Working Prophet

Chapter 873 Nightmare and Rebirth

Robertson felt like he was having a nightmare.

In the dream, he was driving his Koenigsegg on the highway, while the Victoria's Secret model in the passenger seat was bent over, trying to find some fun in the boring journey.

Robertson held the steering wheel with one hand, and his other hand became restless.

Seeing his interest, the Victoria's Secret model simply sat on it. However, while moving, one of her arms hit the steering wheel, causing Koenigsegg to deviate from its original lane.

Robertson's eyes were focused on the model at the moment, and he had no time to care about where the car was going, so tragedy happened the next moment, and they collided head-on with a Ford that was traveling normally.

The two adults in the front seat of the Ford died on the spot. The model's body directly smashed into the front windshield and fell out. Her brains were knocked out and she was no longer breathing.

The airbag saved Robertson's life, but he suffered multiple fractures and was unable to move a little finger.

The fire quickly ignited, engulfing the three children in the Ford along with Robertson.

Fortunately, a fire truck drove up by the roadside at this time. The firefighters on the truck dragged out the four trapped people despite the danger of raging fire and explosions, and sent them to the nearest hospital.

Robertson was then transferred to a top private hospital for expert consultation.

However, even after assembling the most luxurious medical team in Great Britain, Robertson was still unable to recover and could only barely maintain his life through medical equipment.

As for the three children in the back seat of the Ford, they died one after another because their injuries were too serious and rescue efforts failed.

Although Robertson was still alive, he felt he might as well be dead.

He is now paralyzed all over, with few patches of skin on his body still intact, and he is tortured by illness all the time.

Just when he was about to give up hope, his mother Sloan came to the hospital.

After learning about her son's current condition, she acted unexpectedly calm and asked the doctors and nurses to leave the ward first.

Then Sloan told his son that what they were in now was actually a replica universe constructed by code and magic.

When Robertson heard this, his originally despairing pupils showed a look of surprise again, but then he heard his mother continue.

Although this is not the real world, it is no different from the real world. No matter injury or death, it is irreversible. Those codes that can carry the soul and have the ability of equivalent exchange like alchemy cannot be modified by anyone.

When Robertson heard this, his whole body felt as if he was struck by lightning.

But what Sloan said later rekindled his hope. Sloan told him that the real world had been destroyed by extreme cold, but luckily mankind had predicted the end of the world in advance.

Governments from various countries have joined together and established this replica universe through the Xingtian Project so that humans can get a temporary shelter after disaster strikes.

Later, the Third Age, which was originally just a theological research institution, was reorganized into a company, shouldering the important task of finding a new home and leader.

"It's time to leave here." Sloan said to Robertson. "This planet is finished. Although it has not yet reached the conditions for large-scale immigration, we can already send a few people there in advance."

"Given your current physical condition, I think you can take the first step." Sloan looked lovingly at his son on the hospital bed.

"Your father and I paid a lot of money to get this quota, and our country lost three thousand tickets. I was dealing with this matter before I came late.

"It's not easy to satisfy all parties, but it's all worth it. It's just that you have to take care of yourself in another world."

"Your father and I can't spare the time to go there to accompany you for the time being, so as not to cause any trouble, we can wait until we get there to talk about anything else."

After Sloan finished his instructions, he called the nurse and doctor back.

Robertson was digesting what his mother had just said. At first, he suspected that his mother was just comforting him.

But Sloan looked serious throughout, and just recently she made a phone call to help a rival party push a bill she had been opposing.

Robertson believed her words and became excited again.

He knew that no matter how much trouble he got into, his parents would always find a way to help him clean up the mess.

If Robertson could still move his fingers, he would probably immediately take out his mobile phone, post a message on Facebook, laugh at those guys who are not qualified to go to the new world, and show off his identity as a pioneer player in exchange for 3,000 ship tickets. .

——Someone is definitely going to cry. Robertson planned to end with this sentence, coupled with a picture of Beckham crying, which should get a lot of likes.

Pity. Robertson felt regretful.

What made him even more unhappy was that the person who came to pick him up in the new world was a yellow man. Robertson was not a racist, he just simply didn't like yellow and black people.

But the good news is that his nightmare is finally over.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had indeed arrived in a new world, and his hands and feet could also move.

"Quick, is there a mirror here? Let me see what I look like now." Robertson urged Li Yu.

So Li Yu handed him a makeup mirror. Robertson looked at his face first. He was not as handsome as before, but not ugly either. He just had a pair of silly-looking horns on his head.

But after Robertson looked down at his body, especially at a certain important position, he immediately turned from anger to joy.

"This body is good. I can feel the strength contained in the muscles." Robertson clenched his fists and made a bodybuilding gesture. "It suits my masculinity very well."

"As long as you are satisfied." Li Yu said, "We have just finished the war and it is still not peaceful here, so you'd better not wander around. Well, I will find you a teacher to teach you the language of this continent. Bar."

"Is she a beauty?" Robertson asked.

"It was before I came here, but's a little worse. By the way, her name is Caiden, and she's American."

"Ah, Yankee." Robertson curled his lips, "Forget it, just bring him to me first."

"Bring it here?"

Robertson looked around and found that he was now in a small forest. It didn't seem to be a place to meet people, and there were quite a lot of mosquitoes in this damn place.

So he said, "Then let's go to where she lives."

"Okay." Li Yu nodded without any nonsense, turned and walked out of the woods, Robertson followed him and looked around.

His eyes finally lit up when he saw Rune City not far away.

"The town is good. You should be able to find a lot of fun in it. If you have money, give me some."

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