World Controlling God

Chapter 238: Attached to the horse, I am going to bathe for you.

Chapter 238 Attached to the Horse, I am bathing for you.

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The body of Scorpio has been a stalwart since ancient times.

This is because the 蛊 族 寄存 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊The ability of locusts is stronger, and the ability to cultivate is much faster than the average person. This is the benefit of blood.

The higher the concentration of blood, the faster the cultivation speed, and the one that achieves 100% blood concentration is called the body of the scorpio, and the speed of cultivation is called change.

It is only this kind of scorpio that is extremely rare, and it is rare to see it for a thousand years or even thousands of years.

However, every time the sacred rituals of this physique will usher in a new round of prosperity.

The body of Scorpio is of course powerful, but it also has conditions.

That is the magical thing that must be accompanied by the cultivation of the ancestral ancestors created by the ancestral ancestors. Otherwise, the martial arts with the scorpio will not survive until the age of twenty, and the martial arts will evolve into powerful after death. The king of locusts harms the human world.

Therefore, the general warrior who has the body of Scorpio does not have the Scorpio cultivator, and will kill it directly before the age of 20, and must not let her become the king of locusts.

Otherwise, even Tianzun, or even the Emperor of the Emperor, can't destroy it, unless it is necessary to reach the Holy Order's strongman to remove it. It shows the terrible things of this scorpio.

Because the celestial gods have long been lost, and the priests are the body of the scorpio, so she must not escape the end of the fragrance.

For many years, the high priest has never given up the past to trace the whereabouts of the gods, but the gods will be powerful, but those who have the blood of their sacred priests cannot cultivate, and even if they are used, they are useless.

It is a pity that the unannounced visits to the Ming dynasty have not fallen to the sacred magic.

There is no magical power of heaven, and the priestly woman can be imagined.

However, now Ling Xiao said that he can delay the life of the priest.

Although the high priest did not believe it, but for his granddaughter, he also let go of Ling Xiao’s pressure and asked quietly, “Can you really continue the life of Xiaoyun?”.

The priestly woman on the side looked at Ling Xiao with a puzzled look, but she did not think that Ling Xiao could do it.

"Of course," Ling Xiao said with a sigh of relief, and his heart whispered, "The emperor is too terrible."

Ling Xiao can feel that if the high priest wants his life, it only takes a second to complete and he can disappear from the world.

"Then you talk about it, in the end, what method is used to delay the life of Xiaoyun? How long can it be extended?" asked the high priest staring at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao glanced at the high priest and took another look at the priestly woman. "I didn't have the means to change her body, but she could let her delay for a year."

"Only one year, which is not equal to no." The high priest frowned and said uncomfortable.

He thought that Ling Xiao would say ten or twenty years. Who knows that it is only one year. It seems that this time is too little.

The priest female smiled and said, "It is not bad to wait for a year. At least I can spend more than one year with my grandfather."

Looking at the smile of the priest, Ling Xiao’s heart did not come to a pain.

Although he does not have a priest's round house, but his name is his first "wife", how can she bear to let her go at the age of twenty?

"For more than a year, you can find a little more time to find the gods of heaven and earth. If you find the charm of the gods, you can live." Ling Xiao said with some lack of confidence.

He also knows the end of the world, and it is undoubtedly the night and night pool to find the gods of heaven.

"First talk about what method do you use to make Xiaoyun live for a year?" asked the high priest.

"Dan medicine" Ling Xiao definitely responded.

"What kind of medicine?".

"Five products are refined by Yuan Dan."

"Five products are refined Yuan Dan?" The high priest and the priests are all doubtful.

"Yes, the long-term extension of Yuandan can increase anyone's life by one hundred years. It has the effect of solidifying the essence and strengthening the culture and reviving it. Although it can't restrain the body of the scorpio, it uses the essence of medicinal herbs to resist scorpion venom. Absolutely let the rhyme increase by one year's life," Ling Xiao said affirmatively.

He meticulously remembered all the prescriptions in "Lian Dan", among which there was a prescription for the extension of Yuandan, and also a special note that this drug can resist scorpion venom, even if the body of Scorpio can be offset by one or two, so Ling Xiaocai is so Affirmative answer to the high priest.

The high priest asked, "Do you have a long-lasting Yuan Dan?"

Ling Xiao shook his head and said no.

The high priest is not happy, "Do you dare to lie to me?".

"Although I don't have it, I can definitely refine the Yuan Dan in two years," Ling Xiao said firmly.

Now that he is already a four-product pharmacist, it takes no more than two years to advance to the five-pronged world. I believe it is not a problem.

"Haha, you kid, actually uttered madness. In the northwest of Ruoqiang, as far as I know, the five pharmacists are just slaps, you think I am fooling!" The high priest laughed.

"Believe it or not," Ling Xiao was too lazy to explain it again. Then he looked at the priest's woman, "Yue, my love of the drug has been solved, do you want me to be your horse?"

The priestly woman hasn't answered yet, but the high priest is on the sidelines. "The boy who doesn't know how to lift, how many people want to rush to the horse attached to the city of my sacred sacrifice, you are still so stubborn, believe it or not, I will kill you now."

The priest female hurriedly said, "Grandpa, let him go. Since he has already driven away his feelings, this is also God's will, why should we force him?"

The priestly woman said, while her eyes fell on Ling Xiao, and she felt that she was lost.

She thought that before life was about to end, she felt like a wife, but unfortunately she was destined to die alone.

"Oh, you gimmick, if you let him go, your reputation will be completely ruined." The high priest could not bear to look at the priesthood.

"The life is almost gone, what is the reputation to do? It is better to let me spend more time with my grandfather, and it is also a rhyme to filial piety to you," said the priest.

Ling Xiao looked at the priest, and felt uncomfortable in her heart.

How do you say this is his first name wife who has held a ceremony, is it really like watching her leave?

"But it, then let him go!" The high priest loved his granddaughter, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​forcing Ling Xiao, and shook his head and left.

"Attached to the horse, I am going to give you water, seeing how dirty your body is. I will wash it before you go. Grandpa will not be embarrassed to you." The priestly woman seemed to let go of her mind and smiled at Ling Xiao. When I laughed, I went out.

Ling Xiao looked at the back of the priestly woman who was leaving, and a shackled shrouded in his heart.

Ling Xiao was definitely standing for a while, and his heart sighed silently. "Hey, why are you so compassionate?"

As soon as the priests returned, they prepared the bathing water and the changed clothes for Ling Xiao.

"Attach the horse, I will bathe for you." The priest went to Ling Xiao and said softly.

Ling Xiao took a sigh of relief and stepped forward to grab the snake's waist of the priest, and bowed her head to her jade.

The priest female body trembled, and a strange feeling came.

Immediately afterwards, she closed her eyes and hugged the tiger's waist with a backhand and writhed her body emotionally.

The sorcerer's sweet lilac was allowed to be sucked, and the yu fire that had been suppressed for a long time in the body was soaring, and while kissing the jade person in the arms, the hand began to squat and squat the firm St.

"Ah..." The priestly woman was so swayed by Ling Xiao, and her body began to soften up, and her mouth couldn't help but squat up. The delicate face was instantly red and transparent.

The priest's snoring sounds like a curse, completely letting Ling Xiao lose her reason, and the big hand violently tore her gauze, revealing the perfect seductive body.

Ling Xiao looked at the devil's body in front of him with a flush of blood.

The priest female shyly whispered "attach the horse to me!".

Ling Xiao no longer hesitated, the body aura shocked, the whole body of clothing was shocked.

The next moment, holding the smooth and innocent yu body, they are tightly combined.


A shy scream of shame broke through the sky.

Ling Xiao is like a beast that has lost his mind. He simply ignores the pain of the jade people in his arms and constantly launches the most violent attack on the mysterious grass.

The priest female was next to the tiger's body, and the two tears slowly flowed out. I thought, "I am already a woman, no longer a girl."

"Ah...heh..." The painful screams gradually became a joyous whisper.

I don't know how many hours have passed. After a burst of exclamation, everything in the room stopped.

In the house, in the bucket of bathing, the two men are naked.

The priestly woman is turned from a girl to a woman, and the whole person is more and more delicate, and adds more attractive temperament.

Ling Xiao caressed the priestly woman's face and said, "I regret it?"

The priest woman buried her head in Ling Xiao’s chest. "You are my horse. I am your wife. What regrets?"

"Would you like to go with me? Even if I traveled all over the world, I will find the magical power for you." Ling Xiao asked softly.

"No... I still stay with my grandfather and wait for him, and... And, even before I die, I have to have a child who belongs to us. After I die, let him stay with his grandfather and not let his grandfather be too lonely. Can you promise me?” The priestly woman has already approved Ling Xiao and has treated him as her husband wholeheartedly.

Ling Xiao hesitated and said, "Yes, but I will refine the Yuan Dan for you within two years, believe me."

"I certainly believe that you have only two people who have been able to drive away the poison of our love since ancient times, and you are the second one. I also believe that you can do it, but I don't want you to be too reluctant." .

"Well, don't worry, I will never leave you. Now there is still a little time, let's make another person." Ling Xiao lightly nodded, then the lower body once again went straight into the deep lane.


The priest's lower body was enriched, her face was ashamed and satisfied, and her mouth could not help but scream again.

The sound of the moving rhythm is once again interwoven in the room.

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