World Controlling God

Chapter 401: You husband, I can do anything.

Chapter 401, Your husband, I can do anything.

Dan Dust Road, five hundred years ago, was the savage generation of the South.

He was born in a small family in a small town. Because he is a child, he has no status in the family and is not valued and cultivated by the family.

He is naturally reluctant, unwilling to be obsessed with fate, resolutely separated from the family, and worshipped his teachers everywhere.

Unfortunately, his talent is dull and he is not considered to be a material for cultivation. No one has taken him in. He evaded everywhere, was scorned by cold eyes, and nowhere to be a teacher.

Finally, he was accepted as a successor by a scattered repair.

This dispersal was a four-product pharmacist who was famous in the south.

Difficult to get a good teacher, Dan Dust Road to make up for it, and trying hard to prove himself is not nothing.

His master saw him persevering and tough, and when the deadline came, he took out the treasures of Tiancai for many years and rebuilt his meridians to excavate his wisdom and potential.

At that time, he was already twenty years old, and it was the best period of Xiuwu.

However, he is not discouraged. In addition to learning alchemy every day, he is fully committed to cultivation.

When his master died, he was a Xuanshi warrior, and he was already thirty years old.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely lose confidence in the practice of martial arts, but he still has not given up, one year of cultivation and alchemy.

Later, when he was forty years old, he went to the wilderness to find the grass, and was chased and killed by the beast, and he was given a great chance.

From then on, his strength began to advance by leaps and bounds. At the age of 50, he became a king of pharmacists and began to emerge in the South.

When he was 100 years old, he stepped into the emperor's ranks and became a five-product pharmacist. He began to become a new tycoon in the South.

Now five hundred years have passed, he said that he has become the Tianzun order, but also became the chief refining pharmacist in the northwest and south.

Six product refining pharmacists, no matter where they are, are respected figures.

Even the Lord of the Shadows and the Lord of the Alliance must respect him three times.


Dan Dust Road sat on top of the fire, and his cold eyes glanced at the leader of the movie, who was rushing to him. "You want to kill me?"

The words just fell, the leader of the Shadow Gate was shocked by an invisible pressure and flew out a few tens of meters away. A blood spurted out.

"Give you a little lesson, you will be arrogant and self-respecting." Dan Dust said lightly.

The leader of the magic shadow door climbed up and confronted the Dan Dust Road archer. "Thank you for your master's mercy."

Dan Dust Road did not look at him, closed the old eyes and secluded road "Go!".

After all, the fire shook its wings, and a bright light disappeared in the air between the stars.

The people of the Shadow Gate and the Shinto League began to move.

Fifteen giant black bats appeared in front of the fifteen people in the Shadow Gate.

This is the fourth-order high-order dark attribute spirit beast, fierce and bloodthirsty, and extremely fast.

Fifteen people jumped on the black bat and flew away toward the sky.

On the side of the Shinto League, there are fifteen green wing carvings.

The same is the fourth-order high-order wind attribute spirit beast, flying like the wind.

The people of the Shinto League have chased and chased them.

Others have summoned the flying beasts that have already been prepared and set foot on the road to the city.

Ghosts and demon couples are riding a double-headed flying snake beast.

The strength of the fifth-order low-order flying snake, the first double-double attribute of the double snake, is more than twenty meters in length. It is like a dragon on the volley, and it screams and scares some low-order flying spirits to avoid.

The poisonous scorpion rides a fifth-order mid-level four-winged scorpion king. The brown **** make a strange noise, and the black poisonous mist spreads toward the four dynasties, which makes other people hide their fears. In case of exposure to highly toxic.

The madman rides a hawk, a fifth-order low-order beast that he has just conquered. The eagle eye can send out a burst of attribute attacks, which can spur people into a state of slumber and lose their defense ability.

Ling Xiao and Cai Xia month ride her colorful gods, Xuan Yao and the emperor are riding the bald eagle sent in the Tiele tribe.

"Why don't you ride your own mount?" asked the poisonous voice.

The madman also walked from the side. "That is, if Ling Brother is riding out, I am afraid that the Dan Dust and the Fire will have to shun."

"Hey, haha, that is," the ghost demon is also attached to the side.

"I have always been a low-key person. This kind of thing that pulls the wind is left to the young people to do it!" Ling smiled and licked the hair scattered on his forehead, and said very succinctly.

"Ling brother said it is very much" poisonous scorpion slightly revealing the strange color, I have already guessed that Ling Xiao is definitely the last refuge to let others know.

The poisonous scorpion now feels that the thousand-faced scholar in front of him is really much more savvy than he imagined.

Ling Xiao stood in the back of the bird and looked at the distant sky. He said in his heart, "I am coming, I must not let me return empty-handed!"


Surrounded by majestic mountains and surrounded by mountains, the city is full of lush greenery, and the grassy flowers are everywhere. The low-order spirit beasts whisper.

When a line of high-level beasts and powerful human warriors flew over the sky, they were scared to run around.

The fire that first flies like a meteor is showing no power. When it goes, the clouds dissipate and the fire hunting screams.

The fifteen black bats then spread their wings to cover the sky, murderous like electricity, fangs and bloodthirsty, such as the air demon flying past.

In addition, fifteen heads of blue-winged wind sculpted the eight-level wind, and the towering trees blew up.

The last variety of flying spirits is equally impressive, and is struggling to catch up with the leader in front.

A colorful bird in the air that is not warm and inflamed in the back bursts into a variety of rays, which is extremely dynamic and attractive.

A pair of young men and women on the top of the gods are cuddling, and they seem so loving and tender.

"Moon, I pass you the soul of restoring your soul. After you restore your strength, I will help you break through the emperor's order." Ling Xiao, who is above the **** bird, said Cai Xia Yue.

"Is there really a way to restore the soul? Do not need to use the grass?" Caixia asked strangely.

"Of course, you are a genius, how difficult is it to recover the soul and hurt." Ling Xiao is extremely stinky.

Then, he passed the mouth of the healing of the "God of the Gods" to Cai Xia.

Although the control of the gods is only one-third, but there is a healing mouth.

Every time Ling Xiao took the time to learn the sea, he relied on the control of the gods to restore his power.

The soul is all about the spirit of the sea. Ling Xiao only needs to pass on the healing mouth to her, and naturally it can be repaired.

Caixia's memory is amazing, Ling Xiao only said two times, she remembered it.

It takes half a month on the way to Yucheng, and Caixia spent the first three days recovering the soul, and the strength returned to the peak of the king.

The reason why she recovered slowly was because she had not learned to control her gods, or she did not need such a long time.

"At the end of the game, it has been completely restored. It seems that the soul has also strengthened a lot."

"Recovering is good, I don't know if you have the confidence to impact the emperor?" asked Ling Xiao.

Cai Xia month was surprised and asked, "Is it really possible for me to impact the emperor?".

"Of course, you can do everything," said Ling Xiao, who was very sloppy in the chest of Caixia.

Cai Xia Yue is in the middle of Ling Xiaohuai’s mind. “My strength is still a little accumulated. It’s OK to understand the aura. Is this really okay?”.

"For the husband, you can do it. Let your strength reach the king's order and say it again." Ling Xiao scraped the Qiong nose of Cai Xia Yue.

He is now more and more fond of this charming woman who is eager to follow. Looking at her mature body, she often can't help but violently. If she is not on the road, he will rush to put the woman on the spot.

Ling Xiao handed a bottle of Wannian stone lotion to the face of Cai Xia Yue, "Hey, drink it."

"Can it let me reach the emperor?" Cai Xia month asked through the questioning eyes.

"Of course it is impossible, but it should allow you to reach the realm of the king's great perfection, and will also wash your body again." Ling Xiao should answer.

Cai Xia is beautiful and colorful, and has taken over the 10,000-year-old stone emulsion. As soon as it opens, the energy of a pure and powerful material spreads out.

"This... this is the best stone lotion!" Caixia month could not help but exclaimed.

Ghosts, poisonous scorpions, and mad people who are not far from Ling Xiao can't help but look at Cai Xia Yue, his eyes are full of burning colors.

"Hey, haha... Really... It’s the taste of the best stone lotion, good pure energy!" Ghost demon screamed.

The poisonous scorpion and the madman are swallowing and swallowing, and they want to grab it and take it.

Xuan Yao is jealous and low on the side of the road. "It's too shameful, actually take this kind of best thing to pick up a girl!"

"Really give me the service?" Caixia asked in disbelief.

Because of her love for the flowers, she lost her to Ling Xiao, and now she is inclined to Ling Xiao, but her mental experience is not affected. Of course, she knows the preciousness of this super stone lotion. We must know that at the Dongjia auction, the ordinary stone emulsions were sold at a high price. She really didn't think that Ling Xiao was so generous to give her such a small bottle better.

Ling Xiao glanced at the greedy couple and chuckled. "This is what I experienced after a lot of hard work and took it out of a dangerous cave. There are only three bottles. I took a bottle and now I will give you a bottle. I still have one bottle left, you can rest assured!".

"Thank you, you are very kind to me!" Cai Xiayue listened to Ling Xiaofu a bottle, and a bottle, immediately accepted the gift of Ling Xiao very happy, and then kissed a lot on the face of Ling Xiao To show the inner excitement.

"I am not good to you, who is good, you are my wife!" Ling Xiao said infinitely tenderly.

Caixia month stabilized his mood, adjusted the state for a while, and poured the bottle of Wannian stone lotion into his mouth.

Not far from the ghosts, the devils, the poisonous scorpions and the madmen are all bitter.

This Wannian stone lotion has the effect of re-washing the marrow for the warriors below the Emperor Xuan Emperor.

Ghost demon, poisonous scorpion and madman, why not want to wash the dirt inside again, re-shaping the meridians.

As such, it is absolutely a matter of fact that they will step into the ranks in the future.

To reach the level of respect, we need to understand the energy of the heavens and the earth, and to understand the small world of our own side. Perhaps we have successfully broken through under certain circumstances. Perhaps this life is stuck in the peak of the emperor and cannot enter.

Although this 10,000-year-old stone lotion can't make them feel the world, but let them re-wash the marrow and let them mention Tianbin again, this will definitely greatly enhance their understanding.

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