World Controlling God

Chapter 1636: Hard fight

Ling Xiao chilled the lyrics, let the two gods and corpses guard him. Once there is any change, immediately stop the killing!

Ling Xiaocai will fall to other people.

The remaining dozens of people and those thunder and lightning are working hard to cope with many of the gods.

The corpse of the gods contains a strong sense of death, and any attack is immune, and all of them are completely torn, until they are completely smashed, they will lose their fighting power.

However, the corpse of God will suffer from the above-mentioned combat power, and it will only be able to trap several low-ranking Supreme Gods. Others have been blocked by thunder and smashing, and even several corpses have been destroyed. Devil, there are more than a dozen that have been hit hard, and there is not much combat effectiveness.

If this continues, Ling Xiao may have to be ruined by the other party.

At Ling Xiao's side, he has already suppressed the Thundering.

Lei Lingjun is the late stage of the high-end supreme, but Ling Xiao’s all-powered power is fully open, and he is generally strong with him. Even with the cooperation of Emperor Dragon and the Scorpio, Lei Lingjun is already in the first place.

If his lightning attack and defense are amazing, Ling Xiao can already make him a meat sauce.

The power of Ling Xiao Shen can force the enemy to the peak, and Lei Lingjun squats to cultivate the property of Lei, and also has such combat power. Everyone who is terrible is not a good character.

Nowadays, what Ling Xiao pays attention to is another high-ranking extreme Lei Yuan history that controls lightning.

The gods of the gods were destroyed by him.

He also has an eleventh-order mid-level Razer around him. His strength is only slightly worse than that of Lei Lingjun. What's more, he is still a teacher. His position in Lei Family is not worse than that of Lei Lingjun.

I saw that the thunder hammer in his hand was particularly powerful, and every hammer fell, and it was able to burst a demon corpse.

At this time, Lei Lingjun shouted at him and said, "The Yuanshi is quick to save!".

Lei Yuanshi discovered that Relo has actually been frozen by the land.

He thought that with the strength of Leroy, he should be able to kill the kid, and now it is actually blocked by ice, it should not be!

"Small miscellaneous, immediately put the sputum less, or else not only ruin your body, but also smoke your soul, torture and die!" Lei Yuanshi took the thunder hammer and smacked toward Ling Xiao.

"Hey, it depends on whether you have this amount of weight!" Ling Xiao sneered, and there was a shadow sword in his hand, and he smashed toward Lei Yuanshi.

Ling Xiao wants to make quick decisions, and the violent body is rushing. A group of hurricanes smashed, and the world was chaotic. A black dead wind blade smashed toward Lei Yuanshi.


Lei Yuan’s brow wrinkled, but he did not expect that the strength of this mid-level supreme peak was so strong, and the strength of his ascension could make him feel the threat, and the power of the ice attribute seemed to turn into a comfortable wind attribute power.

"Every evil power must be destroyed in the thunder of my mighty thunder!" Lei Yuanshi stunned, and many thunders fell above his head. Thunder hammers slammed into the square. Thunder’s power slammed into the hurricane. And go.


The power of thunder and lightning is really strong, and the hurricane and death of Ling Xiao will be completely destroyed.

The power of the thunderbolt that was splashed on Ling Xiao was much stronger than that before the Leroy, and Ling Xiao felt pain and pouted.

In exchange for the general high-order supreme and Lei Yuan history battle, I am afraid that only one move will have to fall.

This is the terrible power of the Lei family, and the Thunder power is the most terrifying force in the world.

"Give me completely disappeared!" Lei Yuanshi got a move, and the momentum was great. He was shocked and the thunder hammer danced again, slamming in the direction of Ling Xiao.

Thunder broke through the sky!

A strip of thunder snakes came out, and within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it was turned into a thunder pool, and the gods and demons that were affected were all smashed into a burnt!

The intensive thunder and lightning floated around this time, and Ling Xiao couldn't directly break into the attack of Lei Yuanshi. Instead, he was shocked and retreated.

Above the level of power, Ling Xiao is still a poor!

But this does not mean that he will lose, this is just the beginning, he is ready to be true!

The Shadow Sword was taken over by him, and the Emperor Dragon destroyed the seventh lotus of the Scorpio and smashed it, forming a thick defense before him.


These thunder forces are already the most powerful force of the thunder. The attack power is extremely terrifying. The ice shields of Ling Xiao are crushed between the eyes and the cold snow is also shattered.

This time, Lei Li actually broke through his physical defense. Ling Xiao took the bite and mentioned the power to the extreme.

Ling Xiao knows that the other party is using the strongest source of lightning. He stunned and turned the power of defense into the power of counterattack.

Iced water, aquatic wood, wood fire, continuous triple strength, the thunder and lightning of the history of Lei Yuansheng, and gave a fierce counterattack, those flames turned into the shape of dragon and phoenix to the history of Lei Yuan.

"There is still the power of counterattack. It is no wonder that you can win the shackles, but you are just struggling!" After Lei Yuanshi sneered, Lei Li continued to fall wild, and all the space in the circle became a vacuum. The thunder snakes splattered, and each hit was enough to smash the mid-level supreme body, enough to let any high-level supreme defeat and escape.

Ling Xiao knows that this is already the full thunder of Lei Yuanshi, enough to hit his body.

Therefore, he must decide the outcome before a move, or else he will be defeated.

Suddenly, he later withdrew 10,000 meters, and there were five kinds of attribute colors behind him. The body had a lot of brilliance and brilliance, and the atmosphere rose and the five dragons with different colors came together.

"You can force me to kill you, you are proud!" Ling Xiao said quietly, his two palms together for the fist rushed out.

Emperor Dragon destroys the eighth type of five dragons in one!

The powerful dragons of the five dragons have different colors, and the world is ravaged by the ravages. The terrible power is far beyond the power of the mid-level supreme peak, even the general high-end supreme is incomparable. It is not easy to eat this trick.

Ling Xiaozhen not only made this move, but his avatar also made this move at the same time. He planned to take these two high-ranking supremes at the same time and didn't want to delay any more.

The combination of the five dragons is not a bombing at the beginning, but is controlled by Ling Xiao’s thoughts. They can be attacked first and then combined to make a final devastating attack. .

I saw that the Leihai, which was pushed forward, was even more violently attacked by these five real dragons. The power of these lightnings was offset by five different forces, making this space more chaotic. .

Lei Yuanshi was shaken up by these forces to shake the body. He felt the horror of Ling Xiao’s trick. His look was ugly, and the hammer hammered harder and harder.

It was only the last five dragons that united into a more terrible real dragon. They broke through these thunder seas and swallowed him directly, which made him feel shocked.

"Get out of my way!" Lei Yuanshi's power was exhausted. Many lightnings formed an equally powerful Lei snake and ran into the five-color real dragon.


This piece of space seems to be destroyed in general, and the earthquake continues to linger. The terrible power makes the surrounding people retreat, and many of them are annihilated in these aftermaths.

"The deputy master, he...he is so powerful, he can actually fight against that person!"

"We only know that his alchemy is powerful, but I don't know if his combat power is so strong, how old he is, is it that a certain ancient character can not be reborn!".

"Yeah, there is a deputy lord, we are winning this battle today!".

"It’s just that we offended the Lei family. After they joined forces with the Devils and Tigers, our guild would be in trouble."

"It seems that we have to prepare early. If the deputy master stays in our guild, our strength can become even stronger!"

Many of the most sacred gods of the Pharmacological Association’s commemoration were exclaimed, and they did not expect that Lingxiao’s combat power was so strong besides the alchemy method.

Even Yan Gong had to be amazed in his heart, "This kid is really a monster!"

When Ling Xiao and Lei Lingjun and Lei Yuanshi both killed and killed, this battle finally reached the turning point of victory and defeat.

Lei Lingjun was first stunned by the spirit of Ling Xiao, and could not find where the enemy was. In this case, he was already injured many times. In the end, he was ridiculed by the five dragons. The defense, the body is finally destroyed, and the serious injury is difficult.

When he wanted to recover his injury, he was completely frozen by Ling Xiao. It is not so easy for him to break the seal.

As for Lei Yuanshi, it’s better. He and Ling Xiao’s hard work, the **** body suffered a heavy blow, but there is still the strength to protect the **** body, because his body is also washed by the power of lightning, and the general defense against lightning Strong, and Ling Xiao is a little weaker on the same level. Although his power is very terrifying, he still stopped.

"Thunder and lightning protection law!" Lei Yuanshi was afraid of this move by Ling Xiao, he must quickly recover the injury, immediately appealed to his thunder and lightning against the gods and demon to summon to block Ling Xiao.

As his call fell, four thunderbolts got rid of the **** corpse and swept in the direction of Lei Yuanshi.

They are full of powerful thunder and lightning power, each of them is no less than the attack wave of the middle-class Supreme God, even the same level of the Supreme God, and they have to think about it.

Floating Astronomy

After the Lingxiao Wulong united, the power is also a little weak, but his background is definitely not comparable to anyone. The whole body is more than ten times more than the average person.

He will take him to the throne of Lei Yuanshi.

His violent footsteps flashed, avoiding the four thunderbolts, and the most powerful snow and coldness against Lei Yuanshi!

Emperor Dragon destroys the third type of ice breaking the mountain river!

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