World Controlling God

Chapter 1619: Hundreds of thousands of years of iceberg searching

Quiet extraterrestrial space.

There are dozens of people who have surrounded a few people in the middle, and many terrible breaths are locked in those people. Once they have any changes, these people will definitely try their best to kill them.

The few people squatted and greeted the young and heroic man in the field.

Needless to say, whoever sees this scene will feel that the young people are bullying and bullying the old people.

Only those who know the cause and effect will not think so. This young man has just been deceived by others.

"But you will spare you once!" After a long time, Ling Xiao finally sighed and sighed, and lost the ice head in his hand toward the old patriarch of the ice family.

Somehow, as his strength became stronger, his mind seemed more benevolent.

If you change it before, kill these people directly, absorb their souls, or control them for your own use.

But since many of the big enemies have to deal with their Jin people, he has changed a bit.

It may not be correct to erect the enemy blindly. Sometimes it is good to have more than one ally. It is like when they attack the gods and axe, the forces from all over the world send people to help, so that he thinks they are not Alone!

A few people in the ice family immediately showed their moving color.

The old patriarch of the ice family quickly yelled at Ling Xiaodao, "Ling Pharmacy is generous and generous, we are grateful!".

"Hopefully, as you said, otherwise I don't mind slashing your ice, even if you have returned to the top of the mountain, I have a way to let him drink!" Ling Xiao warned, then pointed to Hail rainway "This person still has something to do!".

The old patriarch of the ice family was shocked, and once again, the ice that had been frozen into ice sculptures was shot into powder.

"Can Ling Yao God leave his god..." The old patriarch of the ice family began to speak again.

Only after his words have not been finished, he discovered that the soul of the hail rain seems to be swallowed up and disappeared into the extraterritorial space.

His eyes are sharp and he doesn't dare to say anything more!

"Let's go, I want to see if my predecessors are really dead!" Ling Xiao didn't want to say a few more words, and he took a lot of sorrows and returned to the heavens.

A few people in the ice family found that Ling Xiao can actually send and receive these living supremes. It is just like a ghost. They finally understand that Ling Xiao is definitely a superb and can accommodate many living things.

In their hearts, they completely dispelled any thoughts of revenge for Ling Xiao in the future.

Imagine a person carrying a dozens of sacred gods, which is equivalent to the power of one party's hegemonic power. What kind of people dare to provoke him easily?

The ice people have a very large area, but in addition to their ice, almost no one dares to set foot. Even those who cultivate ice properties want to be close, and the ice people are not allowed.

Therefore, there are few people on this place, and in many icebergs, there are many icebergs for thousands of years, and even some icebergs that have been more than 100,000 years old are often cultivated. The cold gods, those who do not reach the supreme level do not dare to destroy the iceberg, those cold winds are enough to live any strong to freeze to death.

After being hit by the hail and the other two newly-respected gods, Qiao Feng was hit by one of the 100,000-year-old icebergs.

It’s been more than three years now, in the cold mountain, I’m afraid that the body of ice is hard to support!

Ling Xiao and the ice patriarchs, Bingqian and others rushed here.

Ling Xiao has already learned from the memory of the hail rain that it is an iceberg.

The snow of the cold here keeps flying, and the cold wind below zero is always rushing, even if the king of God is close to here, it will be frozen.

Here, the iceberg stands in the forest, and the towering towering clouds are incomparably spectacular!

Ling Xiao’s eyes fell on one of the 100,000-meter icebergs, and the dragon-shaped warfare burst out in vain.


The dragon-shaped war is turned into a real 10,000-meter golden dragon that has been caught in the iceberg. It is necessary to give birth to the ice of the iceberg and find out the frozen Qiaofeng.

"Ling medicine God can't!" The old patriarch of the ice family hurriedly exclaimed.

Ling Xiao looked at him inexplicably, and the dragon-shaped war was hovering before the iceberg, and he returned to him.

"Qiao Feng has been frozen into ice sculptures. If you want to keep the remains... you can't break the iceberg like this, but your body will be broken, so that he can't be resurrected!" The old patriarch explained.

Ling Xiao wrinkled his brow and said, "What should I do?"

"Only find his position, dig him out, and then slowly melt the ice, so that you can keep the flesh!" The old ice-aged family, then he said, "It is better for us to find him for you." Come out?".

Ling Xiao hesitated and said, "I will go find it myself. I have heard that there may be artifacts in this iceberg that has not been replaced for 100,000 years. I would like to see if it is true!"

After all, Ling Xiao volleyed over the iceberg of 100,000 years.

A few people in the ice family looked at each other and showed helplessness. They immediately followed up.

The coldness of the cold here is even cold in their Supreme God. If they are not practicing ice properties, they don’t want to be close to here!

The icebergs of 100,000 years are the unique land where the ice people have produced the gods, and they are also the places where the enemy is buried.

They often smashed the enemies who committed their ice people into the iceberg of the 100,000 years, and frozen them to death, making them ice sculptures to show that their ice gods are inviolable.

Before Ling Xiao fell to the iceberg of the 100,000-year-old iceberg, a chill of cold air came to him.

Ling Xiao runs the magical powers, absorbs all these ice, and refines them one by one, enhances the power of the gods, and enhances the attack power of his ice attributes.

These are the source of ice, once the ice attribute of the military can refine, the repair can be greatly advanced, the power of ice will also increase a lot.

"This is really a Jedi place. It's no wonder that the ice people don't allow other people to come here. They are afraid that others will absorb the power here and become stronger. It may be good to stay here for a while." Ling Xiao secretly paid in his heart.

He temporarily opened the thought, and found the approximate position according to the memory of the ice and rain, and began to carefully excavate here.

The ice gods, the most sacred gods, have also excavated the iceberg in other directions. They want to find Qiao Feng for Lingxiao as soon as possible.

These 100,000-year-old icebergs, how hard each piece of ice stone is, are the best materials for casting ice-quality weapons. If you don't reach the artifact level, you can break it.

Qiao Feng was beaten here for three years. In the past three years, there have been numerous snow and ice cover, I am afraid that it has been buried in a shallow place.

Ling Xiao's body is comparable to the high-order ancient artifacts, and both palms are heavily smashed, and countless fires begin to infiltrate into these icebergs, peeling off these layers of ice.

After a while, he dug a large pit hundreds of meters deep, but did not find the body of Qiao Feng.

"This iceberg is too big. I only know that it is in the approximate direction. I am afraid that it is not so easy to find it!" Ling Xiao secretly paid a sigh and continued to dig quickly.

The other few people dare not neglect. If they don't find out the body of Qiao Feng, they are afraid that they will not be good.

After half a day, the large area of ​​the iceberg was completely excavated.

Ling Xiao has already dug up a few ice corpses, but he did not see Qiao Feng's figure, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

At this time, Bingqian exclaimed, "There is another **** in this side!".

His voice just fell, and Ling Xiao’s already figure is coming to him.

"Joe Grandpa!" Ling Xiao saw that a dozen meters of ice sculpture could not help but stunned.

The inside of the ice sculpture is indeed Qiao Feng undoubtedly, his face with a very angry color, expressions and movements are frozen by many ice crystals, I am afraid that it is already fierce.

Ling Xiao did not think about it. He took this ice sculpture and flew away from this icy land to a normal temperature place above the sky.

Ling Xiao Tian Huo spread out from the palm of his hand. He wants to dry these ice cubes slowly, and muttered on his mouth, "I hope there is still a chance!"

Casually, the firepower of Lingxiao Tianhuo spread, and the ice cubes gradually disintegrated and dissolved.

A lot of ice water has been dripping out, and the dozens of meters of ice sculptures have been reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ling Xiao stared at Qiao Feng, hoping to sense the vitality of the silk from his inner body.

Unfortunately, he is destined to be disappointed, and Qiao Feng seems to have really had no breath.

At this time, several people of the ice family flew up.

The old patriarch of the ice family has already produced a crystal-like ice-like fruit. It is shaped like a human being, with a head and limbs. It looks like a little baby, and it is filled with a strong vitality. Come.

"Ling Yao Shen, this is ice and snow, can save his life!" The old patriarch of the ice family said before respecting Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao is not polite, a hand in the hand, the ice snow ginseng fruit received.

At the same time, Qiao Feng's body has been fully shown, and in addition to the cold and stiff, he did not feel the vitality.

It must have been seriously injured by the hail and the other two before he was frozen, and he was frozen in the absolutely cold place for three years. The meridians, organs and bone marrow of the inner body were all frozen.

"Joe Joe, you can't die!" Ling Xiao sighed with a sigh of relief, and a gentle energy was passed to Qiao Feng, which softened his body and shook the ice and snow in his hand, and hardened his energy. The place was sent to the peak of Qiao Feng, helping him to drop these energy into the abdomen.

Not only that, but Ling Xiao will also send the undead tree fruit into the mouth of Qiao Feng, hoping that a miracle will happen.

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