World Controlling God

Chapter 1650: Light and dark body

"Little chores, all because of you, you will lick your dog's head today!" A haze sounded up, and a powerful attack slammed down at the top of Ling Xiao.

Ginger dark light has always been resentful of Ling Xiao, he could have killed those people in Tianyuan area.

However, because Ling Xiao’s appearance broke his plan, he only killed a quarter of the people in the Tianyuan area. There were still 300 people who did not die, and did not move their muscles and bones. !

Everything is because of this kid in front of him, he must swear the head of this kid!

The light and dark air sandwiched the terrible temper and squatted down Ling’s head.

On top of this chaotic battlefield, keep the highest vigilance at all times to prevent being attacked by the enemy! Floating Astronomy

When Jiang Jianguang’s sword fell to his head, Ling Xiao immediately became alert. His thoughts were not worse than any peak.

At this moment, Ling Xiao is too late to summon the soul, and his hand in the shadow of the sword is blocked.


Ling Xiao only felt that a terrible force had been uploaded from the hilt to his arms, and his arms were numb and bloody. The shadow sword was almost shaken away.

His whole person flew in an instant, and the blood rushed out.

The power of the sword of **** is quite powerful and terrible!

"Small chop, I will give you four legs today and I can't escape!" Ginger snorted and smothered again.

Ling smiled and angered, this sly mouth was so stinky, actually insulted him!

"You are a spy, and your face is here, why don't you take a piece of tofu to kill yourself!" Ling Xiao snorted, and the soul immediately appeared, stealth and smothered the ginger.

Although Ginger dark light knew that Ling Xiao had a sacred soul, he did not think about it at all, but he only wanted to kill Ling Xiao with Thunder.

It is also the meaning of this, Ling Xiao spirit has been around his side to carry out the most powerful killing action!

Emperor Dragon destroys the sixth style of Shuanglong style!

Ling Xiaoyi’s shot is a must-kill, and does not give Jiang a chance to breathe a little bit!

A pair of dragons smashed directly toward the **** dark light body.

The strength of the dark light of the **** is amazing, but it is not expected that this sudden sneak attack will come.


Ginger’s dark light was slammed into the ground, and the body of the body was pierced, but he had already had a sacred body on his body. The destructive power only melted the god’s armor into a hole, and almost Only then can it invade the dark body of ginger.

"Damn, forget this kid and the technique of avatar!" Ginger darkly whispered,

At the same time, he quickly smashed the power of destruction and immediately entered the state of defense, and the light and darkness were intertwined.

After Ling Xiao screamed "Pity", he immediately entered the crazy attack mode, and Emperor Dragon destroyed the scorpion and rushed away in the dark light of Jiang.

Ginger dark light was stunned by the raw life, and the blood kept vomiting out.

However, he did not have the means to fight back. He roared, and the Shenjian whirls two very different forces to kill the Quartet, and forced Lingxiao to retreat far away.

"Small groceries, show me your original form!" Ginger screams in the dark, a light and dark sneaky eyes screaming out of inexplicable light, able to show all illusions, evils, and phantoms In front of him.

At this moment, he finally saw the spirit of Ling Xiao, and the sword in his hand waved his terrible swordsmanship!

Yin and Yang countercurrent!

Ginger dark light is the dark and dark body. It is the terrible **** behind the chaotic warfare, and the sword skill he possesses is also the yin and yang sword that is rare in ancient times.

This can be similar to the yin and yang gods repaired by the body of water and fire.

His sword seems to be able to reverse the time, destroying everything in violation of common sense.

Ling Xiao is in this moment, there is a kind of panic that makes him feel like a lost life, in an inexplicable panic!

Yin and Yang are irreversible and time is irreversible, but now the sword seems to be able to reverse all of this!

Suddenly, the chaotic space within the Lingxiao sea seems to have some kind of reaction. The law of repeated activities seems to have some new changes, and an inexplicable induction is flowing.

Ling Xiao seems to be caught in a strange feeling, muttering in his mouth, "All things have a law, and things that are contrary to common sense will be incomprehensible, you reverse the yin and yang, sin should be awkward!"

Just before the sword of Jiang Guangguang fell in front of him, Ling Xiao suddenly woke up, physique, and escaped a fatal blow!

At the same time, he immediately gave a very strong counterattack, and Jin Quan, like a dragon, smashed the past toward Jiang.

Ginger dark light reacts very fast, and the sword technique is swiftly swept, and Lingxiao’s golden dragon will be smashed and crushed!

"Small chop, today is the king of the king, I can't save you!" Ginger sneered, and made another move!

Yin and Yang are in chaos!

Suddenly, this time seems to be chaotic, sometimes time goes backwards, sometimes time goes by, and a kind of inexplicable sense of disorder keeps soaring in Ling Xiao’s mind, making people feel very uncomfortable.

The chaotic space in his knowledge of the sea was also slightly affected, but the chaotic breath flickered, and the time was immediately brought out of chaos.

"It’s just a matter of disturbing the law of time. I also want to make all the time change for you, kill me!" Ling Xiao said quietly, and only one ice fist suddenly appeared.

Icebergs, glaciers, hail... form a world of ice, stop everything from freezing, even if time is the same, you can't bear the extreme coldness!


The sword gas stirred above these ice layers, and a burst of harsh sounds made the ice crystals continually fluttering out. Many light and dark swords were still difficult to top.

The power of these swords by the ice layer has been reduced by half, and it was easily smashed by Ling Xiao.

Ginger dark light stopped the attack, and he blinked. "You are not surrounded by my yin and yang. Is there anything wrong with you?"

With the power of his yin and yang swordsmanship, the completion will allow him to compete with the characters on the Supreme List.

However, he found that his sword skills actually seemed to completely lose the effect in front of Ling Xiao, and he really felt very shocked!

"Oh, no matter what kind of treasure, you can deal with you!" Ling Xiao sneered, and the storm hurriedly flew up, a black hurricane raged here, and the road was turned into a shadow. The black wind blade drowned in the darkness of the ginger.

The speed of Ling Xiao has been raised to the extreme. If you want to take the initiative, you can't let Jiang shine again.

The opponent's attack is too much, if it is the scene of his chaotic space within the consciousness, between the two moves, the people will kill him.

The speed of Ling Xiao is unparalleled, unless it is here, or the general wind attribute supreme can be compared to him.

This neighborhood is full of hurricanes, and countless black wind blades are smashing the flames of ginger.

Ginger dark light does not panic in the face of such an intensive attack, but his sword style has changed, and he has changed into a power move with both offense and defense.

Light shield dark blade!

Around him, the light and dark turns around, a circular light shield wrapped him in the middle, and a dark blade assaulted after the light shield, and strangled toward the square.


Ling Xiao has already exhausted all his strength, 70 times the full force of the battle, and the natural darkness of the light shields of the dark shadows of the **** has become a powder.

The power of the thrilling deafness was deafening, and many residual forces were splashing in all directions.

Ginger dark light was stunned by these sharp and overbearing leg tactics. The body had a lot of footprints, and the defensive gods were cracked.

"How can this **** speed of this little chopping be so fast, even I can't catch it!" Ginger darkly snorted and immediately turned to attack.

His sword-like style swayed out, and a strip of clips with the power of light and darkness swelled in the flow. Each sword was very horrible, and it was able to divide all things and break the Milky Way, trying to scatter all these hurricane forces. .

Yin and Yang differentiation!

These swords are arrogant, even if the hurricane of Ling Xiao can't roll it all out, the body is attacked by a sword, and a **** scar is now open.

Ling Xiao was forced to quit the long distance and did not dare to continue attacking.

In the past round, Ling Xiao understands that he and Jiang Guangguang are hard to win and lose. If you don’t fight for the last life and death, it’s hard to tell who is strong and who is weak.

Ling Xiao secretly shocked that "the dark and dark body is really strong, and its sword is more comfortable, and it is rare in the world. It is not difficult to enter the Supreme Court with this person's strength!"

Ginger dark light is also a heart-throwing. "This little shard is really a bit of a skill. No wonder it can help the Dragon Alliance to destroy the Dragons. If it is not for him, he will become a big worry for my Devils!"

Just when Ling Xiao and Jiang Guangguang had to squander the last power Boss, another person suddenly joined the battle circle, and the target went directly to Ling Xiao.

The speed of coming is extremely fast, and the attacking power is quite terrifying enough to make any peak supreme horrified!

There was a vigilance behind Ling Xiao, and the whole person was chilling, and he did not want to immediately avoid this attack at full speed.

But the opponent's moves are like a shadow, the power is wrapped in him, vowed to chase him!

At the same time, Jiang dim light is also taking the opportunity to kill the past with Ling Xiao.

Under the nest of the two forces, Ling Xiao even thinks that the speed is unparalleled and he can easily avoid it.

Ling Xiao suddenly felt an invisible sense of oppression, and that sense of crisis caused him a special kind of induction.

An inexplicable blockade of the mood is born, so that he has not been able to comprehend the mood for a long time, suddenly there is a clear and clear feeling!

"Block the space!" Ling Xiao roared, an inexplicable rhyme came out.

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