World Controlling God

Chapter 28: Too elders are coming

Chapter 028, the elders of the elders

"This...Impossible" On the stage, the five elders forgot the occasion and stood up and shouted. He couldn't believe that his most proud grandson was defeated in this way, and he was defeated in a low-ranking real.

"Step by step, leg work, palm strength... Where did Ling Xiao learn from? The power is so powerful, but also knows the magical swordsmanship of the heavens." Four elder Ling Wei muttered with a surprised look. Said.

The elders on the stage saw the extraordinary of Ling Xiao, and could not help but secretly exclaimed in their hearts. They were the first time they had seen such a wonderful and magical technique. They kept searching for the mysterious skills in Xuanji Pavilion. The same tricks that can be applied to Lingxiao at the moment.

The two elders did not say a word, and the old man looked a little overwhelmed by the suspicion of killing, and instantly drowned.

Ling Cang sitting in the middle did not have the slightest expression, but the heart was full of surprises, but the more is the burden, but at the same time set a firm determination, this time can not let Ling laugh out of anything.

"Elders, can you announce the results?" Ling Xiao turned and asked Ling Fu, who still had no results.

The nine elders, Ling Fu, have come back and are about to announce the results.

"Slow... I, I haven't lost." Ling Xing, lying on the ground, made a weak voice, then slowly stood up, but it seemed to be "concave" in the chest, at least by Ling Xiao. A few sternums, body swaying, anyone can see that he is already the end of the strong.

Sure enough, I haven’t stood firm yet, and my body has once again fallen.

This time, the children of Lingjia under the stage looked at Lingxiao's eyes differently. After a little silence for a while, there was a burst of warm cheers.

This is a continent that worships the strong, and so does Lingjia.

Today, the children of Lingjia witnessed the miracle.

The low-order Xuan Zhe actually defeated the high-ranking Xuan, and the fact that no one believed it was said that it really happened in front of them. This is because they cannot believe it.

At this moment, they once again witnessed that their strongest genius in Lingjia and Shishicheng finally stood up again. The revered heart once again boiled up. They couldn’t help but cheer for their idols. []

Only Ling Pang was not willing to die and screamed at Ling Xiao, and his fists were tight, and he was like a tearful smile.

"I knew that I would bring it to the rain, let her see the prestige of this young master." Ling Xiao looked at the reaction under the stage, and could not help but think of the rain, so I felt that I was so proud of this prestige that I didn’t let Bai Yu regret seeing it. regret!

Ling Xing was taken down for treatment, and the next one was played by Ling Xiao.

At this moment, Ling Xiao actually abstained directly.

This asked the nine elders, Ling Fu, to ask, "Do you really want to give up this test?"

"Yes, I abstained." Ling Xiao nodded again. In fact, he didn't want to compare with the fierceness, but he didn't want to take up the sharpness. Even if he was in the peak state, Ling Xiao was sure to defeat the fierce, but this must be his own cousin, give him a face to let him, also Save time and effort.

Ling Xiao is no longer the ranking of this comparison, the real strong is generally very low-key. He feels that he should be low-key.

If he let other Lingjia disciples hear this, he is afraid that he will be vomited with blood. Who said that a high-ranking Xuan is just a small character, and he is not qualified to be his opponent. People who can say such words Will it be a low-key person? They will not believe in killing.

Ling Li glanced at Ling Xiao, and then faintly said "When you become a Xuanshi, I will fight again."

"No problem," Ling Xiao nodded and nodded, he would not be assured of this.

This time, the elder Lingfu announced a fierce victory.

Next, it should have been a fierce battle with Ling Xing. Unfortunately, after Ling Xing had returned to Lu Dan, he was still in a state of detachment, and his confidence was severely hit. He could not fight at all and directly announced his abstention.

Therefore, the fierce victory without fighting, won the strongest ranking of the mysterious order, still continues the ranking of the third strongest of the 18th generation under the age of 20, Ling Xiao ranks fourth, Ling Xing drops one , ranked fifth, and Linghu ranked sixth...

The family test is finally over!

After the patriarch and the elders came to power to say something about the swearing, they dismissed all the children and returned, leaving only the top five five, Ling Xiao, Ling Lin, Ling Li, Ling Xiao and Ling Xing.

The patriarch Ling Cang is facing the five people. "You five are the elites of our Ling family. From today on, you will enjoy the deacon level treatment, and go with you to the five big brothers and sisters who are closing. I hope that you will try your best to cultivate in the next year. If you encounter difficulties, you can always ask me and the elders who are sitting, they will not explain to you."

After a pause, he went on to say, "The following three elders will give you a reward."

The three elders linged up the big belly and stood up. The first few steps were secluded. "Ling Wei accepted the reward. Because you broke through the Xuanshi stage three months ago, the performance is excellent. You are rewarded with two bottles of Ludan, two bottles of gas. Dan, breaking a speed Dan, a second-order medium-level gun."

Upon hearing the rewards announced by the three elders, Ling Xiao could not help but have a good time and returned to the three elders. Although he is the grandson of the second elder Lingmo, but the cultivation resources he has received are all issued by the family, so he is particularly excited when he gets so many rewards, especially the broken speed Dan and the second-order medium-level guns. Unexpected gains.

Breaking the speed of the second-order low-ranking medicinal herbs, you can increase your own speed. If you take it in a fight, you can definitely be invincible in the same order.

Needless to say, the second-order mid-range gun, he used a gun, and now uses a second-order low-end gun, the grade is not low, but there are better mid-range guns, of course he prefers It is.

The three elders also announced Ling Lin's reward. Her reward is similar to that of Ling Xiao. It is only different in weapons. She gets a second-order medium-level sword, because she is a sword.

Then came the fierce reward, he got a bottle of Ludan, a bottle of nourishing Dan, and a coagulation Dan.

The rewards obtained by the Xuan is not as good as that of the Xuanshi, but he is very satisfied with his coronation.

Tingli Dan, the second-order low-ranking medicinal herb, has the effect of condensing the spirit and improving the mysterious power. It has a very significant effect on the mysterious breakthrough of the Xuanshi order.

Next, I should have announced the reward of Ling Xiao, but the three elders skipped the reward of Ling Xiao and said that they directly announced the reward of Ling Xing.

There is no difference between Lingxing’s reward and the fierce reward.

After the three elders announced the reward of Ling Xing, they returned to their seats.

Ling Xiao couldn't help but rushed. Everyone got a reward. Even Ling Xing's defeat would have a lot of benefits. He didn't have a share. He immediately asked the three elders, "Three elders, did you miss my reward?" ??.

In addition to the three elders, all the elders and the patriarch Ling Cang are also very puzzled. The three elders asked why they did not announce Ling Xiao’s reward. This is not the case beforehand!

The three elders Ling Ling touched the beard and smiled, "You have no reward."

"Why...what, I don't have any rewards. You have to make the three elders clear. I am much more powerful than this waste. He has rewards me why there is no reward? It's not fair," Ling Xiao said very indignantly.

Ling Mei, who was pale in the face, listened to him, and couldn’t help but feel angry, angered and attacked, and a **** squirt.

"Look, I only uttered a word, he vomited blood, this useless waste is too big to use, so, you give him the same reward for sending me two copies of this thing." Ling Xiao actually When the public pointed to Ling Xing, it was ironic, and he still had to win a reward. I have to say that this guy will climb up the stick.

Ling Cang lightly wrinkled his brow and said, "Ling Xiao can't talk nonsense." Then he turned his head and asked the three elders Lingyuan, "What do you do in the third year?"

The three elders Ling Yuan reluctantly spread the stalls, and pointed out that not far from the road, "the patriarch looks who came."

Ling Cang and the elders looked at the direction of the three elders, and saw a white-haired, old man with his body coming over.

The pace of the old man seems to be very slow, but every step is very great, almost a distance of five meters, and instantly came to the elders.

Everyone who is "the elders of the elders" called the people a little bit.

The elders of the elders faintly said to the people, "free!".

Seeing the appearance of the elders in the past, except for Ling Xiao, the other four people became excited like playing chicken blood, and even the indifference was very excited.

Because they know what will happen next, the elders will choose one of the five of them to be a successor. This is definitely more exciting for Lingjia than any reward.

At this time, the five elders quietly made a look at the two elders Ling Mo, seemingly transmitting what information, and the two elders nodded intently.

Immediately afterwards, the two elders Lingmo stood up and said, "Taiwanese elders, Ling Mo has something to say."

The elders of the elders looked at Ling Mo and said, "Let's talk, I listen."

Ling Mo pointed to his grandson Ling Xiao, and then to the elders of the elders, "the 18th generation descendants, Ling Xiao was lucky enough to break through the Xuan Shi stage three months ago, is the fastest one under the age of 20 This year, only 19 years old, his talent is good, I hope that the elders can give him a lot of guidance."

Ling Mo’s words just came out, Ling Cang and the support of Ling Cang’s face were all changed, and several elders who supported Ling Mo were full of smiles.

Ling Xiaoji went to the elders of the elders and said, "Ling Wei has seen the elders of the elders, and hopes that Ling Xiao is fortunate to serve you." At this moment, Ling Xiao is very embarrassed. If he can become a disciple of the elders of the elders, then he will be the first person in the future of Lingjia, the kind of high-level control, and he will be filled with thoughts.

At this time, the four elders Lingwei actually stood up and said, “The elders of the 18th generation, Linglin’s talents are also good. They also broke through the Xuanshi stage a month ago. I hope that the elders can guide her well. ".

The elders looked at Lingwei strangely. I didn't expect that Lingwei, who had always been inconsistent, went out at the moment, and dared to openly rob the two elders.

Ling Lin, wearing a purple suit, also went forward to face the elders of the elders and flattered them.

Then, without the recommendation of others, Ling Li and Ling Xing are eager to recommend themselves, and they all hope to be appreciated by the elders.

There is only one chance. If you miss it, there will be no more. Can they not cherish it?

Only Ling Xiao does not have a general knowledge of them. Although the elders are unfathomable, Ling Xiao feels that he should be worse than his old ghost master. He thought, but he is not qualified to be a person. Master, so only five of them are unmoved.

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