World Controlling God

Chapter 1499: People who come to trust

The news that Ling Xiao returned to Tianlong City was naturally passed to Tianlongmen in the first time.

However, they know that Ling Xiao will not bother him easily in this neighborhood.

Nowadays, no one can order Lingxiao, the first supreme medicine **** in the Tianlong area!

On the contrary, if they really want to find Ling Xiao, they will definitely meet in a respectful tone.

Ling Xiao ordered the construction of a new place to build a new place. No one dared to neglect it. It was to let the elders in the door know that it was sent out by many people to help each other and build the place in the fastest time.

Ling Xiao once again returned to the top of the mountain.

This time, Ling Xiao came back, officially announced the identity of Yun Tian, ​​let him get the best development in Tianlongmen, so that he can become stronger soon!

In the cloud, I was very touched by what Ling Xiao had done for him. He was very respectful and respectful to the teachers and the teachers and teachers who were introduced by Ling Xiao!

However, Ling Xiao can detect that the bright and active Yuntian has become introverted, and always with sadness, the wounds in the heart can not easily be smoothed!

Therefore, Ling Xiao intends to let his woman arrange a few outstanding female disciples in the door to meet with Yuntian, hope that Yuntian can divert attention and restore the heart of the heart as soon as possible!

It’s just that Ling Xiao has a heart, but it’s also useless. In addition to trying hard to cultivate, Yuntian occasionally returns to the tribe to see if other things don’t care about the general!

Ling Xiao completely put everything down, and summoned his great disciple Xin Li, his second daughter Ling Ying, his third son Ling Yue, his granddaughter Ling Yu, his grandson Ling Ze and Yun Tian.

He is prepared to give them a separate instruction on the magical skills, as well as to teach them various skills in combat effectiveness, to pass on many of the cultivation sensations he has come all the way, so that they will take fewer detours in the future!

Ling Xiao taught the Emperor Dragons that he created them to them, but they only had the same moves for the attributes they cultivated.

If Xin Li is a refined wood property, Ling Xiao will pass him the trick of swallowing the dragon; Ling Ying and Ling Yue are the main repairers, and they have passed the trick of Emperor Dragon; as for Ling Yu and Ling Ze They are all inherited the physique of Lingxiao's five-fold attribute fellow practitioners. They have always been submerged to honor the merits of the martial arts. They have been passed down by the Emperor Dragon to destroy the Tianlong five styles. The latter two styles are still unable to comprehend them; And Yuntian’s cultivation is the nature of fire. It’s a sign that Jiuyang’s burning of heaven and the burning of the sun!

Ling Xiao also gave instructions on their respective cultivation methods, and strictly required them to practice while also paying attention to self-cultivation, and could not be mistaken.

In the past six months, the six of them have gained a lot, and they have all sought the goals and directions of their respective cultivation.

It can be said that Ling Xiao has had the most profound influence on these people in the past six months, and also laid the foundation for them to be famous in the future!

Half a year later, Ling Xiao finally arranged the people of the Soul to the outskirts of Tianlong City and had a new home with them.

At the same time, Ling Xiao also summoned Yun Shifu and Yun Li and others, and introduced Lingyuan and several elders of Lingjia to know them, let them coexist peacefully, and bundle their own ethnic groups, so they should easily get into trouble and should get along. Support, work hard to cultivate, and be able to gain a foothold in the Tianyu area in the future!

When they don't need the guardian of the Tianlongmen, they can survive on the Tianyu!

At the same time, Ling Xiao also selected a dozen of Tianbin's good teenagers or young people from the juniors of the soul family to go to his peak to learn the art!

Ling Xiao did not ask them to worship under the gods, but let them worship the Ye Yunfeng, the Leopard, the Duoy and others.

They are the most trustworthy people in Ling Xiao, and they will certainly be trained by him to become a king of the future.

Putting the souls of the younger generations under them, Ling Xiao is also more assured!

He also does not intend to inform the family about it, lest it cause the suspicion of the people inside!

Ling Xiao also slandered the souls of these young people. When they are not living or dead, they can't easily use the mental power to attack and hurt people, and they are not allowed to be enemies with Tianlongmen and the Jin people!

Otherwise, once he finds out, he will kill them by hand!

Everyone in the soul family is fascinated by Ling Xiao, and his words are all listened to, and naturally he will not violate his wishes!

Ling Xiao is also the first to see the growth of their souls. If there are really a few amazing characters in the future, they can reinvigorate the soul of the soul, then let them detach from the Tianlongmen, destroy the shadow family, and then re- Build a powerful soul family.

At that time, the Soul and the Jinzu Alliance are enough to shock all the forces in the Tianyu!

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao is more determined, and try to arrange the soul people to Tianlongmen.

Waiting for him to go one step further in the future, when the prestige in the family is higher, it can promote the friendship between the two communities!

It must be said that the soul and the gold are too different now, and the soul is a taboo in the celestial domain. It will take some time to buffer.

Ling Xiao returned to the family and asked about the situation of the great Supreme Gods in the family. Did he use his supreme Shen Dan to go further!

He asked this mainly to see when the family decided to attack the winged people. This war is definitely to participate!

It is a pity that Ling Xiao’s return to this time, the patriarch Lingbo and the great elder Lingqiu have been retreating one after another, with the help of his supreme Shen Dan to attack the next stage.

The two of them are not here, and the rest of the family is not good at self-determination.

Ling Xiao was impatient and had to go to the Dragon Nest of the Jinlong family. I wanted to find an eleventh-order real dragon beast for the mount!

In the future, every step he takes will be extremely dangerous. You must not take it lightly. One more eleventh-order dragon and beast will feel much safer!

In addition to the horror of the war, the real dragon beast has the ability to call on the beasts, and can help the hands, which can shock many people.

It was just that he was just about to go and was dragged by a few things.

Ling Feiwu came to find him from the outside door and told him that there were already many gods and half-god gods who came to join Tianlongmen. Even two of the Supreme Gods came.

These people are all coming from the name of Ling Xiao Ling, and they all hope to see Ling Xiao, or their hearts will always be unable to get down, I am afraid that they will leave their Tianlongmen sooner or later!

Ling Feiwu is the owner of the door. Naturally, he hopes to leave these new forces. If they can all be loyal to Tianlongmen, then it is a good thing!

For this matter, Ling Xiao is not good to postpone anyway, and he must feel that he should give a point for Tianlongmen. If these people can join, they are also inclined to him. He has to go out to meet and give them a A heart-shaped pill to eat!

I haven't reached the half-starting spirit yet, and naturally I am not qualified to let Ling Xiao go to meet. They are not qualified to talk to Tianlongmen about too harsh conditions!

Tianlongmen must be the most powerful force in the Tianlong area. Many people want to join, not to mention the fact that there is now a supreme medicine god, and its prestige is even higher.

Joining these people will be left to reuse after they have been selected at different levels. Otherwise, it will be mixed with the spies of other forces, and it will definitely be a mess in the future.

Only among the gods who did not have to meet, one person strongly demanded to see Ling Xiao, who also told Ling Feiwu that Ling Xiao would meet him because he was one of the thousand gods!

The potential of the Thousand Gods is very large. It is also possible to get Ling Xiao’s interview according to qualifications.

However, Ling Feiwu can't see which one is on the list of thousands of gods, and he can sense that there are not many people in this life, and the breath is quite unstable. I always feel that there is something wrong with it!

When Ling Feiwu wanted to chase him out of the Tianlongmen, the man actually showed his identity. It turned out that this person was the one who competed with him for one of the thousand gods at the same time!

When the last battle of the thousand gods, Ding alone is a **** horse!

With the strength of the high-ranking **** king, he rode a ten-order peak Tianhu, directly taking the name of the thousand gods with a weak attack!

Since then, he has been named within the Tianlong area.

It’s just that he’s far from the look of decades ago, and Ling Feiwu can’t recognize it!

Because he has been the appearance of the old man, he has become a middle-aged person, his body has been smashed a lot, and the style of a thousand gods is gone.

This is no wonder that Ling Feiwu can't recognize him!

Determined the identity of Ding Lonely, Ling Feiwu is very worried.

He felt that Ding Lonely was definitely in trouble.

Ling Feiwu did not hesitate, and then went to Ling Xiaoyu to report it, and see if Ling Xiao received Ding alone.

Ling Xiao heard that Ding Lonely actually came to rely on it, and he could not help but feel a little surprised!

However, he knows Ding's lonely loneliness, and knows that he is still quite promising. He decided to give him a chance to come back!

Only before this, Ling Xiao first met the dozens of people in front of him, and then met Ding alone!

Among the dozen or so people in front, only two are the supreme strength, one is the low-end sacred peak of the gods, and the other is the middle-order sage of the first gods, called Yang Hai, Pang Tongge.

Both of them are scattered, the former was once the famous king of mercenaries, but he has not been asked for many years, but he has been stuck in the low-end peak for many years and can no longer make breakthroughs. He has to come and rush to Lingxiao, hope Can get the Supreme Shen Dan to go further; the latter is not to follow the Ling Xiao around, but hope that he will provide the gods to Ling Xiao, let Ling Xiao refine the Supreme Shen Dan for him.

The other half-starters naturally want to join the Tianlongmen. They naturally don't have the supreme gods that Lingxiao can refine the gods for them, so they can only exchange for life.

Ling Xiao wants them to be convinced. He has the supreme ability of the supreme medicine god. It is enough to release the supreme momentum, and they believe that he is a medicine god. This is not important.

They believe that they will stay, and if they don't believe in the Lord, they will be so simple!

In fact, as he is today and today, he does not need to beg others to follow him. Naturally, someone will be willing to do so.

After appeasing them, Ling Xiao let those half-starters be taken away by Ling Feiwu, and he talked about the conditions with Yang Hai and Pang Tongge!

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