World Controlling God

Chapter 1205: Restaurant storm

This white man is only the strength of the high-ranking emperor, and is an inner disciple of the lotus teaching.

Lotus teaching has always been dominated by women, supplemented by men, and can enter the lotus to become a disciple of the inner door. Tian Bin generally has to be superior.

The man who is waiting for Lang Ming in front of him is only a hundred and eighty years old and can have a high-level Shenghuang qualification is definitely not weak.

Ling Xiaoben had no intention of waiting for Lang Ming to say his love story, but he was a familiar figure, and kept saying how beautiful the woman he met was as if there were only fairies in the sky. Get it in general.

Ling Xiao listened to all the troubles, because the woman he missed is also the fairy of heaven!

Ling Xiao, who was very annoyed with Hou Lang, gradually said a few more drunken words with him.

This makes Hou Langming more familiar with Ling Xiao, self-reported name and Ling Xiao said brother.

Ling Xiao has been drunk, and does not care, but should also wait for Long Ming.

"I said Ling Laodi, we are also the world's fallen people, young talents like us, not women do not like, but can not get the woman you want to be heartbroken, but ... as a brother will not see If you go on like this, I teach a lot of beautiful sisters. When I introduce you to a few, I believe that it is not worse than your lost one.

Ling smiled with a sigh of relief. "Thank you for waiting for your brother's, just...just it's hard to find a woman who is so painful in my life!"

Hou Lang’s feelings are deeply touched by the truth. “Yes, this is right. It’s hard to find a woman who is suffering from her own. The feeling of being alone is really uncomfortable!”

Hou Langming slammed a sip of wine and looked quite mournful.

Just then, a group of people came in from the door.

One of them glanced in the direction of this side and gestured to others, and they came together.

"Hou Long Ming, you really let me find it!" A cold voice came from the lead population.

The man had a strong killing intention, and it seemed that he was looking for a long-lost trouble.

These people are relatively young, the strongest is a peak of the Holy Emperor, there is a high-level holy emperor and several middle-level emperors.

The speaker who spoke was the high-ranking emperor. He was the leader. In his arms, he still pressed a woman with a swollen nose and a face. It was definitely a beautiful woman from his body.

I just don’t know why this person is so hot that it’s so bad.

Waiting for Long Ming to see the people, and seeing the woman who was beaten very badly, immediately cold and sullen face. "Zhou Shixiong, you are going to let Jia Yu let go, what can you do for me, how can you deal with it?" Woman!".

"Haha, loss, you still know that I am your brother, you even dare to steal my woman, it is a great courage!" The high-ranking emperor called Zhou Cang laughed.

"Ran Ming, let's go, he won't let you go!" The woman opened her mouth.


"Hey woman, now I still care about your lover, I really misread you." Zhou Cang gave Jia Zhang a slap, and then sneered, "Since you betrayed me, I will not let you easily." Dead, I will send you to the Orchid Square, let those men kill you this night!".

"Zhou Shixiong, what kind of skill do you have to beat a woman, let Zhang Jia put it, she is not sorry for you, I am just intersecting with her only!" Hou Langming flashed a few traces of sorrow, his body has already All retired.

"Haha, the intersection is in the heart, really fucking, who doesn't know that your brother is famous in the teaching, how many sisters and sisters are enamored for you, and which one can escape your palm. After Zhou Cang laughed, he said, "Now I will give you two choices. The first choice is to give me a gimmick and admit it right now. I am proud of it. I see you running on the same door, second." The choice is that we will take you down and let you die, so that when I think of it, even if I am in the teaching, no one will think that I am doing something wrong!".

"If I don't choose both options?" Hou Lang said.

"It seems that you are not ignorant! Unrelated people please go away, Lotus teaches to do things here." Zhou Cang eyes passed the fierce man.

As his voice fell, a few people behind him would wait for him to surround him.

The people in the restaurant had seen the atmosphere in the early morning, and the birds and beasts were scattered one by one.

Only Ling Xiao still sits in the original position and drinks alcohol alone. It is completely like a drunkard, as if it is unconscious.

"Zhou Shixiong, living in the city, are you not afraid of the punishment within the teaching?" Hou Langming blinked his eyes and looked for the way to escape.

Although he is not afraid of Zhoucang, but there are still a few people around him, and there is also the existence of a peak of the Emperor's strength, he can not please!

"Hey, what are you doing in the city?" Zhou Cang snorted and gestured at the peak of the emperor around him. Then he threw the woman in his arms to the person next to him. At the same time, he was shot toward Hou Lang.

Hou Langming had precautions, and there was a white fan in his hand to point out, and he wanted to stop the two people at the same time.

All three are interested in suppressing the power and are afraid to destroy the restaurant. If this is the case, they will be taught to sin.

So they compete for moves and simple physical strength.

Hou Langming was defeated by two people in an instant, and the tables and chairs in the vicinity of the body fell over.

霹雳 啦!

A table of chairs and chairs fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

The table where Ling Xiao is located has not been affected at all, and he is still drinking.

Hou Langming was repulsed and did not fight against the two again. He actually fled to the rear of the pub.

"Want to escape? No way!" The peak of the Holy Emperor coldly snorted, the speed is much faster than waiting for Lang Ming, and instantly stopped behind him.

Zhou Cang is a big drink, "Death!".

He waved a burst of punches, each punching with a burst of ice and cold, very forced.

Hou Langming's reaction was not slow. A group of blue awns appeared on him, and the fan in his hand kept coming out, completely blocking the boxing of Zhoucang.

It was only that he lost him, and the sacred prince of the sacred sneak attacked, and a burst of palms and shadows directly blew the blood.

"All said, you are toasting and not drinking fine wine!" Zhou Cang snorted and once again slammed into the past, waiting to be completely suppressed.

Who knows that Hou Langming deliberately sold a flaw, and when Zhou Cang’s boxing hit him, his figure suddenly and arbitrarily distorted the attack of Zhou Cang, and the fan in his hand rotated heavily. Knocked on Zhou Cang's arm, the other hand was a chance to hold his neck.

Between the electric and the flint, Hou Langming quickly gave Zhou Cang down.

The peak of the Holy Emperor did not expect that Hou Langming was actually a lure to the enemy, and wanted to attack again.

It’s just waiting for Lang Ming, but he is holding the Zhou Cang in front of him. “Who dares to come up again, I immediately killed him!”.

Zhou Cang was squeezed out of breath, and he secretly concealed himself.

The peak emperor is the outsider of the lotus teaching. He also knows some rules of the lotus teaching. He immediately said, "You still let him go, or else you kill him. His master will not let you go. There is no place for you!".

"Oh, I have nothing to do with Jia Wei. You are here to provoke me. Even if I kill him, I am also self-defense. I believe that my master will stand on my side," Hou Lang sneered, and then sneered. He added, "You put Jia Wei on, when I will naturally let him go, and there will be a broken thing between me and him!"

"You... you have the courage... just kill me, this... this woman can't put it!" Zhou Cang said hard, he was stuck in the veins, did not dare to resist, or else before he broke free, Hou Langming had enough time to kill him.

"Oh, is it?" Hou Lang sneered, and one hand forced the other hand of Zhou Cang to break.


The sound of a fracture sounded, and Zhou Cang’s pain was screaming.

"There is... there is a courage to kill me... or I will not let you go!" Zhou Cang was very angry.

"Let's let go!"

The peak of the Holy Emperor flashed the meaning of jealousy, I am really afraid of Zhou Cang and what sin, and he feels that this woman is also useless, it is not difficult to let go and catch her back.

"Let her!" The peak of the Holy Emperor ordered.

The holy emperor who was holding Jia Zhang could only give her away.

Hou Langming is facing Jia Xiaodao. "Jia Zhen is really embarrassed, I am hurting you, you still have to leave here!".

Jia Wei shook his head with tears. "No... I want to stay with you!".

Waiting for Long Ming, "You are a stupid woman, I just chatted with you, and didn't do anything to you, you will get out of the way, or you will be dead!"

He did not do anything to Jia Zhang, but when he saw Jia Wei, he was attracted by her beauty, so he couldn't help but go and talk.

Jia Wei was at the sight of Hou Langming at first sight, and the two talked with each other and suddenly became a confidante.

Originally, Lang Ming wanted to "shoot the guns" and put Jia Wei on it, but she heard that she was actually a woman in Zhoucang.

He is not a woman who does not dare to steal others, nor is he afraid of Zhou Cang, but there are rules in the door. It is not allowed to touch the wife of the same door. Otherwise, it is a crime of death!

Despite this, Jia Jia has already liked to wait for Long Ming.

It’s just that she didn’t know that the maid around her told the news to Zhou Cun that she had the latter things.

Jia Wei was stunned by Hou Lang.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Then a line of security guards came in.

"Who dares to make trouble in the city?" A half-god Wang Wu was shocked.

At this time, Lang Ming had to let go of Zhou Cang, and arched the archer to the half-god king. "The deacon, I am playing with Zhou’s brother, please forgive me!"

"Hai Deacon, you don't listen to him, he seduce my woman to be known by me, so I came to him to reason, and asked the deacon to take him down and hand it over to the church!" Zhou Cang said quickly.

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