ilea walked out of the study and stretched.

Yago coughed slightly and reminded Miss Rabbit to pay attention to etiquette, but Ilea pretended not to hear, hugged Kaiden beside her, and said excitedly.

"What the prophet Merlin said is indeed true."

Kaiden's heart moved when he heard this, "What did the prophet Merlin say?"

"He said you would be a good helper to me and that I could trust you as much as I trusted him."

"Then what?"

"What then, he said these things."

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