World Controlling God

Chapter 87: Desperate!

Chapter 087 is desperate!

Under the abyss of the endless divide, the yin and the wind rushed into the sky.

Among the tens of meters wide ravines, a group of black beasts are walking around. These beasts are like the army, arranged neatly, horrible, marching in one direction, and making a squeaky sound along the way, it is extremely harsh.

There are thousands of beasts that are black ant colonies. These black ant colonies are especially tall in the middle. Standing half a body is actually more than three meters high. Two of them are thick and soft like a snake. The tentacles are constantly shaking, such as the big eyes of the lanterns are full of cold and fierce.

Needless to say, it can be guessed that it is a black ant king, and has reached the third-order low-order high spirit beast.

There are dozens of second-order black ants that are more than two meters high. The dozens of black ants are guarding the black ant colony. There are first-order black ant colonies in the front and rear. After the break.

Not far from the front of this group of black ants, there is a man and a woman in a cave blocked by stones. The man is sitting on the cultivation, and the woman is watching the man in a blink of an eye. Occasionally, there is a deep confusion.

These two people are not the Lingxiao and Yunmengqi who are in trouble?

"The **** black ant ant came over." Ling Xiao woke up from the meditation and snorted.

"Do we have to move on again?" Yunmengqi asked quietly.

"Don't go forward and wait for death, listen to this voice, I am afraid that there is a large group of black ants, I think this time they are coming out of the nest." Ling Xiao sighed reluctantly.

Yun Mengqi looked at the hole and then showed a beautiful smile. "Maybe we can't escape."

Ling Xiao looked at Yun Mengqi, who was smiling and smiling. The smiles were full of moving and fascinating brilliance. It was like a poem written by the ancients: one fell into a city, and then the country was turned down. Perhaps Ling Xiao felt that this city was dumping the country. The color is still not enough to describe Yunmengqi's fairy tales.

Ling Xiao felt a pain in his heart, and a blood rushed up. He hugged Yun Mengqi, and his lips were printed on the lips of Yunmengqi.


Yun Mengqi only feels that the brain has temporarily lost the ability to think. []

She only knows that she is being thin!

The jade lips were blocked and the jaws were opened. The cloves in the mouth were allowed to be absorbed, and the body shook very well. A strange feeling swept through the body.

"Hey!" Suddenly, Ling Xiao pushed Yunmengqi away, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. The blood on his lips showed streaked blood, and it was obviously bitten by Yunmengqi.

"You are so thin and thin, I would rather bite my tongue." Yunmengqi said very firmly. Although she gradually changed her view of Ling Xiao, she could not change her traditional thinking, and she still couldn't say love to Ling Xiao. It was only the first time that she had a hard time with a man, and she felt a little good feeling in her heart.

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself for a while, who told you to be so beautiful?" Ling Xiao said with a sincere expression and apologized.

Yunmengqi snorted and did not go over the pretty face.

Suddenly, a burst of fragrance came, she couldn't help but wonder what it was so fragrant.

I saw Ling Xiao took out a brocade box from his parcel. He opened the brocade box with a blue-green flower. The flower was only the size of the tail finger, and the color of the ink was blue. Like the clear pool of water, the eyes attract attention.

"This...this is the water blue flower." Yun Mengqi recognized the Lingcao's spirit grass in the box at a glance.

Aquamarine, the second-order high-order water attribute Lingcao, has the effect of living muscles and living bones. It has great benefits for the practicing water attribute warrior. It can make the water attribute warrior accelerate the comprehension of the water system exercises, comparable to the third-order low-order grass. It is a rare spiritual grass that Wanjin is hard to find.

This water blue flower was obtained during the sneak peek of the sneak leopard in Lingxiao when it first entered the mountain range.

He has been carrying it with him and has never lost it.

There are still ten second-order grasses on his body, which he harvested in the mountains during this time.

"Yes, it is the water blue flower" Ling smiled and nodded, then handed it to Yunmengqi and said "take it down."

" want to give it to me?" Yun Mengqi asked in surprise.

Ling Xiao said with certainty, "Of course, you need it to recover the wounds of your body. Otherwise, it will be difficult to see the scars for a long time."

Ling Xiao didn't take out the water blue flowers before, mainly because he didn't think that he still had such healing spirits in his body. If he saw it when he took off his clothes and wrapped the meat, he couldn't remember it. On the way with Yun Mengqi fleeing here, he thought about taking this water blue flower to Yunmengqi, which would speed up the recovery of wounds on her body, leaving no trouble, and it was convenient for them to escape together.

Ling Xiaoben is a person who cherishes flowers. The value of the second-order high-level grass is extraordinary, but how can it be more valuable to have a smile?

Yunmengqi glanced gratifiedly at Lingxiao, then picked up the water blue flower and put it in the mouth and chewed it up.

"Today's grace, he will pay back ten times." After Yun Mengqi finished, Zheng Chengdi said to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently. "This is my willingness. It doesn't matter. I just hope that you can give me a chance to pursue you."

Yunmengqi was white and smiled at a glance. The medicinal properties began to take effect. A pure energy began to spread throughout her body. A group of light blue ray appeared. I saw that the scars began to heal and healed. It’s amazingly fast.

Ling Xiao couldn't help but marvel, and sure enough, it was comparable to the third-order grass, and the speed of this repair was really amazing.

However, at this time the black ant colony has come to them.

A harsh voice made them feel very uncomfortable.

Listening to this voice, Yun Mengqi could not help but shrink his body.

Ling Xiao made a banned action, and then held his breath, only hope to avoid the attention of the black ant.

Unfortunately, Ling Xiao still underestimated the induction of black ants, their two antennae are better than the eyes, they just found them before they walked through the hole.

"It seems that only hard to fight." Ling Xiao found that there are already black ants in the hole in the hole, and could not help but smile.

"If you want to... you leave first," Yunmengqi said faintly.

"I said, I won't leave you unless I die." Ling Xiao shook his head and said firmly.

Yunmeng Qifang’s heart trembled. I don’t know why when I looked at Ling Xiao, my heart was quietly changing.

At this time, a pure energy spurred the surrounding spiritual power and attached it to Yunmengqi. She only felt that the whole body was comfortable, and the spiritual power in the body could actually work.

"I... I have spiritual power," Yunmengqi said with surprise. She did not expect that the water blue flower not only cured the wound on her body, but also activated her spiritual power.

Who knows, when she exclaimed, the physical power of the body seems to stop absorbing again.

"How do you feel?" Ling smiled and looked at the hole, and asked Yunmengqi faintly.

"There is a happy time, only to restore the power of the low-order Xuan people," Yun Mengqi replied dissatisfiedly. Just now she thought that her body could be fully recovered. Who knows that it was only a few spiritual strengths that allowed her to recover a little bit of strength, and the medicinal properties of the water blue flowers were exhausted.

"Not bad, catch the sword, we kill it." Ling Xiao should have a voice, throwing the blue crystal sword to Yunmengqi.

At this time, the black worm finally came into the hole.

However, the hole is very small, only two black ants can be entered at a time.

Ling Xiao said nothing, the silver ghost blood knife cut down, the cold cold knife smashed the black ants into the hole.

"Well, a lot of black ants" Ling Xiaoyi hand-drawn Yun Mengqi ran out toward the hole, I know that I saw a piece of black pressure outside, the whole heart cool to the extreme.

How can this fight? The other party can crush them when they rush.

The two had to retreat into the cave again.

"What to do?" Yunmengqi said to the six gods.

"Don't worry, I will block it for a while." Ling Xiao stood in the hole and said, the silver ghost knife in his hand kept cutting off the hole.

Any black ant that just arrived at the hole was killed by Ling Xiao.

However, the number of black ants is too much, as if killing is inexhaustible, Ling Xiao kills softly.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a very large black ant, and dozens of black ants that were slightly smaller than it came toward the hole.

A group of black mists with huge poisons are sprayed, and as long as they are touched, they will be rotted.

Ling Xiao even waved a dozen or so fires to temporarily disperse the black fog, then turned his head and took the hand of Yunmengqi. He cut it down the cliffs of the cave and hoped to dig the hole deeper and prolong their survival. Down time.

"This time is dead." Ling Xiao kept slamming forward, and the caves kept falling of mud and stones, making him all messy.

The influx of black ant colonies seems to have to eat these two humans.

"Meng Qi, it seems that we have to do a pair of same life." Ling Xiao knows that he is powerless to go back to heaven, turned around and said that Yunmengqi was behind him.

At this time, Yunmengqi took the thick palm of Ling Xiao and said faintly, "If... If there is an afterlife, maybe I can give you a chance to pursue me."

"With your words, I am willing to die." Ling Xiao should have a sentence, grabbed the blue crystal sword in the hands of Yun Mengqi, and the sword slammed toward the black ants that had arrived.

The knife has no shadow, the sword leaves a mark!

The sparkling knife light is intertwined with the hot swords.


The black ant in the hole is either hacked to death by a knife, or burned alive, and the smell of burnt smell makes people suffocate.

Ling Xiaojian sword in hand, just like killing a god, the prestige is in front of Yunmengqi.

Yunmeng Qimei was not staring at the back of Ling Xiaowei’s shore for a moment, and the heart kept shaking. In such a desperate place, he can die for her and block everything for her, even if the heart of the stone is melted.

"Kill!" Ling Xiao went out, shouted, and waved his sword toward the black ant.

The swords and swords are shining, and the surrounding rocky cliffs have blasted a large pit, and the flying sand has no splashes.

A black ant was killed under the sword of Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao had a lot of sweat under the rain.

Just as Ling Xiao was about to exhaust, the hole suddenly shook.


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