World Controlling God

Chapter 746: One enemy

Called Wang Chenghuang, this is a dyed no return road, is a road that will become a million bones.

Flowers and trees represent a strong vitality, but another gray-black force has blown through, and the vigorous plants and spirits have quickly withered and died.

This power is not only the strength of the innate yin and wind, but also contains the dead power that takes the vitality of others!

"This... This is the power of the world. Why do I feel a bit hairy? The power seems to be terrible!" The black fire mercenary leader Black Fire slightly took a bit of worry.

Zhong Bo, the head of the Wolves Mercenary Corps, exclaimed, "This... is this the power of the top-level spiritual world? Or how can we give us such a strong sense of oppression?"

The forces of the two worlds have already collided together.


The powerful energy bombarded, and the terrible aftermath left the people of the Quartet far away, for fear of being ravaged.

Yao mad thought that eating Ding Ling smiled, but the power of the world that Ling Xiao’s performance was so terrible, actually suppressed the power of his world. Under the collision of the two, he only felt uneasy and dirty. When it got up, the blood kept moving, making him feel uncomfortable.


A blood was sprayed from his mouth, and the spiritual world was instantly defeated. He and his mount dog were immediately overwhelmed by the power of the world of Ling Xiao.

Subsequently, countless trees and vines spread like a tentacles toward him and the dog. A three-eyed wolf king rushed out from a corner and directly attacked his dog.

A wolf and a dog began to tear up.

Yao Mania is also the head of the mercenary who has experienced countless life and death wars. He immediately suppressed the blood of the tumbling, and the knife in his hand turned the sword of the sky into the middle of the power of the ancient world.

The first move of the Xuan Emperor's Order was enough to ruin the mountains and break the river.

Just to kill Ling Xiao but not qualified.

A group of gray-black cold hurricanes smashed toward Yao.


All the plants where the gray hurricane went were quickly wilted and lost their vitality, and soon disappeared.

Although Yao’s mad knives blasted these scented flowers, only those who died were a little bit of him.

At first, Yao madness didn't pay too much attention. However, when he discovered that his body's energy was gradually being attacked, his heart felt a little bad. His strong body seemed to be gradually losing something. The flesh actually changed in the next moment. It was extremely dry and wrinkled.

"This... what is going on?" Yao madly stopped attacking and looked at the palms that were more old than the original, and frightened.

He still doesn't understand what is going on here, and his mind becomes confused.

He didn't know that he was so distracted, and it was easy for Ling Xiao to kill him.

However, he did not look okay, the more he looked, the more he felt terrified.

The flesh is rapidly aging, the power of life is clearly passing, and the power seems to be slowly weakening.

"Damn, this...what is the energy, it must be an illusion!" Yao madly refused to accept the reality and shouted. He paused and fled from the power of Ling Xiao’s world, and drank "together, Let's step on it here and get rid of this little miscellaneous. Kind!".

Ling Xiao can make Yao mad so easy to escape, the power of death is like a rotten worm entangled toward Yao.

Yao madness is hard to withstand the power of combining these innate yin and suffocating power with dead power.

His black hair instantly became white and white, and his powerful physique gradually became thin.

At this time, the two lower emperors of Yao’s madness realized the situation of their heads, and left nothing to say, killing the past with a smile.

Zhong Bo and Black Fire also knew that it was impossible to be good. They immediately took their men and killed them in the city.

For a time, killing the sky, the momentum is soaring, and the smoke is everywhere!

Numerous attribute attacks, colorful energy like the tide, the red sky half.

With so many mixed energies, even the sky has to be overturned.

"It's time to let them know that some things are not as simple as they think!" Xuan Yao murmured, and the white paper fan made a few strange moves.

A few of the gods who belonged to Ling Xiao’s side got a hint of generality and immediately flew in several directions.

Subsequently, a group of light curtains began to bloom from the walls.


This light curtain is like a sky cover, and the range within a few kilometers of the city wall is protected.

The energy of the mercenary group attacking the wave slammed on it, as if the stone was hit with an egg, and the defensive canopy could not be destroyed.

The people of the Quartet have seen their mouths wide open, and their faces are extremely shocking.

"When is there such a terrible defensive array outside the city, this has at least reached the defensive array of seven or more orders!"

"Right, the fan who seems to have come to the city's military division Xuan Yao, is not a strong master of the law?"

"It seems that Ling Xiao can be a lot of people around, there is such a large defensive array, the non-emperor level can not break the strong!".

"It must be wrong, but only attack and defense... This burst of energy will be exhausted sooner or later!"


"Army, what is the meaning of this consumption, simply let us play, kill these pieces of light early!" The broken leopard suppressed the strong killing and shouting.

Others have also spoken out to fight.

Xuan Yao firmly said, "No, this battle is the best time for Ling Xiao Li Wei, absolutely can not let you destroy it!".

Outside the city, Ling Xiao’s combat power has been decisively opened.

Twenty times the strength of the force, his power of the world has expanded to a terrible point, as if within a few kilometers are within his cover.

He is holding a golden dragon gun, like a **** of war, and begins a real kill!

The first thing that has suffered is the Yao madness that has been fighting.

He did not intend to be eroded by strong death and anger. His vitality was like running water. He continued to dry down. His power also descended from the Emperor Xuan Emperor to Tianzun and even the Emperor...

His good head was shot in a big hole by Ling Xiao, and only a little bit of soul power could escape the burning of Ling Xiao Tian Huo, and an emperor was just like this.

Under the madness of Yao, the situation of the two major emperors is not much better. Ling laughs at the top of the world, and countless killings will drown them both.

Their beasts were also spared, and they were all attacked by the smashing death of the four, and gradually enjoyed the feeling of aging death.

Ling Xiao’s killings have arisen. His warfare is extremely high. He has a dragon-colored dragon armor with a glass of gold, and he has not entered the army of 10,000 people with his golden dragon.

Wanshu is entangled, the ice cones are everywhere, the volcano erupts, the beasts appear, and the dead and the cross!

The terrible world, the terrible power, the terrible killing, will cover up all these people.

One by one was entangled in Wanshu and died, one by one by the ice cone piercing the soul, one by the volcano shocked the bones are not saved, one by the threat of the beasts of the fear of the liver and gallbladder, one by one entangled and lost vitality .

Not only that, Ling Xiao’s tyrannical gunfare is a wave of devastating attacks, countless golden dragons roaring and bombing, and the four-party warriors smashed their helmets and fled!

A scream of screams spread throughout the square, and countless residual limbs kept flying, and a smudge of blood splashed like ink.

Like the purgatory scene, everyone who sees this scene is sluggish.

"This... Is this still a human? Is it an enemy? Is it an illusion?"

"Covering the strength of the same generation, no... It should be beyond the same generation, it is terrible. The power of this world is simply the end of the world, and it will die!"

"The emperor, the absolute superiority of the top-level world, even the emperor is not his opponent, once he grows up, then there is a presence in the world that rivals him?".

"Who knows, as long as he doesn't marry early, maybe he can become a legend of the future."

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