World Controlling God

Chapter 1175: I am not interested in old men!

Ling Xiao won the inheritance of the drug god, and he also controlled the gods to enhance his soul power, so that he has an advantage that is unmatched by others for alchemy.

Moreover, he himself has a very high Tianbin for alchemy, or else he will not be promoted so smoothly in these years.

Today, in the eyes of the public, Ling Xiao is united in his eyes, and there seems to be only the medicine and many materials in front of him. The people around him have been ignored by him.

His movements are smooth and freehand, his clothes are drifting, and the fire is raging, quite a generation of masters.

After three days, Ling Xiao refines a metallic god.

When Dan Chengzhi, there was also a piece of golden light, and it seemed that there was a golden dragon coming out of the air. It really made the people of the Jin people scream.

This Shen Dan is a boutique, and it also specifically added Ling Xiao's golden blood, which contains the dragon's blood.

This Shen Dan is called the **** Wang Dan, a metallic god. For the metallic half-god king, it is definitely the best medicine, which allows them to step into the real realm of the gods and at the same time The realm of the king of God directly raises the first rank.

Only the gods that every **** Wang Dan needs are extremely precious and rare. It is not something that ordinary forces can do to get a piece of material.

Only the old-fashioned forces of the Jin family can easily produce such a material.

Ling Xiao once refining into a **** Dan!

He welcomed the whole family's applause. He became the first pharmacist of the Jin family, and he was the pharmacist. His position was instantly raised in the family and could be compared with Lingchen.

Who knows that the Pharmacist is one of the most distinguished figures on the mainland.

With this identity alone, Ling Xiao can walk freely in the Tianyu area, and there is no need to worry about the Xuanjing or Shenjing required by the space array or domain door.

"I didn't expect it, this... how did this kid do it? Throughout history, apart from ancient times, who can be as old as he is, is a **** pharmacist, and he is still a **** pharmacist, hehe, We really got back a enchanting!" Lingqiu showed a very happy color.

Lingbo also nodded in a row. "Yes, I didn't expect that the ancestors of this ancestor had such a great genius, and my family is hopeful again!"

Ling Wei kept swaying the white whiskers on the side, laughing and closing his mouth!

Ling Xiao is the same vein as him. Ling Xiao’s achievement is their achievement. Can you not be happy?

Ling Fei, a little on the side, laughed. "Big brother is better. There is a **** pharmacist in our family. The guys in this door dare not dare to be so arrogant. I always think that we are old." They, now, the laughing brother is actually a real pharmacist. If you need Shen Dan, you don't need to look at those guys' faces, cool!".

How many **** pharmacists are there in the Tianyu continent?

Don't think there will be a lot. The **** pharmacists owned by the giant forces like Tianlongmen are just five people. Just like the Liyan business alliance, they are just two people.

It can be seen that the pharmacist is scarce.

Within the Tianlongmen, there are three **** pharmacists who are still facing the **** system. Although two **** pharmacists are giving them to the gold family, their alchemy level is different from the other three.

To reach the realm of the king of God, the general medicinal herbs are useless to them, and they are all used for the medicinal products.

Therefore, Ling Fei, these gods, did not let the **** pharmacists make alchemy for them.

And the three **** pharmacists are facing the system of the gods, they have no face to look at them, and they need more materials.

This makes Ling Fei not always angry, but it is not easy to worry, but God pharmacists can not find it, lose any of the **** pharmacists, they can not afford to hurt Tianlongmen, who is called Tianlongmen, big business, no **** How does the pharmacist support it?

Now Ling Xiao has become a **** pharmacist, and it is still the only medicinal pharmacist of their Jin family. Can this not make Ling Fei happy?

Ling Chen showed a few complicated smiles. "This kid, really... I really don't know how to say that he is good. I talked to me when I returned to the house some time ago. I thought he was bragging alone. I didn't expect it. It’s really a pharmacist, this... this is really a enchanting, perverted kid!”.

"What, he... Has he told you?" Ling Fei asked.

Ling Chen nodded. "Yeah, but how big do you think he is? Which of the **** pharmacists in our door is not an old guy who has lived for more than 10,000 years. Who knows that there is a **** pharmacist who is less than a hundred years old. You Say I will believe it?".

Ling Fei thought about it. "This is also true. If it has not been secretly discovered that his soul is not a reincarnation, I thought he was not a member of our gold family. It is indeed very perverted!"


Ling Xiao returned to the parliament with Lingbo and others.

Ling Xiao accepted the awards of the elders. They looked at him like a peerless beauty. Their eyes were full of light, as if they wanted to strip him all over.

"I said... Don't look at me like this, I... I won't be interested in old men!" Ling Xiao said very seriously.

When he said this, everyone in the synagogue fell down.

Lingbo laughed and said, "Liao Xiao, I didn't expect you to be a genuine pharmacist. After that, Shen Dan will ask you, but you can rest assured that we will not treat you badly!"

"Yes, the following kids are not as good as one generation. It is really not safe to give them some medicinal herbs. If you laugh, you will be wronged. If you can do more!" Lingqiu also agreed.

Ling Wei is somewhat concerned about "this will misunderstand his cultivation?".

When the words came out, they immediately silenced.

They have seen Ling Xiao’s cultivation of Tian Bin. They naturally hope that Ling Xiao will one day reach a higher level. Only in this way will their Jin family continue to flourish.

However, once a large number of alchemy missions are arranged for Ling Xiao, it will definitely miss his cultivation time.

This makes them feel difficult to choose!

"I think this is still decided by Ling Xiao himself, I believe he has his own plans," Ling Chen said.

Since Ling Xiao’s identity is open, it proves that he must have an idea, or why he does not always hide.

Ling Chen can hold a big valve, and his insight is still there.

Everyone's eyes focused on Ling Xiao, looking forward to his answer.

Ling Xiao thought and thought, "I am a refining pharmacist. Alchemy is my profession. I just don't have too much time to separate it into alchemy. If the patriarch and elders can trust me, I am naturally obliged to do it. Something that I can do is just... I have to practice in peacetime, and there are still some things to do. You should understand that I can only promise everyone. I have time to refine some medicines and provide them to the family. This amount is what I can't guarantee, of course, all the materials are still available to me in the family, or else I have no discount!".

One reason why Ling Xiao’s identity is to improve his identity is to need more resources.

Only in this way, he does not need to go around to find resources, so that he can have more resources to squander.

Of course, he can't be a full-time alchemy teacher. He is still based on cultivation. As long as his strength continues to improve, his alchemy skills will be promoted.

Lingbo pondered and said, "Well, Ling Xiao is right. Although he is a **** pharmacist, he still has to cultivate mainly, and alchemy is supplemented. I will do as he said, we will The medicinal herbs needed to be given to him, and then he will be given materials. When he is free to extract it, he will give it to us. What do you think?"

After Lingbo said this, other people have no objections.

Lingqiu then said, "Since Ling Xiao is a **** pharmacist, his identity and treatment in the outer door should be upgraded to a higher level. In addition, he must also send an elder who protects the law to protect him. He must not let anyone hurt him."

Ling Chen immediately said to the side, "The elders are relieved, and when the younger brother returns to the outer door, I immediately convene a ceremony to make the younger brother become a senior elder of the inner door, and then send more people to protect him."

"The ceremony is a good thing, but the person who protects him must be our people. I don't believe anyone else!" Lingqi said in an atmosphere.

"It's a big elder, I know what to do!" Ling Chen respected.

"Well, all are scattered, see what kind of remedy you need, and quickly prepare the list and materials for Lingxiao." Lingbo said.

A lot of people dispersed, but everyone did not forget to congratulate Ling Xiao.

When most people left, there were only a few people in the parliament, such as Lingbo and Lingqiu.

Lingbo solemnly smiled at Ling Xiaodao. Now your identity is different. I don't know what you need? My patriarch promises you on behalf of everyone, even if you want Jinlong beasts, you can't!".

"This... Jinlong beast, can this be?" Ling Xiao had a slap in the hand and revealed a feverish color.

Although Ling Xiao had the privilege of having a unicorn **** beast as a brother, and cultivating the dragon girl, this peerless real dragon, but who is such a supernatural beast, who would be too much?

"Oh, this depends on your ability, others can't help you, I can only let you go to the Golden Dragon's territory to go shopping, whether you can let the beasts meet you, it depends on your consul, but you Can not be strong, or we can't keep you," Lingbo laughed.

"Well, then I will be satisfied when I go to the Golden Dragon Land!" Ling Xiao excitedly should have settled down.

"Well, I can promise you this thing," Lingbo said. Then he seriously said, "You are a **** pharmacist now. You can't do anything with anything. Is there all the old guys who have given us the backing to know?"

Lingqiu and Ling Wei also said that if they dare to bully him, they do not mind the old guys.

When I heard them, Ling Xiao felt that the road was warm and flowing.

He secretly paid in his heart, "I will definitely do more things for the family in the future!"

Ling Chen is quite envious of watching Ling Xiao, he seems to have not got the promise of these old guys.

It is not so easy to enter the territory of the Jinlong family. It is also necessary for Lingbo to negotiate with the Jinlong family.

Ling Xiao first returned to Tianlongmen with Ling Chen and Ling Fei to hold the ceremony.

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