World Controlling God

Chapter 1108: This source is a little bit small.

There are still some days from the black market trading. Ling Xiao and others looked for mercenaries and asked for no madness.

When I heard that the snake door was also looking for arrogance, I immediately noticed it.

Don't let Snake Yimen know that he has anything to do with arrogance, or else he will deal with him first.

As the black market trade is getting closer, Ling Xiao has no choice but to give up the search. He must first do another thing for the Liyan Business Alliance.

However, before this, Ling Xiao entered a short-term retreat.

Since the acquisition of the maternal strength, he has achieved the soul, and the power has been rapidly upgraded to the middle-level emperor.

He has been a middle-aged emperor for almost two years now.

There is a period of time in the fortress Tianyu, and most of the time is above the Tianyu, where the heaven and earth aura and the source of power are not comparable to other places.

Ling Xiao has three major foreign bodies and the help of the soul, even if there is no retreat, his absorption of power is definitely not comparable to others.

In such a high-quality environment, Ling Xiao has accumulated power to the late stage of the late Emperor, and is only one step away from the mid-level peak.

Originally, Ling Xiao wanted to accumulate to the peak, and then tried to enter the first step, but this time may take a year or two.

This time is already super fast for others.

It’s just that Ling Xiao feels that he is here as thin as ice, and he has not reached the real realm of the king of God.

Therefore, he decided to take the source of the heart first and raise the first order.

He wanted to break through to the high-ranking emperor on his own, and then use the source of the heart to reach the peak of the Holy Emperor.

Now the plan has to be advanced.

He must not know what will happen in the black market. I really have something to do, and I have more life-saving power.

After Ling Xiao adjusted all the conditions, he swallowed the source.

The source of the heart is the 30,000-year-old magical medicine, which contains the pure power of no attribute, which is a great tonic for the **** king.

Ling Xiao just swallowed down, and a pure and powerful energy flowed to his limbs and internal organs. Every physical muscle can be like the sun in the rain, which makes people feel wonderful.

At the same time, most of the power from the laughter's meridians to his five-color Dantian shocked into it.

Ling Xiao did not dare to neglect, immediately run the gods and began to digest this force.

As Dantian grew stronger, Ling Xiao’s strength began to climb.

At this time, the power of Ling Xiao’s spirit is actually rushing to eat in the sea, and the source of the source of the heart is sucked into the sea to enhance his strength.

The spirit of the gods and Dantian absorbed at the same time, and gradually formed a certain bridge between the two, but unfortunately it was only looming, so Ling Xiao could not detect what it was, only knowing that it was following the slogan of the sacred gods and the ancient emperor. Run, if you want to come, there will be no mistakes.

The power of the source of the heart is really worthy of the fact that the king of God also relies on the source of the absorption of the god. The momentum of Ling Xiao actually reaches the peak of the middle emperor, and only a foot can make a real high-ranking emperor. .

Ling Xiao knows that this is a crucial step. He immediately transports all the cards and rolls up the tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth and the power of the source.

Beyond his position, his people looked at the power of these lumps and laughs, and they were a bit strange, especially those of the Holy Emperor.

They feel that Ling Xiao does not seem to be breaking through the high-level holy emperor. It is more like the power needed to break through the realm of the semi-god king. It is terrible.

"This kid is breaking through what level of order, can you pull so much energy?" The middle-level **** of the king swears.

I thought that when he broke through any stage of the Holy Emperor, it was impossible to get so many heaven and earth aura and source power!

"Gold, wood, water, fire, wind, five kinds of subordinates, five fellow initiates, this kid is really abnormal, but still a hundred years old, it is no wonder that the body of Missy Vulcan can compete, but this kid can not be a common theory He has already become a flesh-and-blood spirit, and he can use the soul to fight. It is really a enchanting. If it is a disciple of our business alliance, there will definitely be a place in the future of the thousand gods!" Said the glory of envy.

"Why did the brothers say this? He has already become a god, and further is to achieve the king of the kingdom. Why don't you accept such a disciple in the league?" The seat was asked somehow.

Li Ruyu did not understand, "Yeah, Ling Xiao seems to hate a bit, but he still has some skills, how can his sister only let him be a guest deacon? Go back and let my grandfather reluctantly accept him as an apprentice!".

"For others, if the father accepts this kid as a disciple, it is the blessing that he has cultivated for several generations, but this kid, we can't do this for the time being!" Lie Yong reveals the helpless color.

"Why, Grandpa is the most powerful person in the celestial domain. Isn't it enough to teach him?" Li Ruyu is not convinced.

At this time, the seat seems to think of "Is he... is it related to that people?".

"Yes, he should be a descendant of that family, but he still hasn't recognized his ancestors. The power of the family is not something we can imagine. I am afraid that the father will also be jealous of three points."

"Yong Shu, Xi Shu, who are you talking about, don't make it clear!" Lie Ruyu was anxiously urging.

"The most powerful race in our Tianlong area!" Li Yongdao.

Like the jade, the beautiful color is "a golden family!"

"Yes, otherwise it would be a pity that this kind of enchanting how our business alliance can let go!" Lie Yong sighed.

At this time, the aura of this world became depressed again, just like the formation of aura storm, the layer of Lingxiao breakthrough layer was wrapped.

However, it didn't take long for the aura to dissipate, but there was no movement in the middle of it.

This makes everyone particularly surprised!

They all know the effect of the source of fruit, even if there is no heaven and earth aura here, the average person is enough to break through the first order.

"What's wrong with you?" Everyone passed a thought.

However, when I saw Ling Xiao safely coming out, everyone was relieved.

Only a few gods and kings saw that Ling Xiao’s cultivation was actually only the middle-level Emperor’s peak, and did not break through to the high-ranking emperor.

"You didn't break through? Why is this?" Li Ruyu couldn't help but ask.

Everyone else looked at Ling Xiao with a curious look, and they didn't understand what was going on, even if Ling Xiao had a thick foundation, but this is a **** fruit, no matter if it is enough, he will advance to the next level!

Ling Xiao spread the handkerchief "I don't know what is going on, it may be that this source is small, energy is not enough!".

Everyone looks a strange color.

This embarrassing actually said that the source is small!

The holy emperors almost want to marry their mothers. These fruits are all about the same size, and the energy is generally strong, or else it will be the **** of the king.

"Impossible. At the beginning, I absorbed a real-time realm from the lower-level emperor to the middle-aged emperor." Li Ruyu did not understand the chin.

Ling Xiao did not expect that this girl actually talked with him well, but it was a bit strange.

Li Ruyu looked at Ling Xiao’s eyes, and his face climbed a bit of shameful color. “The people are telling the truth!”.

After all, she turned her face and did not dare to go to Ling Xiao, I do not know why she felt Ling Xiao's eyes, so she felt shy.

If she had to change it before, she would have to dig out the thief’s eyes, but now she can’t afford the urge to be angry.

"A wicked thief, although he has some skills, but this lady is afraid to see him." Li Ruyu said in his heart.

She did not realize that a delicate feeling slowly moistened in her heart.

"It's not that the source is too small, but its energy is not enough to support your breakthrough!" Li Yongdao.

Ling Xiao scratched his head and smiled. "This is all seen by you. Eternal elders are really like a torch. It's not as good as... I don't want to borrow a source from my eternal elders. I believe this time I can break through."

Indeed, the power of the source of the heart is so vast that Ling Xiao has benefited a lot.

However, when Ling Xiao wants to break through, the soul of the soul is to absorb the power of the source of heart and fruit, and let the power of the source of fruit be halved.

Finally, he had to use the aura between heaven and earth to rush.

It is a pity that after several consecutive attacks, they all returned without success.

Ling Xiao had to give up the clearance.

Of course, his harvest can not only reach the middle of the Emperor's peak, but his spiritual strength has also gained a lot.

After this growth, Ling Xiao can clearly feel that the fighting power of the soul and soul should be no less than the strength of the general demigod king, more than twice as strong as before.

Lie Yong shook his head and said, "Even if you give you a source of fruit, you won't be able to break through the first step. This kind of fruit is only the best when you take it for the first time, and it will be reduced the second time. Half a year."

However, although he said so, there is still a source of fruit in his hands.

He added, "You have formed a soul, and the power of the source of fruit has a great effect on it. I believe that the source of the fruit you took before is because of the soul of the soul, this one you take it, though not Let him go one step further, but it has great benefits for your soul."

Ling Xiao was originally just a joke, but she did not expect that Lie Yong was so generous.

However, when I think that the other side is the strength of the gods, it is not difficult to get this source of fruit, so I will take the source and heart with joy.

"Thank you forever elders," Ling smiled gratefully.

This source of fruit is not used by him, but when he is fresh and wild, let him break through the realm of the king of God, you can guarantee a little more.

"Don't thank, this is what you deserve."

Ling Xiao had learned a lesson before the ruthlessness, although it was a bit too much, but it made her understand a lot of truths, but it was more than over.

This source of fruit is also a good thing for Ling Xiao, and it is also a good relationship with Ling Xiao!

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