World Controlling God

Chapter 1102: Source

Ling Xiao woke up, and the body was in good condition.

But looking at a pair of fathers and daughters, he wants to faint.

"Don't they want to torture me to death and be willing to be willing?" Ling Xiao thought in his heart.

Who knows, the invincible serious face smeared the smile and said, "Laughter, you woke up? Just now the Lord's master shot is heavy, here is a little holy liquid to take it!".

After all, the invincible throws out a pot of pure holy liquid to Ling Xiao.

Every drop of holy liquid can save the life of any holy emperor, and the invincible and indiscriminate throwing a pot, obviously has the suspicion of apologizing to Ling Xiao, but he is the owner of the alliance, naturally will not apologize to Ling Xiao It is.

Ling Xiao took a look at the pot of holy liquid, and found that these are actually more than ten years of bell stone lotion.

This is not a holy liquid that is not worse than the life spring. Each drop not only can live a human bone, but also has the effect of reviving life, but it can improve the body and is the best relic of quenching!

Ling Xiao did not have the invincible spirit, and immediately looked up and took a sacred liquid. He thought to himself that "the lord is very great. This palace is still a palace owner. It hurts the palace. It is not too much to drink your holy liquid. !".

The pure power of a group combined with the majestic spirit conveyed by the sea gods quickly repaired the damages of his body and mind, and restored his strength to its peak.

"Well, you bully my daughter, I hurt you, this is two things clear, but I did not expect everyone to be their own people, this is not to know each other!" Invincible seems very generous.

One of his allies can say that this is already quite polite.

Ling Xiao, despite being angry, did not dare to vent to others. He could only smile with a smile. "It’s the first thing that Ling Xiao is wrong. The lord should punish me. If there is nothing wrong with the lord, Ling Xiao will leave!"

He almost died, and he was too lazy to cope. Just go to the chaotic ridge and find someone.

If someone withdraws his deacon's deacon, he doesn't care.

"Stand up, how do you talk to me, no big or small!" Li Ruyu said with Ling Xiaojiao.

Although she saw that Ling Xiao was dying, she had a hidden heart in her heart. However, her daughter’s family was touched by others, and she was still very vengeful. No matter how she saw Ling Xiao, she still felt uncomfortable.

However, she was spoiled by the business alliance since she was a child. No matter where she was, she was letting her and protecting her. Ling Xiao was only a deacon. In her eyes, she was only a small person. She sipped him. Didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Ling Xiao originally thought that this ruthless jade was a very beautiful woman, but when she heard her, her impression of her immediately plummeted.

"Mom, isn't it the daughter of the lord? Believe it or not, one day, the palace will press you down to let you sing and conquer!" Ling Xiao was not angry in his heart.

"The kid doesn't understand things, but also asks the lord to forgive me. If I feel that the kid is not big or small, then I will withdraw my job!" Ling laughed out.

Although he joined the Lieyan Business Alliance soon, he also got a lot of money from them, but he also made some contributions to them for refining some of them.

He can't stand the temper of this woman, and he can't do it. Who is the daughter of the lord?

"Stand up, do you think you are who, if you don't do it, you will not do it. There are still rules in your eyes." Li Ruyu is more angry.

In the past, which man saw her was not moving his eyes and moving his legs, but this guy actually said that he was leaving, it was too irritating.

Ling Xiao did not hear it, but still went out.

Only then, the invincible momentum is pressing him so that he can't get out of the door. At the same time, he said, "Jade is just a child. You don't want to know her. You have something to come here. Maybe you are the owner. Can help people help you!".

Invincible first slowed down the tone, then transferred the topic, and indeed there is a bit of tolerance.

Of course, if Ling Xiao is a general deacon, he must be slap in the face and die, and then he will talk like this.

In front of the invincible, Ling Xiao still does not dare to play with temper. If someone turns his face and destroys him, he is looking for someone to cry.

"I am looking for arrogance. It is said that the snakes have been chased into the chaos of the chaos. Can the lord find me?" Ling Xiao asked.

"You are also looking for arrogance?" Invincible and amazed, then he frowned. "You can know that the chaos of the mountains is flowing, and the danger is quite a lot. If your strength is not deep enough, you will be dead!" .

"No matter what, I definitely want to go in!" Ling Xiao firmly responded.

Mania is the righteous father of Yuroufei, and he is also his father of Pingyi. Ling Xiao is indeed obliged to take a trip.

No matter how dangerous it is, there are things that must be done.

Invincible and invincible silence, they just discussed whether it should be into the chaos, and finally his daughter made a good suggestion, but he did not agree, do not want her daughter to take risks.

Now, Ling Xiao suddenly wants to enter the chaos, seems to make him think of another way.

"I really don't care!" Li Ruyu said with a disdain, he hurried down the stairs.

She didn't want to see Ling Xiao for a moment, and felt that he was a thief.

Ling Xiao also wanted to say goodbye, but but invincible but nodded, "I can help you into the chaos, but ... you have to do something for the business alliance!".

Ling Xiao hesitated and said, "Please ask the lord to order, Ling Xiao will try to do it!".

Ling Xiao did not finish the words, he must be a guest deacon, as long as he meets the fate of life, he can not really live with life.

Invincible in the heart secretly snorted "slippery", then he said the task he had to confess with Ling Xiao.

The original invincible is intended to let Ling Xiao bring the business alliance into the chaos of the chaos to trace the whereabouts of bloodthirsty, to grab all the losses before, and at the same time let the bloodthirsty rogue pay the price.

This time, the Liyan Business Alliance is determined to deal with bloodthirsty hooligans. This is the biggest loss they have made in years. It is very uneasy to not take them down.

However, bloodthirsty hooligans are the first major force in the chaos of the chaos. They have offended many forces, but those forces are incompetent to bloodthirsty hooligans.

They often ransacked others and then directly entered the chaos of the chaos, which would not appear in a short time.

And they also hold a black market deal with other rogue forces every year in the chaos.

That is to sell the good things they have taken in one hand and sell them all at once.

It’s just that this black market transaction is dominated by several major rogue forces and giant whales. Even the Liyan Business League does not dare to openly pick them all.

Ling Xiao’s mission is to mix in this black market transaction. After the transaction is dissipated, the bloodthirsty person will be taken down. It is necessary to give bloodthirsty a headache.

Of course, it is best to take the opportunity to find the blood-scarred old nest, and then call the masters and destroy them.

Ling Xiao listened to such a daunting task, and suddenly a bit of a market.

Bloodthirsty hooligans are quite ferocious and hot, and there are many gods sitting in the town, and their leader bloodthirsty is a real thousand gods, and his men have many murderers.

Otherwise they have survived in the chaos for many years but have not been annihilated.

Ling Xiao is what he knows in his heart. Now he is difficult to confront even a real demigod king. He wants to face the real king of the gods, and it is even more than a stone. There is absolutely no chance of winning.

"This task naturally won't just let you go alone. You just need to dress up as a foreigner. I will protect you for the whole week, and they can help you before the black market begins. Looking for the arrogant whereabouts, said invincible.

This is a very dangerous thing. He dare not let his daughter take risks, but Ling Xiao is different. When Ling Xiao is looking for someone to enter the chaos, Ling Xiao is a new face that is not noticeable. It is the most Good candidate.

Of course, Ling Xiao’s strength is too low, which is a huge problem.

If he had any problems in the chaos of the chaos, the Jin family would really come to chase the problem in the future, and it would be worth the loss.

Ling Xiao listened to the invincible and said that it was a heartbeat. He was not familiar with the chaos of the chaos. Now it is natural that someone leads the way.

"Well, since the ally said this, Ling Xiao listened to the arrangement of the lord, but I hope to start immediately. It is better to say that it should be sooner or later. If it is possible to find blood-thirsty sputum before the black market transaction, it would be better." Ling smiled.

"It's not that simple, but you are right, it should be sooner rather than later." Invincible is not so optimistic, then he took out another thing and handed it to Ling Xiao. "This is the source of fruit. I believe it is useful to you. I hope that this time you will be able to successfully complete the task, the Lord will reward you with great value!".

Ling Xiao eyes screamed and couldn’t wait for the color, and picked up the pure and innocent white particles in the hands of the invincible.

This fruit is crystal-clear and looks like a crystal. It is beautiful and beautiful. The power of the source is constantly swaying out, giving people a kind of coveted impulse.

The source of fruit is the fruit of the tree from the heart of the gods. Every 10,000 years of flowering, the result of 10,000 years is the true and true attribute of the original, and it is a great tonic for any god. For the Holy Emperor, it is even more precious, even if it is the Holy Emperor Dan.

The Holy Emperor Dan can make any Holy Emperor advance to the first order, and the source of the heart can also let the Holy Emperor directly into the first order, but the former will have some side effects between the two, the latter not only have no sub-authors, but can enhance each Body muscle energy is a rare nine-order god.

Ling Xiao has a soul to advance to the high-level emperor is to accumulate enough power, you can advance to the water channel.

According to his budget, with his speed of absorption, and in the environment of Tianyu, it takes about one to two years to advance to the next level.

But now that there is a source of fruit is not the same, he can now go up to the next level, and do not have to worry about excessive damage to his roots.

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