World Controlling God

Chapter 388: Southern Wild Forces

Chapter 388 Southern Wild Forces

Ling Xiao shocked all the true disciples of Longhai Pavilion on the Longxiaofeng training martial arts field.

For a time, the younger generation of disciples finally knew that Ling Xiao was one of the VIPs that their owners had hosted at the Dragon Pavilion yesterday. It is no wonder that people have this strength, or how can they be treated as VIPs by the cabinet owners.

At the same time, they really felt the meaning of Zhong Fengming’s saying “There is a mountain outside the mountain, and there is a sky outside the sky”.

In the afternoon of the same day, an amazing news spread throughout the northwest and south.

The giant Jiangzong was destroyed by the Longhai Pavilion, and the upper reaches of the Longtao River were taken over by Longhai Pavilion.

At the moment when the giant emperors and the lords of Juejiang were destroyed by Ling Xiao’s blue dragon, it means that Ju Jiangzong will not exist.

It’s just that no one has thought that Longhaige will be so fast. It’s said that Longhaige also invited the mercenary’s Huangnangong Lie to kill the old monster that has not been closed for many years. It is not so easy for Longhaige to win the giant Jiangzong.

In addition to hunting and killing the spirits for the purpose of survival, the mercenary group will also accept tasks issued by others. As long as there are enough commissions, even if they kill, they will be willing to accept them, provided they have the ability. Eat the task.

Like the emperor of Nangong Lie, it is difficult to ask him to take action. Sometimes even if you can get enough rewards, you will not be able to help you.

However, this time, Nangong Lie chose to take the shot. Many people felt incredible. At the same time, they all wondered when "When Longhai Pavilion took the line of the "Fire Enemy Corps"?"

Just when there were many different opinions, Nan Gonglie, Ling Xiao, Xuan Yao and the Emperor were preparing to leave Longhai Pavilion for the South.

Long Haitian and all the elders and elders of the previous generation came out to see him off.

These treatments were the first time since the establishment of Longhai Pavilion.

"Nangong adults, I have more time in the sky, I have to sit down in the pavilion, I will wait for the sweeping table to meet," Longhai Tianchun said with a full face, and then to Ling Xiaodao, "Ling brothers, I have known what happened yesterday, I really can’t help. Ah, I will definitely punish the kid." []

"The Dragon Court is very polite, it is just a small matter." Ling laughed.

"Okay, let's go." Nangong Lie did not want to delay and urged.

Ling Xiao arched his hand toward Long Haitian and an old man, and he wanted to leave with Nangong Lie.

A spoiled voice rang from the crowd, "Ling brother waited."

Ling Xiao does not have to look back and know who the caller is.

I saw Long Ruoyi separate everyone, holding a small jewelry in his hand and handed it to Ling Xiao. "Ling Big Brother, this is the gift I gave you, thank you for your help."

After Long Ruoyi put things in Ling Xiao’s hands, Mei’s eyes glanced at him emotionally and turned and fell into the crowd.

Ling Xiao took a look at the exquisite purse in his hand and turned and left with Nan Gonglie.


Flying over the south of Longtao River, it is the place of jurisdiction of the Southern Wilderness.

The area of ​​the Southern Wilderness is much larger than that of the northwest, but it is dominated by the land of the spirits and beasts. The human beings occupy only one-fifth of the area.

Nowadays, in the southern wilderness, it is divided into eight major forces, which are respectively a franchise, three tribes and four families.

One is the only Zongmen Magic Shadow Gate in the guideland. Its power is spread all over the South, and it is the most powerful existence of the Southern Wilderness. Its sects are almost all of the cultivation of dark attributes, and the actions are extremely arrogant. Rumor for the demon, it is difficult to match between heaven and earth.

It’s just in the southern wilderness area, there are not many people who dare to be enemies with them.

Only the two alliances can compete with them one or two.

The two alliances are the League of Beasts and the Shinto League.

The Beast League is a sect of the Southern Wild Orcs. Their lord is a sixth-order animal trainer. There are many fourth- and fifth-order animal trainers in the league. They may not be particularly powerful, but they can The spirit beasts communicated with each other, and there were countless three to five-order spirit beasts under the alliance. Their lords also had five sixth-order beasts, and they became the second largest force in the Southern Wilderness.

The Shinto League is a sect that promotes sectarianism and believes in religious rituals.

They can best confuse people, promote pacifist beliefs, and promote the equality of civilians and warriors. Whether you are strong or not, as long as your mind is not strong enough, once they are caught up, they will often become their most loyal followers. Their believers in the Southern Wilderness are no less than a million, and they are "the gods" in the minds of the southern wilderness.

The three tribes refer to barbarians, Yis, and cannibals.

The barbarian is the oldest race in the early days of the Southern Wilderness. They are circulated with the blood of the barbarians, and their Tianbin is known as the "force". No matter how strong your strength is, you can only serve people with "power" if you are more powerful, and you are the true warrior of the barbarian.

When he was young, he raised a giant elephant with a weight of five thousand pounds with his arm, becoming a barbarian genius at that time, and later became the king of the barbarian.

The Yi people can squat the ancestral race. Their ancestral curse will create hallucinations, and the incomprehensible will be used by them. In the most prosperous period of the Yi people, even the strongest of the imperial order must be controlled by it, showing the terrible of the Yi people.

However, it is said that the Yi people have disappeared for many years and I do not know whether it still exists.

Some people say that the Yi people have been wiped out. Some people say that the Yi people are only hiding in a certain mountain range. Some people say that the Yi people have moved to the middle area...

Cannibals, they spread the blood of the ancient and ferocious, like the same kind, means horrible cruel.

The place where they live is called the human restricted zone. Once they fall into it, they are absolutely only part of the corpse. Even the emperor is hard to escape.

The number of their people is extremely rare and rare, just like the Yi people. The place of existence is rarely known.

Four homes are the four ancient families of the guide.

In the first place is the refining family of Tang family.

The Tang dynasty was famous in the world for its castings. There were three spiritual masters in the Tang family. The Tang family was once prosperous and prosperous.

Most of the mysterious objects in the Southern Wilderness are from the Tang family.

In the south, there is a popular saying, "Tang family shots, must be boutique!".

It can be seen how famous the weapons forged by the Tang family are.

Today, although the Tang family does not have a spiritual master, the Tang family is still a high-ranking master. Only one step can become the fourth spiritual master of the Tang family. They occupy the top of the four families.

The second family of the Southern Wilderness is the Xin family.

Xin family is similar to Tang family, but Xin family is a family of refining medicines. They have once been brilliant. Unfortunately, the refining drugs of future generations are limited by Tianbin. No one has ever achieved five products. Although there are four four products in the family. The refining pharmacist can still be difficult to compete with the Tang family, and can only be ranked second.

The third and fourth families are Nangongjia and Ouyangjia.

These two do not have the advantages of the first two, but rely on the mineral resources discovered by the ancestors, mining minerals, selling minerals as the main means of collecting money, so that they occupy the third and fourth position.

Moreover, the Nangong family and the Ouyang family ancestors were friends, and the two have been watching each other and have a marriage. This is the means for their two parents to save, or else they have been swallowed up by other forces.

In addition to this four-family tri-family, there are countless large and small forces. Although they do not have these big forces, they are also some difficult roles.

The Eight Great Forces of the South, the Shadows of the Eight Great Forces, who had been attacked into the northwestern region by the northwestern region after being surrounded by many ancestral gates in the northwest, have been huddled for many years. It is said that their interior has become fragmented and not united, and the Beast League is closely guarded. Their own territory rarely expands outward. Today, the most powerful is the Shinto League. Their religious forms have tempted many people, and the second is the barbarians. They have always been inherited by the blood of "power", in line with the purity of the Southern Wild. It has won people's hearts, and the Yi people have disappeared for a long time. The cannibals are the ghosts of the gods. The four great families are also independent, and they keep their own interests.

In the vast southern wilderness, there is no standardized regional division. The major forces are jealous of each other and it is difficult to reach a consensus. As a result, many places are rampant, robbing caravans, and occupying the mountains as the king's chaotic violence.

In addition, the southern wilderness is the most primitive place for the survival of the beast. In the four-fifths of the southern desert, it is obvious how many rare animals exist in it.

Many beasts on the periphery sometimes attacked certain villages or tribes.

If you want to survive on this land, there is no common sense of common sense and some strengths are difficult to follow.

Before 10,000 years ago, there was a glorious era in the Southern Wilderness.

At that time, there were not many forces divided with this, only the four hegemons, namely the Yi, the Orc, the Yi and the Barbarian, and the four were respected by the Yi.

The history of the Yi people is farther and more mysterious than the other three tribes. It is said that in the most ancient times of human beings, they lived on this hot land.

They make a living by raising oysters, eating food, and controlling cockroaches.

The Yi people are famous for their unity and enthusiasm and hospitable race. They only act differently than ordinary people. They are uncomfortable for the world. Once they can't make friends with them, they will turn their faces into enemies. Their character must be reported. Notoriously terrible.

Once in the South, there was such a saying "Ning provokes the beasts, and sinned the sins", which shows how terrible the deterrent ability of the Yi people is.

It was only the once-strong Yi people who did not know why they were jointly killed by the Central Asian faction more than 10,000 years ago, destroying their roots and destroying their race.

From then on, the Yi people disappeared and disappeared.

Only a small number of ethnic groups live in the northwest, occupying the current sacred festivals, but the Yi people there do not reproduce the glory of the Yi people.

Nowadays, the Yi people have become history. The original city they built still exists, but it has become a southern ban. How many people want to enter the city, the land is king, but in the end they all die inexplicably.

Some people say that it is because the scorpion king of the Yi people still lives there, and the non-Yu people are killed. Others say that it is the curse of the Yi people.

Although the Yi people disappeared, but the city is still the same, the name of the Yi people remains the same.

Part of the information about the Southern Wilderness is Xuan Yao’s, and the other part is Nan Gonglie’s explanation.

The group left the Longhai Pavilion and came to the Tiele tribe, one of the first tribes of the Nanren.

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