Working Prophet

Chapter 859 The war resumes

Kaiden felt a lot more relaxed after completing the simulation, and he had a ride back when he went back.

Ruby's admiration for her reaches its peak after she builds a suspended bridge out of gold coins.

Kaiden almost laughed out loud. Ge Lipeng was right. The physics level in this cosmic plane is so poor that any small experiment can be regarded as a miracle.

On the way back, Kaiden was still thinking about the prediction given by the simulator. It said that she would have a suitor in the fourth month. If Kaiden remembered correctly, the simulator used the word "her" next to the female character.

If nothing else, it should be the little maid named Ruby in front of me.

Kaiden certainly has no interest in this little country girl, but Ruby's identity is indeed something that can be exploited.

She is Ilea's personal maid, and Ilea trusts her very much. If she can subdue Ruby, Ilea's every move will not be hidden from her eyes.

Thinking about it, Kaiden was more gentle towards Ruby, which made the little maid feel a little flattered.


Half a month passed by in a flash, and the army had been assembled in Yanxue City, reaching the fifteen thousand men required by Du Lun.

This was thanks to the radio stations set up in various places by Shuangxiu. After receiving the increased reimbursement from the board of directors, Li Yu purchased another hundred radio stations, as well as supporting chargers and batteries.

Afterwards, they were brought to Bratis in batches. Using these radio stations, he successfully built a communication network that covered the Western Territory.

This allows those lords even in remote locations to keep in touch with Yanxue City.

This time, many noble lords used the radio to issue recruitment orders before returning home, which greatly shortened the mobilization time of the army.

And because the troops had to be divided into two groups, Miss Rabbit went out first after gathering 15,000 men. The remaining army commanded by Ramsay would set off half a month later.

Because Ilea moved quickly enough, the troops she led were almost out of the west, and the news of her becoming king reached the Golden Valley.

All the noble lords in the Golden Valley were shocked.

It has only been a year since the Arias family replaced the Figuerola family as the new owners of the Western Territory.

Moreover, Ilea has not officially announced her ownership of the land. Some people speculate that she may not want to offend Allister and Claudio, or she may feel guilty towards the Figuerra family.

But now it seems they were all wrong.

Ilea didn't want to offend Allister and Claudio. She went directly to the Lord of the West and declared the king, which was equivalent to declaring war on the Vespasian family.

In addition, her relationship with the Wing Tribe people was not very good before, and Conley would definitely not be on her side, so her current actions will undoubtedly worsen her relationship with the other three parties.

"How dare she?" Drake from Berry Castle blurted out after hearing the news.

"Just three years ago, the Arias family was just a small unknown family in the Western Region. How could that girl named Ilea dare to call herself the queen? Claim that she has the right to rule this continent."

"It is said that this is the oracle of Saturday. The gods of Shuangxiu Cult chose her, so those believers call her the Chosen King."

Marvin, Drake's sixteenth son, answered from the side.

"The God's Chosen King?" Drake said disdainfully, "Those Wing Clan people first brought some Sky Mother Goddess, and now that there is an extra Saturday, these foreign swindlers will never stop."

"Saturday is not a liar, Grandpa." said Drake's grandson Joseph, "It sent down divine punishment and defeated those Wing Tribe people. Now everyone in the mainland knows about this matter, and Saturday also comes. It’s earlier than that Gaiya.”

"It doesn't matter, now it's coming towards us, do you have any ideas?" Drake waved his hand.

"We need allies." Marvin said, "Father, you are like a god with your soldiers. You have withstood several fierce attacks of the enemy for Lord Blackhand before, but now there are too many enemies.

"I heard that 20,000 people came from the West this time, plus Madam Lilania's 10,000 people. We alone cannot hold Berry Castle. We have to ask Lord Blackhand for help."

Derek was noncommittal and looked at his grandson, "What about you, if you have anything to say, don't be coy and coy like a girl, just say it freely."

"I... don't think we can stop this attack."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Otherwise, what would we be discussing now?"

Joseph boldly said, "I mean, even if we find reinforcements, we are no match for those from the West."

Derek's face darkened, "You doubt my ability to fight?"

"I have never doubted your military ability, but grandfather, you are at war with the gods. Even Solomon and his invincible Wing Clan army were defeated in the Western Region."

"Then what do you think I should do? When those savage and dirty Westerners appear outside my castle, open my city gate and surrender to that bratty girl? Then you might as well just cut off my head. Hang it on the top of the city."

Derek said coldly, "Don't think that because you are my grandson, I won't kill you. If you dare to surrender in front of me again, you will never see the sun again the next day."

After Drake finished speaking, he said to Marvin, "Send a messenger to ask for help from Lord Blackhand, and also ask someone to prepare horses for me."

"Where are you going, Father?"

"In Copper Gate City, go find the Philwood family. They have been turtles with their heads for so long. If they don't poke their heads out of their turtle shells, they will be stewed in soup."

Drake then glanced at Joseph, who was so frightened that he took two steps back and swallowed.

"You also come with me. Remember, there are no cowards among the men in the Marzon family. When the war breaks out, you will be on the front line."

"Yes, grandfather." The young man said with a trembling voice.

"Let me teach that arrogant girl of the Arias family a lesson she will never forget."

Although Drake is over 270 years old, he does not seem to have the sluggishness of an elderly person at all, and he still walks with great strides.

He arranged everything in a few words, and then walked to the stable with his grandson.

Taking advantage of the precious time before Ilea and her army arrived at Berry Castle, the grandfather and grandson not only went to Copper Gate City to visit their old neighbors, the Felwood family, but also searched for the surrounding lords.

Convince them to send troops to defend against the threat from the west.

Drake was not only an outstanding commander, but his oratory ability was obviously underestimated by the world. In just a few words, he clearly described the series of disaster consequences that might occur after the fall of Berry Castle, which made the other lords feel terrified. The feeling comes.

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