World Controlling God

Chapter 738: Absorbing dead air

Wannianshu float and the best blood crystal are powerful spiritual resurrections that restore vitality.

Because, after he entered here, the congenital yin winds obviously changed a bit, obviously it was interested in these dead air.

It’s just that Ling Xiao doesn’t dare to take risks, to absorb these dead air. If the celestial yin is not reliable, then he has to hang up.

Nowadays, in order to save the leopard, I can't care too much. He also wants to see if these dead air can become the nutrients of the innate yin.

It must be said that the celestial celestial winds consume too much energy in order to deal with the golden cracked beads. If you can absorb these dead air to supplement it, this is a good thing for Ling Xiao.

When the dead air has just fallen into the body of Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao contains the energy of the skyfire, and instantly wipes out those dead air.

In the case of this situation, Ling Xiao did not come to sneer. "It seems that this is really nothing that is inviolable. What kind of threat does this deadly pose to me? It’s just that...the congenital yin and the wind can absorb the dead power." .

With the care, Ling Xiao prevented the operation of his own firepower, and tried to let those who entered the body as dead.

With the entrance of the dead air, Ling Xiao's skin instantly became dark, and the flesh and blood became a little dry, and his vitality was constantly shrinking.

Even if Ling Xiao is now lucky, the power of the ancient emperor will not be able to offset the power of these dead air, unless he can reach the seventh change, the achievement of the noble body is possible.

The three people around him were very nervous. They all held their hands tightly and seemed to want to separate Ling Xiao at any time.

And the Leopard is even more moved in the heart, "follow this master, worth!".

When the death of the Leopard Leo did not fall into the body of Ling Xiao, he knew that the innate yin feng shui in the sea had already been unable to withstand it, and the innate yin sighed out of the air to smother those dead air. Clean.

Ling Xiao's black skin became smooth again, and his vitality recovered again, as if he had not been exposed to any dead air.

And the congenital yin feng shui in his knowledge of the sea once again signals that it is like a hungry child and needs more food.

Ling Xiao smiled calmly, and he knew that these dead air could be absorbed by the innate yin and wind.

Wanting to come to these dead air is also a range of suffocating, if you can absorb the dead air here, the congenital yin feng bead is expected to restore energy, and even to a higher level!

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao is very happy.

"Less... Is the young master going?" The look of the leopard under Ling Xiao has been much better. He obviously didn't feel the loss of vitality.

Ling Xiao’s return to this, he pulled back the hand. “Well, you should be fine!”.

Then, he took out a few medicinal herbs to let the Leopard give him a service.

This underdog has finally recovered a few degrees, let him run back from the ghost gate.

"Thank you for the young master!" The broken leopard said to Ling Xiao on one knee.

Ling Xiao puts a hand in his hand. "Get up, it's fine." Then he looks at other people. "You all step back, these dead things are useful to me for the time being."

The rest of the people were wrong, and they all looked at Ling Xiao with a puzzled look. Can this still be absorbed?

"Master, you... still pay attention to it!" Xuan Yao from the side.

Han Kai also said, "It’s good that these dead bodies can’t be eaten by my holy body, or don’t mess!”.

Ling Xiao should say "You don't have to worry, they may be harmful to you, but for me it is a big tonic."

While talking, he also licked his tongue, as if he had seen the best food, he wanted to eat it immediately.

A few people saw Ling Xiao insisted and no longer stopped.

They stepped back, and Han Kai also removed the space power.

Ling Xiao stepped forward and let the dead force from the passage of the channel invade.

These forces are quite scary for others, but they are not enough for Ling Xiao.

I saw him open his mouth, and the powerful suction showed it.


Those dead air were involved, and the pure power kept coming, and in a few moments, Ling Xiao became a big man.

"So many dead, the young master is not affected!" said the disabled Leopard.

Mad teeth also walked from the side. "I don't know, even if I don't have the power to invade my body, these dead air are the purest power of death."

Xuan Yao muttered that "the young master must have a sense of proportion, he will never come in chaos, not to mention that he still has a fire protection body, there will be nothing wrong with it."

Han Kai on the side did not speak, just staring at the black donkey.

After a while, the black dead air kept spinning. They were like waves, and they poured into Ling Xiao’s body.

"This... what the **** is going on, the young master can really absorb the dead!" Remnant Leopard, then what he seems to see, he secretly pays "Is that the bead?".

The Leopard had stayed in the sea of ​​Ling Xiao, and he knew that Ling Xiao not only had a glamorous fire bead, but also another beaded gray bead.

This time he finally completely let go of his heart.

Ling Xiao stood there for seven days and seven nights before he absorbed the dead air under the basement.

When all the dead air disappeared, Ling Xiao said with a satisfied smile, "I can absorb enough once, and when it is digested, I can go further."

When I spoke, Ling Xiao’s palm had a black mist.

The other four were shocked.

Han Kai couldn't help but exclaimed, "Boy, you... are you refining the dead power?"

Ling Xiao smiled and said, "Oh, just fortunate!".

Of course, this dead air is not his refining, but the celestial yin and the wind absorb the refining, he can only use these dead things.

This time, his innate yin and suffocating power will become even more horrible, not only can erode killing, but also the most difficult dead force in the world!

If he wants to kill, but does not want that person to die immediately, this dead air is undoubtedly the best chronic poison.

Think of this kind of death is a feeling of fear!

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