World Controlling God

Chapter 826: Yang Di Liu Xu

Everyone in Liuyangzong reveals the color of ecstasy and let a road come.

Liu Qun and Guan Chang both passed the words in their minds in the first time. "Is there a mysterious emperor?"

Generally, there are only half of the emperors in the five-category gates, but there are also some who have the existence of the Emperor. However, if they reach this level, they will all announce that they have such a super-strong person to sit on the town, and one is to show their own strength. The second is to let others have jealousy about them, so that others can not just hit their ideas.

On the way to Liuyangzong, Liu Qun and others have mastered the approximate strength of Liuyangzong. They know that they have half of the emperor sitting in the town, but they have never heard of the existence of Xuan Emperor.

This sudden killing of a Emperor Xuan also really surprised them.

However, this does not make them panic.

Comers are just one person. They are low-ranking Emperor, and one is a middle-class Emperor. Unless the middle or high-ranking Emperor comes here, no one can ask for it.

It is obviously not a high-ranking Emperor, not even a mid-level Emperor, but a superpower who has just stepped into the Xuan Emperor.

However, this person looks very young, like a 30-year-old boy, looks resolute, looks like a yang, and looks like a rainbow. He wears a set of armor with strong fire attributes, head, shoulders, chest, legs... ...any part is wrapped tightly, this is a very complete armor.

This young man did not wear any weapons, sitting on a seventh-order low-order fire lion, one person and one lion appeared to be powerful, giving a strong feeling of shock.

"Xu Er you... have you made a breakthrough?" The more you look at the coming, the surprise.

That young man nodded to the flow and said, "Yes, the father of the adult, the child does not bear the heavy hope, and finally broke through the emperor."

"Well... well, it’s a blessing to us, we are alive!" The excitement of the face was exclaimed.

In front of this year, the young man is a surviving son, Liu Xu, who will succeed in the future.

The name of Liu Xu, now said that no one knows such a genius genius, actually broke through the Xuan Emperor in such a young age, why is it a famous generation?

In fact, the name of Liu Xu has caused a sensation in the middle of the domain, but he is like a meteor, flashing past, and soon disappeared, people asked.

More than 50 years ago, the name of Liu Xu was like Ling Xiao, and was relished by others.

Because of the original, the battle of the Imperial List, Liu Xu almost created the miracle of Ling Xiao, almost taking away the position of the first throne from the young leaders of the 18-party power.

Unfortunately, in the end, it was a little worse, ranking second, achieving the name of the emperor.

At that time, Liu Xu did not say which side he was. In the dispute of the Emperor, he was also alone to complete the task, and the one who won the title of Lingwuge was a team to complete the task. In contrast, Liu Xu proves the gold content of his strength.

At that time, Liu Xu was sought after by many powerful forces. Many forces have thrown him at him, hoping to recruit him.

He Nai Xu did not accept the kindness of these forces. After the battle of the Emperor, the one chose to retreat.

After two years, Liu Xu achieved the strength of the middle-class Tianzun.

Not only that, but he also killed more than a dozen Tianzun's sieges with the strength of the mid-level Tianzun, including two high-ranking Tianzun.

This battle has achieved the prestige of Liu Xu, and it also makes people feel that Liu Xu has the power to overwhelm the same generation!

It was only after the war that Liu Xu disappeared into the eyes of everyone, and there was no news of him anymore.

At that time, everyone felt that he might be killed by the enemy, and perhaps he chose to take refuge in some place.

No one knows that Liu Xu just returned to his power, Yang Yangzong, to shut down cultivation.

For decades, Liu Xu actually achieved the cultivation of the low-order Xuan Emperor from the strength of the mid-level Tianzun. This speed is really like a rocket, and it is so fast.

Liu Xu is now only about one hundred years old. Such a young emperor is also rare in the middle, even if it is in the 18th party, it is not necessary to cultivate such an outstanding enchanting.

Why is Liu Xu so outstanding in such a young age?

In addition to his own outstanding Tian Bin, of course, his adventures are irrelevant.

When he was a child, he was tested to be close to the nature of pure fire. The cultivation of Tian Bin must be quite high. And as a son of the Sovereign sect, the cultivation resources he obtained were of course very rich, which made him more than forty. When I was old, I reached the strength of the high-ranking emperor.

This age reaches the high-ranking emperor's range of genius, but it is not particularly dazzling with the younger generation of the 18-party power.

However, when he suddenly achieved the second killing of the emperor after the first throne with his personal strength, it highlighted his dazzling.

Liu Xu did not have such a fascinating advance speed at the beginning, but he was in the midst of war and chaos, and he had a cherished inheritance and separated the memory of the inheritors.

This is why he has been able to go all the way to the present state in just a few decades without relying on any remedy.

The vast territory of the central region, the land of the secret world is not uncommon, there will always be a few darlings who have become the darling of heaven.

Ling Xiao’s capture of the singularity is amazing. Yuan Zhantian is also a descendant of the battle of the Holy Ghost. Wu is not a chaotic warfare. The three of them are the darlings of heaven, but not only they, but Liu Xu is also the darling of heaven. One.

He has the ability to fight more and more, and Liu Yangzong knows that his prestige in Liuyangzong is far more than that of the mainstream. Now he breaks through the Emperor, and they are even more obsessed with the reverence of Liuxu.


"Who is waiting for someone, actually dare to commit me to Liuyangzong!" Liu Xu coldly looked at Liu Qun and others, and a violent fire blaze spread out, and the people around him had to retire far away.

The burning fire is so hot that it can't stand it. The powerful momentum shocked the surrounding air.

Flowing over the road, "They are the people who are laughing at the palace, and we want to be one of the affiliates of the Yangzong. We don't agree, they use it."

"What is the power of Swordsman?" Liu Xu did not understand.

He has been working hard, paying little attention to what is happening outside, and naturally does not know the Paladin.

"This is a new force, but the strength is quite strong, and the child will wait for you to return to the enemy!"

Liu Qun lightly wrinkled his brow and said, "My family's main battle is superior, and the power of the four sides, even the forces that kill the ancient family are not afraid, he is a seven-product refining pharmacist, it will take a long time to achieve the holy pharmacist. You can return to my house, it is your glory, why bother to be obsessed with it!".

The existence of the Emperor of the Emperor Yang of the Yang Dynasty has already belonged to the top five products. If there are two emperors sitting in the town, it is considered to be the four-category gate.

Such forces belong to the words attached to their auspicious palaces, and they are also extremely beneficial for the Palazzo Pride.

"I don't care how your housekeeper got it, we will never return to Yangzong."

They are still to be passed on to his son to carry forward, how can they become a subsidiary of others?

"If this is the case, then don't blame us for being welcome!" Liu Qundao.

"Father, you are going back, I have to see how they are welcome!" Liu Xu coldly responded.

Liu Qungang wants to shoot, but Guan Chang is on the sidelines, "He will give it to me, you are not his opponent!".

As a middle-class Xuan Emperor, Guan Chang can sense the extraordinary things of Liu Xu, and he will take the initiative to ask for a battle.

"Hey, let's go together. If you can defeat me, we will not be able to return to you." Liu Xu's tone is very rampant.

After all, he was like a sly swell of a hot sun behind him. He was like a son of a sunny sun. A vast momentum was on the verge of the Quartet, and the power of the world was deduced to the Quartet.

Nine rounds of bright sun, nine different colors, glamorous light, like the Buddha's light, so that everyone can't open their eyes.

"This... This is the power of the world, actually... so terrible!" Liu Qun looks different.

Guan Chang is also exposed to the extreme disgusting color, such a vast and righteous sun, is the nemesis to restrain his dark attributes.

"Hands!" Guan Chang snorted, and a group of black atomized monsters shrouded the past.


It was only the power of the world of Guanchang that had just touched the power of the world of Liu Xu, and was immediately shrunk by the powerful blazing energy.

"Let's go together, or you will have no chance!" Liu Xu is very self-channel.

Now there is a small sun on his forehead, like the battle pattern of the Shang, which makes him feel more powerful than the ground!

Liu Qun is no longer polite. He did not push the power of the world. He directly waved his long sword and pulled out a huge ratio of blue swords. He attacked the Liuyang in the nine rounds of sunshine.

Guanchang is also converging the power of the world. The black knife that is so scary and scary is smashed out. Each knife has the potential to destroy mountains and break rivers.

"Well come, just take you to try!" Liu Xu showed a wild laugh.

His spirit of warfare is driving the power of the world, and the light of the sun goes down from the sky, red, yellow, blue...

Nine different colors, blasted to Liu Qun and Guan Chang in several directions.


The sound of the sound of the ears continued to scream.

The power of the attributes of the road kept splashing, and the two people pulled back and forth in the past and the future, for fear of being affected.

The people of Liuyangzong looked at Liu Xu as an enemy two. In addition to the color of worry, the eyes were more excited and excited.

And with the hundreds of people from Liu Qun, they all showed a shocking color. They did not expect that Liu Yangzong actually hides such a master. In the faint, everyone feels that this trip may be somewhat deviating from the result they want.

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