World Controlling God

Chapter 399: Since then, you have added one more me.

Chapter 399, from now on, you have one more.

** A moment worth of money!

The two bodies were desperately entangled, and the battle was extremely fierce. The bed was almost shaken. []

The sky was getting brighter and the battle stopped.

On the same day, three times, after the arrival of the afternoon, Ling Xiao gradually woke up.

The eyes just opened, and a beautiful face appeared in front of him, and the beautiful eyes stared at him without hesitation.

Ling smiled and shrank, and said quickly, "Yesterday... I was forced last night, you... don't mess!".

I have to say that Ling Xiao’s face is thick and thick, and he actually said such a shameless thing.

The color fairy looks faintly confused, and then leans his head on the sturdy chest. "I am your woman in the future, don't want me."

Her voice has an indescribable meaning of pity.

Ling Xiao was stunned in the heart, and the palm of his hand stroking the red fairy who was already in the dust. "Yes, you are already a woman."

After last night, Ling Xiao can confirm that the color fairy is definitely in the middle of love, or else how can she be so crazy with her virgin body.

He had a sacred look at the color fairy, but now he has a little more pity.

A woman who is as good as a jade is often a man's favorite.

Ling Xiao gave the color fairy a service to restore the "injury" of the drug, and she embraced her for a whole day, and also listened to her telling the peculiar life of her life.

Caixianzi was originally named Caixiayue. She was an abandoned orphan since she was a child.

She was adopted by a family when she was five years old. When she was five years old, she was discovered by her master as a disciple. She studied for a dozen years. Once, her master took her to the wilderness, and she misunderstood the high-level beasts. Almost swallowed by the high-level beast, but fortunately she was rescued by her master in time. However, her master was seriously injured and soon died.

Here, she changed back to a lonely person, she thought of the adoptive parents who adopted her. But when she returned to her hometown, she found that her adoptive parents had already been killed by rogues.

Therefore, she is particularly annoyed by those hooligans. Once she meets, she will kill thousands of miles without saying a word, and thus she is nicknamed "blood repair".

Later, as her strength became stronger and stronger, her fame became larger and larger. Many people were afraid of her prestige. On the surface, she called her a "color fairy" rather than "blood repair."

Over the years, she has lived alone, now she lost her smile in Ling Xiao, and she has a feelings of love in her body. She has a strong sense of dependence on Ling Xiao. She is eager to care for someone who loves her. She does not want to be alone. It is.

Ling Xiao hugged her and comforted, "You have added me more since then."

"Well, you are my husband, I will follow you in this life." Caixia Yue lightly slammed her head and buried her head deeper. She felt that this feeling was really good and very warm.

"Right, what do you think now? The old guy didn't have any secret tricks for you?" Ling Xiao asked nervously.

Caixia Moon Road "He just imprisoned my cultivation, and nothing else, but my knowledge of the soul of the sea was created, the strength is greatly damaged, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to get into this life."

"Don't be sad, but for the husband, but the five pharmacists, you can treat you with a small injury to the area, and will let you take it to the next level." Ling Xiao took a breath.

"You... are you still a five-product pharmacist?" Caixia was surprised.

"That is of course, for the husband is omnipotent, omnipotent genius, have to say that you look at people's eyes is very good, put back for the husband, it is your luck." Ling Xiao is very stinky Said.

Cai Xia Yue Mei flashed the lotus color road "French you are awesome!".

"Right, the husband can still keep you beautiful forever, never aging." Ling Xiao remembered the pearl of Wannian, and took it out from the black ding.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Cai Xia Yue said with amazement.

Although she is already a few decades old, but for a high-ranking king, this is definitely a genius of Tianbin, she still maintains the face of her twenties, does not look any old State, this is inseparable from her having been stationed in the face.

Any woman wants to keep her youth for the rest of her life, but unfortunately she has never been a man, even though she can still maintain a beautiful appearance, but after a hundred years? Can she still be as beautiful as it is now?

The Wannian pearls that Lingxiao took out in front of him are not only good-looking, but also the treasures of the world. They are the temptation for any woman.

It turned out that there was a little bit of resistance to Ling Xiao at the bottom of Cai Xia, and from this moment he became unreservedly belongs to him.

After serving the cherished cherished moon for thousands of years, the golden glow of the evening glows, the skin becomes as tender as the newborn baby, and the appearance is added to the vitality. It is simply sultry and suffocating.

Ling Xiao took this peerless thing, and the passion rose again. He couldn’t help but rush again.


It’s been the third day since I came to Shinto City. Xuan Yao has also succeeded in breaking through.

"Wow, haha, this **** is finally the king, waiting for this day for more than 20 years, really his mother's hard work." Xuan Yao sentimentally appeared in front of Ling Xiao laughed.

However, the next moment he was dumbfounded.

I saw Ling Xiao Huai’s glamorous woman who said that she couldn’t finish her charm, and made him stunned.

"I said that you guys owe it, how can you stare at you like this, there is no quality." Ling Xiao said to Xuan Yao.

"Cang Tianhao! This... This is too unreasonable, she... How did she stay with you?" Xuan Yao screamed at the hair and screamed.

"This is not to say that this is a peach blossom, she has been coming along, she wants to block it, but she can't stop it. She has to take it for her. Remember, your dog's eyes will not be messed up, or else give it to you." Dig," Ling Xiao said very proudly.

Xuan Yao sighed with a sigh of relief and said, "You guys are born with a peach, and for the sake of God, there is no such thing, it is really bitter!"

"No way, who is called this little character is good!" Ling Xiao firmly decided to hit Xuan Yao in the end, the face wrote the meaning of the spring breeze.

"Forget it, is there any news of the gods and gods?" Xuan Yao cut into the title.

Speaking of this, Ling Xiao had to admire this **** stick really has a bit of skill.

When Xuan Yao and Ling Xiaogang arrived at this Shinto City, they would pull him out to go shopping, saying that there was a big opportunity to learn the clues of the gods and gods. Later, when he went to the restaurant, he knew that many forces in the southern wilderness wanted to go into the city. It is also known from the maddening population that there may be a mysterious presence in the city. Although his words are not quite correct, he also guessed that he was seven or eight.

"Does this guy really be the first **** of the mysterious door?" Ling Xiao had to rethink the meaning of the words that Xuan Yao hangs all day long.

"Two days later, outside the city's east gate, five miles away, with many forces to go," Ling Xiao should answer.

Xuan Yao reveals the color of his thoughts, and his fingers squirmed a few times. "This trip is fierce, you have to think about it?"

Ling Xiao showed a confident smile. "For the rhyme, I have no choice. Even if I have a knife on the mountain, there is a pan underneath. I will never wrinkle my brows. What's more, this is a small blessing to Hongfu, how can the city Keep it small."

Xuan Yaoji is satisfied with the location of the road, "the blessings and the good fortune, to the fate of your life, I hope to be able to get rid of the evil spirits, find the return of the gods."

"What is not a deadly strong life, your metaphor is too idiotic, it should be said that the life of this young dragon is only right," Ling Xiao said very resentfully.

"Right, the Nangong predecessors have not returned yet?" Xuan Yao asked the topic.

"Not yet, may come back today, this road is still thanks to him leading the way, or else not so fast here." Ling Xiao Ying.

Xuan Yao showed a meditation color and did not say much.

Sure enough, at noon, Nangong Lie finally appeared.

"If you want to go to Yucheng, you will leave now. Many forces are rushing through today," Nan Gonglie said directly.

Ling Xiao and Xuan Yao are strange, not gathered after two days?

Nan Gonglie did not explain, turned and rushed to the past.

Ling Xiao and Xuan Yao did not dare to take it, and brought Caixia and the Emperor to the east gate of the city.

Sure enough, not far from the city, has gathered a large number of masters.

At least the strength of these people is above the rank of Wang, and the leader is at least the emperor.

These forces are divided into four major shares.

The most powerful ones are the fifteen black men who are covered in heads, the seven emperors, and the strength of the eight kings are comparable to the eight-pronged gate. They are all around the thick and dark aura of the sticky, and they can be seen at the glance.

The second force is the people of Shinto League.

They are also fifteen people, seven men and eight women, six emperors, nine kings, one of them is the peak emperor, is the deputy leader of the Shinto League, the strength is quite strong.

The third force is the family alliance.

Tang, Xin, Nangong, and the representatives of the four major families of Ouyang are united together. There are 22 people, six emperors and sixteen kings.

The fourth force is a group of scattered and mercenary alliances.

They are actually led by Nangong Lie, a total of four emperors and twenty kings, belonging to the largest group of people.

Originally, Nangong screamed Ling Xiao to join his camp. Who knows that Ling Xiao actually chose to refuse, which made Nan Gong Lie big.

"Hey, haha... our husband and wife didn't come late." As the ghosts screamed and screamed, the two figures fell before everyone.

Everyone is slightly discolored, and they all recognize who these two are.

"Don't scream, come over," cried a bad voice.

Everyone is looking at the voice, they are thinking "Who would dare to talk to this ghost demon, it is really tired!".

They all think that the ghost demon will definitely kill the person, but who knows the next moment makes them stunned.

"Hey, haha, Ling brothers, we are here." Ghost demon screamed, and the fart trembled to the front of a young man who was just in his early twenties. His look was a bit respectful.

They are all famous people, who don't know the horror of this ghostly couple.

They are all fierce and sinister generations. They have always been women singing, and they have never heard of who they sold.

And who is this young man in front of him, can they make them so respectful?

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