World Controlling God

Chapter 1066: Hard to persuade the madman to be sixth!

"This is a copy of Tianshui, take it!" Ling Xiao handed a small bottle of syrup to the front of the madman.

Pretty madman did not feel polite with Ling Xiao, took the potion and drank it.

"Is there only one bottle?" The madman's voice was very loud, and it was very unsatisfactory to see him.

"Freshly, my brother is in a hurry. This bottle is what I asked from the city owner. I want more, and I can't do it in a short time." Ling Xiaodao said.

The madman is really a freshman, and is a person from another place outside the celestial domain. He has a barbarian bloodline.

The fresh wilderness is the bloodline of the barbarian. Because of the marriage with other ethnic groups, the barbarian bloodline is getting thinner and thinner, and it is impossible to make brute force. Therefore, the barbarians are crowded out to the place where they are born.

Fresh in the wild to reveal a bit of disappointment color "Ling brother, that day. You can let me a horse, I am grateful, but at that time you promised me, will help me get more to break the water?".

Ling Xiao wrinkled his brow and said, "I promised you, but now it is impossible to get more marks of the sky, unless the city owner kills and grabs it!".

"Then you have to eat a word!" Some people are dissatisfied with the wild.

Ling Xiao sneered and said, "I have to eat words, but with a sincere heart to talk to my brothers and sisters." After a pause, he said, "I know that my brother is hoping that your people can return to the sky from the place where they are distributed." Is life in the domain not?".

Xiao Yuye admits that "it is good, and the land of distribution is really hard. Our generations have to work hard to find ways to return the people to the celestial world for generations. In my generation, I don’t know how many people have come to the celestial domain. However, no one can bring back a lot of ruined Tianshui and bring people back to the celestial domain. I have vowed to do it, or else I will face it back to face the cultivation of many elders in the family!".

Ling Xiaodao said, "That is, you have experienced so many generations, no one can do it. This proves that it is not something that can be solved in a moment. If you trust me, we will join us in Tianyu. When I reached the kingdom of God, how difficult is it to get more and more to seal the sky? How do you think it is?

Fresh in the field, "Ying brother, your suggestion, I am not the first time to listen to people. When I first came to Tianyu, I also said this to me, but let me go to the prison." He tore up, earned a lot of Xuanjing, and promised that I would give me a bottle of broken water every time I win, I will not end up like this in the end?".

"Oh, that's because the brothers are unknown, and those of them are only thinking about their own interests, and I am from the place where the brothers are from the distribution. I can understand the ideas of the brothers, and I will not let them Fresh brothers do the thugs for me, but live in peace and progress together. Of course, I will not help you without compensation. Sometimes I will use your force to do things." Ling Xiao smiled.

If there is no such thing as Ling Xiao, it is clear that there is still a letter of distrust in the heart.

Ling Xiao went on to say, "It’s not perfect. The biggest goal of my Lingxiao is to pursue the ultimate strength of the martial arts. I have only cultivated for about 40 years, from a small warrior to the realm of the Holy Emperor. It is not the reliance of any forces. It is not the help of anyone. It is based on our unwavering confidence and excellent Tianbin. I always think that 'I am worthy of my own life'. I believe that I can harvest everything as long as I work hard. Now when I come to Tianyu, I am also unfamiliar with life. I am generally arranged to fight in the battlefield. If I am not strong enough, I am already dead. I am not dead yet, but I have also got rid of it. Cursing, in this family, I became an elder of the outer door. These are the harvests that I have come to Tianyu for several months. Others think that I will be willing to be the elders of this small force, but who knows that I am just Borrowing their resources here, first understand the situation in the Tianyu area, and then leave here to make a difference."

"As long as I understand the situation in Tianyu, I can use my own strength to get more resources for cultivation, and I can go to the realm of the gods, because I am still a great pharmacist, I want to earn resources for cultivation. Is this still difficult? If the younger brother is willing to help me, then I will not be ill-treated with my brother. When I am a god, I will no longer be a problem when I am a brother. ?".

Ling Xiao said so much in one breath, it is to let Xian Yu know his ability, rather than vain.

Fresh in the wild reveals a strange color "You are really a great pharmacist?".

In fact, he stayed in the medicine trip, Xuan Yao also had a little bit of deeds of Ling Xiao’s conversation with Xiao Yu, but it was not too wild but not too convinced. Now, listening to Ling Xiao’s personal recognition, it is a bit surprising.

"Yes, it is not. It is not clear to the brothers that after the day, if the brother does not want to join me in Tianyu, then Lingxiao will not be reluctant, and will send you away tomorrow, and will still be friends in the future!" Ling Xiao should be.

He Yuyu hesitated a bit. "Well, since Lingxiong is so frank, I will believe you once, as long as Lingxiong can help me to achieve the kingdom of God one day, I will definitely not know what Lingling is today."

Ling Xiao happily patted the fresh shoulders and said, "Some fresh, brother, you will not regret it for today's decision." Then Ling Xiao said, "I look at my brother's strength, it is rare in the same order." The enemy is out, just to be able to go further, definitely more perfect!".

Fresh in the wild, "Ling brothers have to lift me up, I was convinced that I was convinced that day, or the first time someone can be stronger than me in strength, Ling brother is a real person!".

Ling Xiaodao said, "We don't want to be humbly acquainted with each other. It's not easy for you to repair the soil properties. The speed is always a short board. I have a footwork mystery that can make my brother improve speed...".

Ling Xiao’s words have not been finished yet, and it’s rarely in the wild. “You also know that I am repairing the soil properties. The footwork of the soil is almost extinct, and I don’t have to waste my brother’s heart.”

Ling Xiao smiled and said, "There is no such thing as a brother and I have no attributes. Everyone can practice!"

"Really?" Fresh in the wild joy.

Ling Xiao nodded, and passed the mouth of the phantom of the cloud to the wild, and told him some of the cultivation, and personally gave a demonstration to Xian Yu.

The more you look at the wild, the more you are happy. If the speed can be improved, it will have an incalculable decisive effect on his duel with others.

"Thank you for your brother!"

When I came to Tianyu, Ling Xiao was the first person to be good to him. This kind of attributeless step is not that he will not teach him. Ling Xiao is obviously very trusting him.

The heart of the wild is the kind of person who will not bend around, who is good to him, he remembers in his heart, who is not good to him, he can also be clearly divided, his goodwill towards Ling Xiao has risen a lot.

"Little brother doesn't need to be polite." Ling Xiao should have a voice, and then said, "I will fight with you that day. I know that my brother is best at boxing. It is just that the strength of the brother is infinite, but still can't play it. The most powerful realm, if you don't mind if you don't mind, let me show you a boxing method to let you see, maybe you have some insight!".

Although the wilderness is developed in the limbs, but the brain is not stupid, Ling Xiao can beat him with the middle strength, its ability is self-evident, and Ling Xiao’s boxing method has entered the territory, containing invincible boxing, if he can comprehend The boxing strength will definitely go up to the next level, and in the same stage, I am afraid that it will be harder to meet the enemy.

It’s just that Yu Yuye knows that this kind of boxing is instructive, but others will not teach easily. It’s not his family or disciple who will teach.

Now Ling Xiao has to show him this invincible boxing, which is absolutely unbelievable and unwilling to accept.

"Ling brother can't be like this!" Fresh in the field, then he said, "I know that Ling brother is a good intention, but if you pass it to me, if I understand it, don't you fear that he will betray you one day?" .

Ling Xiao chuckled and said, "There is no difference between the brothers and the temperament. If you can say this, you will prove that you will not be the kind of person. Besides, we are brothers, not the relationship between the master and the servant. It is said that no one can understand this conception. It depends on the individual's ability."

After all, Ling Xiao was free to move, and the intention to follow the boxing, slowly hit the realm of boxing.

Freshly, my brother’s heart was moved by a mess, and my heart secretly paid, “This life is a good brother who is very young in the wild. If anyone bullies him, I will punch him!”

After Ling Xiao slowly beat the Jiuyang Burning Heaven Box twice, it stopped.

Whether you can comprehend or not depends on the ability of the wild.

Some people have strong comprehension and can quickly comprehend. Some people do not understand it. I am afraid that there is no such fate in life.

Ling Xiao will be in the wild again, and he will be quietly enlightened.

And he called Xuan Yao again, ready to set the sky with him.

"God stick, now we are in Tianyu, you said how do we go next time?" Ling Xiao opened the door to see the mountain.

"The palace owner has made a decision, why bother to ask me?" Xuan Yao gently shakes the white paper fan and laughs.

"I was planning to find my master first, and then I would like to find a way to teach the lotus, but in the Tianyu only consume the best Xuanjing, this palace is also shy in the bag!" Ling Xiao sighed.

"What are your plans for the Nagya Lord?" Xuan Yao asked.

Ling Xiaodao said, "First of all, it is natural to first earn some Xuan Jing as a entanglement. Otherwise, even the road is a problem, but I am now an elder of the Zhang family, and the action is somewhat restrained."

Xuan Yao thought about it, "When we leave, we will be able to condescend to the status of the palace master?"

"The heavens and the earth are vast, the holy treasures and the gods are many. I plan to spend some time to understand the major regions and then leave." Ling Xiao Ying.

"In that case, I thought that the palace owner could find another yard in the city, settle me down with the two ladies and kill the first, so that we can also be familiar with more things. If the medicine is handed over to us for auction or sale, there will naturally be a mysterious crystal rolling!" Xuan Yao said.

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