World Controlling God

Chapter 1113: When Missy comes out, who can fight for it!

The beast is divided into three or six, etc., the low-level spirit beast, no matter how much the mind to cultivate can not become a higher-order beast.

The ancient snake egg that is now announced for auction should be an ancient snake snake egg.

Once the snake egg hatches the snake beast, it will have a third-order realm. It will not be much worse than the potential of the beast. In the future, it can reach the 9th or even the 10th order. The value is naturally high. .

Just announced the auction, on the high platform, the auctioneer braced the red on a jade tray, revealing a silver snake egg, and there was a strong halo around the snake egg. Obviously this is a snake egg that is about to be hatched.

Immediately, many people in the field rioted.

"The ancient snake eggs, this is a good thing, just do not know what the property is, see the light that it radiates like water properties!".

"No matter what the property is, it is worth to give it to the outstanding younger generation. If you are willing to spend the money, you want to train it to the tenth-order holy beast."

"Three million gods, I want it, God knows if this snake egg can hatch, everyone can think clearly!".

"It’s really nice to say, I don’t miss this point, Shen Jing, three hundred and one hundred thousand!”.


Nowadays, high-level spirit beasts can be difficult to find. In addition to the beasts and beasts, they are some mutant beasts or ancient spirit beasts. The modern species can reach the eighth or the ninth order.

Therefore, the gods present at the scene have their potential to buy it and cultivate it.

The Shouyuan of the King of God must be endless, and they can have more thoughts to plan for future generations.

In the position of the six silver snakes, the silver snake fifteenly greedily stared at the snake's egg path. "This is a good thing, a few brothers, we must take it down."

They call it the snake-like gate, precisely because they are all snakes, with snakes as their companions, and their bodyguards are also snakes.

The ancient snake eggs in front of them have naturally become their favorite things.

"This is nature, this kind of baby is a rare sight in the millennium. I really didn't expect anyone to come up and auction it." The silver snake has a ten-eyed appearance, and then he opens the price. "I am a snake, and four million gods." I hope that all of your friends will give up!".

Snake-Yimen is also famous in the Tianlong area. Although it is not comparable to those super-powers, it is not something that ordinary people can call.

It was quiet in the original, it seems that everyone has taken care of it.

However, a sound sounded up "Snake Yimen counts something, this is less than four hundred and fifty thousand gods!".

Everyone looked at the sly voice, and saw a man who was too beautiful to shake the white paper fan with a arrogant color in his eyes.

Only the majority of the audience were strong gods. Their eyesight was so amazing that they saw that this beautiful man was just a woman.

"The little girl's breath is really big, I am not afraid of flashing my tongue." The silver snake fifteen glanced at the fierce road, then called "4.6 million!"

Li Ruyu is very angry, "You are a little girl, your whole family is a little girl, I am out of five million!".

"You..." Silver Snake 15 is very angry and wants to refute, but the silver snake twelve said "This little girl is not an ordinary person, bidding first, if not, then take another way!".

The silver snake fifteen had no choice but to look at the fierce jade and continue to increase the price.

However, if you compare wealth, here is the little rich woman who is like a jade.

Such an ancient snake egg was hardly lifted by eight million gods, so that the six silver snakes had to give up.

"It’s really hard to fight with this book!" Li Ruyu was very happy, and then she whispered to Ling Xiaodao, "Is this bidding right?"

"The opposite is true, Missy is out, who can fight for the front!" Ling smiled and said.

He secretly paid "I seem to be the young master, how the limelight was robbed by her."

Li Ruyu likes to say, "Hey, you are right, but I am not a Missy, I have a sister, and I will call my name later."

"Well, it’s Missy, I won’t call you Missy in the future!” Ling Xiao is very clever.

The strong and eternal look on the side was more and more green. He doubted that he would let Ling Xiao hook up if Yu is the right decision. How do you feel that jade was pitted by this kid?

"Well, this ancient snake egg was photographed by the young master with eight million gods. The next auction was a volume of magical work, which was excavated from an ancient tomb. However, this magical power has a strong prohibition. Even the top gods and gods can't open their bans. Can you imagine that this will be a sacred achievement? The starting price is 10 million Jingjing, and the price increase must not be less than one million! The auctioneer caressed the crisp.

When the auctioneer finished, everyone was already a red-eyed look, and they were all greedy.

Even the top gods can't break the banned scrolls, but I can imagine how powerful.

Everyone thinks of the ultimate power of the "Shen".

Those who can reach that realm are already the most powerful beings. No one can question their divine power, and their prohibition is definitely not something that the king of God can break.

If it is a **** scroll left by a god, its value is immeasurable.

This million crystals are definitely worth the money.

After the first bidding, everyone started to get crazy.

The price of its auction has also climbed to an unprecedented height.

In the corner of the field, the horse eagle smacked a cold smile, and he secretly paid for it. "Have it, grab it, and return to my hands in the end!"

"Do we want to bid on this?" Lie asked like a jade and rubbed his feet. It is clear that she really wants to bid with others immediately.

"Of course..." Ling Xiao was about to answer, but Lie Yong was a little coughing and interrupted Ling Xiao’s words.

Ling Xiao is not a fool. Naturally, he knows what Lieyong is suggesting. He immediately laughs. "Of course, you can't bid. This stuff is too expensive. I don't know if it is useful or not. Let others fight for it!" ".

"You are a bit reasonable, but ... people are so good to be so good, it will be a good baby, will it be a pity if you don't shoot it?" Li Ruyu is a bit naive, but not a fool.

Lie Yong said to the side, "Miss, this kind of thing is likely to be a lie. Even if the ban is untied, it may be a common thing. We have no use."

Lie Yong spoke up, and Li Ruyu was naturally embarrassed to bid.

After a fierce bid, the title of the **** of the gods was auctioned out by a king of the peaks with 3,500 gods.

The king of the peak immediately became the target of everyone. Once he left, he would be stared at by many gods, because they wanted to get something for nothing.

It’s just that since the peak of the king of God has taken the courage to photograph, people have the confidence to take the magical power away.

"Well, then the final finale is good!" the auctioneer sold a Guan said.

Immediately afterwards, ten strong men entered the scene at the same time. They were armed with a weapon in their hands. The weapons exude a strong brilliance and flashed inside the wide stone room.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

The eyes of Lie Yong are even more exciting.

"It’s so bold, I really took out the artifacts of our business alliance and auctioned them!" Lie Yong said in his heart.

"There are a total of ten different artifacts here, but they will not be auctioned one by one, but will be auctioned off in a bundled manner. The starting price is 50 million Jingjing, and the price increase must not be less than one million!" The auctioneer fiddled with the sultry arrogance.

Time, everyone is up again.

"Ten artifacts, it’s really big, in the end, the seller is actually so deserving!"

"It's a pity. If you can auction one item separately, it's not a pure heart to buy it. If you can't afford it, 50 million gods, who can get it all at once."

"This is not certain. There are a lot of people who have big valves, they can definitely take them down."

"Ten artifacts, even if they are only low-level, can enhance their combat power for any power. If I have Shenjing, I have to win it."


Fifty million gods are really not available to anyone.

There is no strong backstage to rely on, and it is not easy to make so much Shenjing.

Therefore, there are only a few people who participate in the bidding.

This time, Lie Yong also had to let the heroes participate in the auction.

Because these are the artifacts that they lost before, and now they are put here and the auction is finished.

This face is not only to be found, but also to take back the lost.

Lie Ruyu naturally knows that this is related to the face of their business alliance. It is very serious. "I will auction it regardless of the price."

Hearing this sentence, Lie Yong had to be guilty, "If you exceed 100 million Shenjing, forget it!"

At the beginning, the price of the ten artifacts that they had sold from the Axe of the Alliance was 80 million, and they could double their operation if they sold it.

It’s just that I’m auctioning back my own things again, and it’s not worth it if the price is too far off the mark.

Moreover, there are so many Shenjing with Li Yongyong. If Li Ruyu suddenly shouted 200 million Shenjing, he was afraid that even people would have to sell it here.

"Well, 100 million is 100 million, although it is a little less, but I want to come enough!" Li Ruyu is not quite satisfied.

Ten pieces of artifacts together with the auction are still very attractive, from 50 million Shenjing quickly rose to 70 million Shenjing.

At this price, many people have been scared.

In addition to the heroic, there are also snakes and two other forces who followed the asking price.

However, Lie Yong found that one of the bidders should be a bloodthirsty person, who just wants to put the price high, and will not go down at all.

"I am out 100 million!" In the end, Li Ruyu was very lavish and shouted.

She exhaled, and the people present were quiet.

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