World Controlling God

Chapter 1053: Before the death

In the corner of the city, the fighting grounds are active and wide, and most of the places are for guests to sit and watch.

There are four or five hundred meters wide martial arts in the middle of the field. This martial art is built with rare stone. It is impossible for the general emperor to want to shatter, so don't worry about smashing the martial arts. With top-level defense, all the attacks will not spill out of the field.

The prison battlefield will only be held once a month, and the parties will recommend candidates.

In addition to some low-income people such as the untouchables, the barbarians, the orcs, and so on, there will be some disciples of the powerhouses who enter the battlefield in order to hone.

It’s just that these disciples who dare to enter are the best in the world. They hope to enhance their minds and temper their mysterious skills in the tornado, so that their fighting power will be stronger.

Everyone in Tianyu is aggressive, killing blood and blood is a commonplace thing, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The fight yard has not yet begun, but a list of many fights has been announced.

Many gamblers kept pointing at the list and were talking about who to buy and who could win.

"Look at that madman and was arranged to go out, it is actually five loses one, this odds are really low!".

"No need, he has won 50 games in a row, and even the people are afraid to play, even if they are ten-for-one and everyone is betting."

"Hey, that Wu Shi, who won even forty games, also played. The odds are three for one. It seems that there is a good show."

"There are also a savage who has won 20 games, how come so many murderers come on stage."

"Which is this Lingxiao, it sounds like a girl's name, actually went to the prison, is it to come to the oil sauce to die, the odds are actually a lose five, it seems that there is no play guy."


The fighting in the prison yard is about to begin. Many of the good-looking and noble ladies and young ladies who have seen the battles of life and death have squeezed into the audience. They are all very interesting.

At this time, the head of the city, Fan Guan, also came.

However, this time he is not the leader. Before him, he has a pair of young men and women who are the masters.

The man's **** Feng Junlang, the woman's glamorous and noble, walking together really looks like a genius, looks quite match.

The man is a disciple of the Qingyue Palace, named Fenghoulin. It is less than 500 years old and has reached the strength of the Holy Emperor. This Tianbin is extremely excellent no matter where it is.

The woman is the daughter of Zhang Jiazhi, the first family in Shitiancheng. She is a well-known business woman, and Tianbin is not weak. It is said that she was also a disciple of Qingyue Palace, but she later returned to the family.

This battlefield is organized by Zhang Jia and the City House and several other people, and Zhang Fuhua is the real governor of this battlefield.

Although Fenghoulin and Zhangfuhua are only the inner and outer disciples of Qingyue Palace, they are enough to let Fan Guanchang, the elder of the outer door, put down his body and say hello.

The master of Feng Huolin must be a disciple of an inner-door elder in the Qingyue Palace, and Zhang’s family is also famous in Shitiancheng. Fan Guanchang can’t dare to qualify.

"Zhang Shimei, I heard that you are in a hot battlefield. It’s awesome today. It’s really shocking!” Feng Houlin looked at Zhang Wei’s appearance as a pig brother.

The discerning eye can see the thick color of desire in the eyes of Feng Qinglin.

That pity is not a good family, immediately screaming, "Feng Shi brother said what, these fights are not worth mentioning in the palace, but only for some idlers to play, play Play a spurt."

Feng Houlin heard the sound of Zhang Fuhua’s voice, and he had already finished the song. He had already known the wind of Zhang’s pity. Sao, when he was in the palace, he heard that many brothers had a good relationship with this teacher. .

Now he has become an insider disciple, so he couldn't help but find an excuse to play here. It is just how you want to taste the temperament of Zhang Weihua.

"Zhang Shimei is modest, but I listen to Fan Chengzhu said that there are many good players here, but unfortunately they are some untouchables, or else you can pick a few from here to be a disciple to enrich my palace strength." Feng Houlin laughs Road.

Fan Guanchang plugged in the words at this time. "This is the truth. It is not allowed to use weapons in the battlefield. It is only by the strength of each individual to fight. It is the best to see the individual's combat strength. It is often the heart and soul that can be won in a twenty-game winning streak. The strength of the people, they are eligible to obtain the ruin of Tianshui to remove the identity of the people."

"It turns out that, then I have to take a good look. If you can find a few people from here to enter the palace, it would be helpful to come to Zhang Shimei's battlefield!" Feng Houlin should.

Zhang Fuhua smirked, "That would be a thank you to Feng brother."

The group said and said that they had already sat down on the highest platform of the prison center to prepare for the battle.


At this point, Ling Xiao, who was placed in the prison, had been called before the Iron Wolf.

"You will enter the battlefield when you stay, this is to restore the medicinal medicine!" The iron wolf threw a medicinal herb before Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao unknowingly took the medicinal herbs, and the force that was banned began to flow, and the sulking in the chest was stretched out.

The iron wolf saw Ling Xiao actually did not show his joy because of the restoration of strength, and immediately looked at Ling Xiao.

"As long as you win 20 games in the battlefield, you can get rid of your current identity. You can go anywhere in the domain. Do you know if you can have confidence?" asked the iron wolf.

"Do your best, anyway, I don't want to die here." Ling Xiao said indifferently, and paused and said, "If I win 20 games to get rid of my identity, then if I win 40 games, can I replace it?" Man redemption, let him also get rid of identity?".

The iron wolf's eyes were chosen, and immediately said, "Who are you going to redeem?"

"I want you to let go of the old man." Ling Xiao directly cut off.

In fact, he and Tian Laotou are just a general exchange, and naturally they will not be desperate for him.

But he feels that on the battlefield, as long as there is no God to fight, he will not fear anyone, and he will regard these duels as the first step in the Tianyu.

The iron wolf saw Ling Xiao actually so confident, immediately shot the chest "If you can win forty games, even if you send a few miners is not a problem."

"Thank you so much," Ling smiled slightly.

He said that this iron wolf and other people said that there is no hatred. It must be the same for those who come from the land of Tianyu. This is a world of thin and strong food. As long as he shows enough strength, I believe these people will Will be like a dog in front of him.

At the same time, he also wants to make more copies of the water, and there are three people in his space to take this kind of water.

"If you can't win, you won't live out, thank you." The iron wolf gave a secret in his heart. When he thought of the madman, he would have no strength, let alone a martial art. It really made him a headache.

If the bet is gone, it is a small thing, but the face is folded.

"Well, you go down first, and someone will take you to the battlefield and tell you about the matter." The iron wolf swayed.

Ling Xiao went out, Liu Jinxi was hurriedly walked in. "Well, you are an iron wolf, and the guy who is over the car is betting on the bet, and secretly selling a million crazy people for you to win, really good. Calculation!".

"Oh, who doesn't know that the madman has a savage bloodline, with his powerful body and the ultimate strength, who can win him without using weapons, although I also hope that Lingxiao can win, but I also Can't do a loss trading!" Iron Wolf smiled.

"Fortunately, the old fifth told me that I also had a million, or else I really lost!" Liu Jinxi laughed.

Ling Xiao was taken to a single room in the prison, and was asked to put on a uniform duel costume.

Ling Xiao had no choice but to do it.

This is a tight-fitting short-fitting military uniform, which tempts his handsome body. The beauty of the skin like Jingyu is even more taboo, even if the woman sees it, it must be crazy.

No one would have thought that a man with such a body-building, crystal jade skin would be like a god. Even the man with Ling Xiao laughed at him and couldn’t help but look at him more.

When Ling Xiao changed his clothes, the man explained to Ling Xiao about the matters on the duel.

Since Ling Xiao is a citizen, to get rid of this low status, you must sit on the stage from the very beginning.

Before the fight, he must be the first to play, and then even win 20 games to win the seal.

In the midst of the duel, you must not use weapons, do not summon the spirit beasts, and only rely on the fists and feet to directly kill the opponents.

These general ideas are also heard from Tian Laotou. Now I hear it again, and the understanding is more thorough.

Of course, at the beginning, I didn’t go to Lingxiao to sit on the stage, and others had a fight.

He looked through the window toward the battlefield, and saw that the battlefield was already full of people, a lively scene.

These people have a full number of 50,000, all of whom are famous in the Shitian City, and there are some powerful scattered and mercenaries coming to watch the battle.

As the sound of the horn rang, a strong, tower-like man appeared on the ring.

This person is almost three meters high, like the giant giant is so powerful, the looks are scary, the muscle chest is as strong as iron, the momentum is extremely overbearing.

He just played, and someone immediately exclaimed. "This person should be the little Tucker. It is said to be the untouchables of the family. He is afraid that there is a peak of the saints." It's hard to keep a twenty-seven-game winning streak!".

"This is hard to say. I heard that Mengjia has folded three emperors of the emperor in order to grasp this big man. The combat power is not to be taken lightly!".

"It seems that this person should have the secret skills to enhance the combat power, or else you can let the Holy Emperor drink hate, just to be too far away from the madman, he should be lucky to be crazy first. The round will not play."

"It is true. The madman is now hot and hot. He obviously can get rid of his identity, but he still wants to stay in this battlefield to slay. It is really a perverted madman."


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