World Controlling God

Chapter 1501: Death

Counting it, Ling Xiao sees Ding Lonely for the third time. The first time is in the battle of the thousand gods, and the second time is on the way to Tianyuan, where he meets the Taoist gods outside Taojiacheng. Wang Dazhan, and Ling Xiao also helped him at the time; now it is the third time!

In the second time, when Ding was alone, Ling Xiao noticed that the magical power of Ding’s cultivation was strange.

Goodbye today, it really confirmed his guess at the time!

Ding knows his own situation alone. If he can't use the last vitality to break through the realm of the Supreme God, then the evil spirit that he cultivated will be countered. He will continue to retreat and his vitality will continue. Earth reduction until death!

Over the years, he has traveled a lot of ancient mountains to find the kind of material that can change the status quo.

However, there is nothing that can be suppressed, and the situation is constantly going bad.

He can now have the breath of the king of the peak, and he is completely sighing with a sigh of relief. In fact, he has fallen back to the strength of the high-ranking gods. It will take a long time to fall to the realm of the middle-level gods.

It is impossible for him to think that he will not fall down!

But he never regretted choosing to cultivate this evil, because he has to avenge his father!

Originally, the great hatred was reported, and he was already worried about it. He also accepted his life. He wanted to find a place to wait quietly and forget it!

It was only recently that I had no intention but heard that Ling Xiao suddenly became the position of the supreme medicine god, but his mind was a move!

Although he was alone and lonely, he was also because of the misfortune of his youth, and the hatred in his heart was put down, but it did not mean that he really wanted to die!

If there is a chance to live, I think anyone will take this opportunity regardless of everything!

The reason why Ding Lonely came to raise this condition for Ling Xiao, there is actually another reason!

That is, Ling Xiao used to help him kill his father and enemies, so he also wanted to take the opportunity to repay Ling Xiao’s kindness to him!

Of course, if Ling Xiao does not make a refining of the supreme Shen Dan for him, he also wants to repay is powerless!

Ling Xiao thinks that Ding Lonely and Yuan Zhantian belong to the same kind of people, they all have extremely arrogant personality, and they are also like those who are not gregarious, but they also have their own differences. Ding Lonely has been traumatized from childhood, to others. Out of a disbelieving attitude, it can be said that there is autism, do not like to communicate with other people; and Yuan Zhantian is affected by the inheritance of the battle of the Holy Grail, there are signs of animalization, so there is a kind Naturally rejects the consciousness of human beings.

However, these two people are all superb people in Tianbin, and they all have their own opportunities.

Ling Xiao also likes Ding Lone's single-handed way of speaking. He feels that once such a person declares allegiance, he is completely loyal to his loyalty. There will never be any betrayal of the two hearts!

"If the Supreme Shen Dan can help you get rid of the status quo, I will give it to you immediately!" Ling Xiao said without hesitation.

A thousand troops are easy to get, one will be hard to find!

Like Ding Lonely, this peerless loft has always focused on the martial arts. The future achievements are no less than his sneer. How can Ling Xiao miss such followers?

Ding was asked by Ling Xiao, but he did not know whether this supreme Shen Dan could save his life!

This evil skill is really too pleasant, although it can speed up the strength, but it can also regress the power very quickly!

What if you have served the supreme Shen Dan and still can't get rid of this entanglement?

"If you believe me, tell me your question, maybe you can solve it from other aspects," Ling Xiao asked.

He also wants to know what Ding Lone is, what it is, and it has the defects of such human life!

Ding hesitated for a moment, or he roughly said his situation to Ling Xiao.

The evil skill he cultivated is called "death and sacred power", and it is an ancient wreckage. The cultivation of this magic can make people advance at a speed no less than any god, even faster!

But every step of the way, you have to experience a disaster like death. If you can’t do it, you can fly away at any time!

Nowadays, his magical power has been cultivated to the extreme, but he has not broken through the part of the mouth after the Supreme God, so that he can only die in the realm of the king of the gods.

If it is impossible to break through within the stipulated time, then his strength will begin to reverse rapidly, until all the power is exhausted and finally died!

The final knot is on the incomplete mouth and can't be solved, so there is nothing to say.

Ling Xiao felt shocked after listening to it. He never thought about this kind of evil spirits in this world!

When Ling Xiao felt that this catastrophe was a great achievement, the man could not hang up the last key slogan.

Ding alone has the same guess as Ling Xiao!

But this is no longer important. What is important is that he can't find the back of the mouth. He can't create it himself.

This depends on whether there are other ways to solve his problem!

He thought that as long as there is Supreme Shen Dan, he might be able to give it a go, but after Ling Xiao said so, he felt that he could not change the status quo if he took the supreme Shen Dan. Then he did not let down Ling Xiao’s mind and waste the supreme God Dan?

"Perhaps as the medicine **** said, I have not saved, Ding Mou disturbed!" Ding alone said to Ling Xiao arched his hand, actually turned very simply to leave!

Ling Xiao hurriedly stopped Ding Lonely Road. "Ding Xiong Mo must be anxious, no matter what method, try it, how can I give up?"

Then he had a green crystal fruit in his hand, which is a dead fruit!

Ding alone can feel the extraordinaryness of this fruit of Ling Xiao, and there is some expectation in the faint heart!

"Go, find a place to try and know!" Ling Xiao is lonely to Ding.

This is an undead fruit. Anyone who eats has the effect of immortality. He does not know whether Ding Lonely has cultivated this "death and sacred power" and can even suppress the effect of this undead fruit.

Of course, Ling Xiao also intends to take out even the undead juice, two kinds of undead, two-pronged, he does not believe that Ding alone can return to life.

If it doesn't work, he will try the sycamore fruit again and let Ding be alone and nirvana once!

It’s just that one of the sycamore fruits is used, and he has to save points in case he needs it!

Ding had no choice but to go with Ling Xiao to a retreat room.

"This is the undead fruit and the undead god, you take it together and see if it has any effect!" Ling Xiao handed these two kinds of gods to Ding's loneliness.

These two kinds of things, but after the undead tree green man reached the **** level, Ling Xiao knocked it out from it, but it was not the one that was collected when it did not reach the **** level.

Only the gods have a magical effect on the **** king, this Lingxiao is very clear!

Ding was shocked!

He did not expect that Ling Xiao could easily come up with such a rare **** in the world, one of the nine great **** trees can not kill the tree, so it takes a lot of chance to meet!

Ding couldn’t help but see a glimmer of hope. He felt that it was right to find Ling Xiao this time!

He took the two gods and took them to sit down and put them into the mouth.

The nine great gods have their own uniqueness. The undead tree is the **** tree that has the name of immortality. No matter who is serving these gods, they can live forever!

Of course, Ling Xiao always thought that Green Weng was a high-level tree spirit, and felt that its tree floating juice only had the effect of extending the age of a hundred years.

Later, I learned that no tree is one of the nine great **** trees, and he knows that it is a treasure!

Of course, the sap, the tree fruit, and the roots of the undead tree have an undead effect, and it is only after it reaches the level of God that it appears. Before it reaches the level of God, it really only has extraordinary life extension effect.

The nine great **** trees, there will only be one in the world, and its preciousness can be imagined.

After Ding alone took these two kinds of gods, he only felt that a huge life essence was constantly filled with him, and the vitality in his body to be reduced and reduced was suddenly closed.

However, these two forces are entangled, and there is no immediate ability to rely on who endures who has won, showing a stalemate!

Ding alone is taking the opportunity to absorb the original strength that he needs. He wants to promote his own strength and help this undead force to completely counter the power that affects his realm and vitality. He wants to completely suppress it. !

It is only his own power that is consistent with this power. Instead of suppressing those cowardly forces, it strengthens its power and counterattacks the undead forces!

For a time, Ding alone did not dare to act rashly, only to let the power of undead and undead juice to purify all the unrest factors in this power!

I don't know how long it took. When Ding opened his eyes, he only felt that his body and mind were very comfortable. It seems that he has not been affected by that power!

He is also a lot younger, and he has the effect of rejuvenation!

"Thank you for the help of the **** of medicine and medicine. In the future, I will be willing to follow you, and I will work hard to make it work!" Ding alone wants to kneel down and smile at Ling.

It’s just that Ling Xiao’s eyes are fast and he’s going to help him. “It’s too early to say this, you’re running your power!”.

Ding was alone and stunned, and then did it according to Ling Xiao’s words.

Suddenly, when his power was running, the problem appeared again. He sensed that his power was gradually weakening and weakening!

He changed his mind and immediately stopped running, then muttered "Mo... is it really powerless?"

Ling Xiao locked his brow, and he said, "Now your strength is being reduced, but the vitality is not reduced by half. The power of the undead and the undead juice is still effective. They must only let you not die!", After a pause, he said, "If you want to solve this problem, maybe there is only one way!".

"What is the way?" Ding asked alone and blurted out!

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