World Controlling God

Chapter 889: Dragon Palace


It is vast and boundless.

Everyone knows that this sea area is full of countless resources and has the treasure of various water properties, but human warriors have no way to dig out one thousandth of the resources here. Most of the treasures are still in the sea where no one dares to approach. Deep inside.

The sea disaster test, the high-order spirit beasts are numerous, this is the real reason why human warriors do not dare to go deep into the sea.

In fact, no one knows that in this sea area, it is actually a place of a large animal and beast group. Naturally, human warriors cannot easily enter.

Once you step into the land of the gods and beasts, you will be surrounded by high-level beasts on the periphery. It is absolutely hard to live.

And this **** and beast group is the most powerful existence of all the spirits and beasts!

The spirits are tens of thousands of species, but they are respected by the nine great beasts. Among the nine great beasts, the real dragons and beasts are the most, showing how powerful and terrible the true dragons and beasts are.

According to ancient legends, when the heavens and the earth were first opened, the dragons were the earliest races of the twins. They had boundless powers, which could destroy the sky, kill the clouds, and control the beasts...

Just over time, there have been other powerful gods and orcs, which have gradually disrupted the situation of the dragon family.

In the end, it formed the general trend of dividing the land by the protoss. The era was called the era of the wild, and then with the sudden emergence of human beings and many different beasts, the most chaotic situation was formed, which was called the ancient times.

After these times, as the darling of the heavens, the true dragon family was provoked by the great provocations of the ancestors and the killing of other ethnic groups, resulting in the endangered species of their true dragons.

Although they are the most powerful races, God also gave them one of the biggest weaknesses, that is, their reproductive ability is many times worse than other races.

This is also the fact that after the various wars, they were not supplemented by fresh blood, and they could only withdraw from the stage of the earth.

Everyone thinks that they may have disappeared as early as in ancient times.

But no one knows that there is still a true dragon family in this vast and boundless East China Sea. = small = say,

Under the depths of the East China Sea, an area isolated by countless powerful forces, where the true dragons lived, was called the "Dragon Palace."

The Dragon Palace is still a world of sea water, but the water here is clearer and more blue than the rest of the sea. At first glance, it is hardly obstructed by any sight.

Ling Xiao took the Dragon Girl and Luo Meiying as they walked along with the turtles, and the scene of the scene was reflected in their eyes.

The first thing they saw was a huge ship that was damaged and sunk. It was not known how many years it was. It is certain that they once had an accident with a human warrior sitting on the sea.

You can also see a variety of weapons beside the ship, and a lot of scattered space.

It is obvious that after the warrior died, the body was eroded and left behind.

Although most of these things are not low, you can even see a lot of high-level spirits. If you can collect them one by one, it is definitely a rich income.

This is to let Ling Xiao see his eyes straight and shiny, if not behind him with the two hundred guards, he really wants to rush to collect them one by one.

"Waste, violent things!" Ling Xiao distressed and shouted.

However, with his whispering, two bright spots of light suddenly emerged after those huge ships.

When the light was shining, a huge snake appeared before everyone.

Ling Xiao and Luo Meiying were shocked, and the Dragon Girl was a stern look, glaring at the serpent.

"Not yet, this is the great Princess of the Royal Princess!" Turtles greeted the giant snake.

The serpent immediately slammed into the ground and spoke and said, "See the turtles and meet the great Princess!"

The turtle was gently swaying, and the serpent was once again hidden.

"His Royal Highness, you are shocked, this is a member of my family's periphery." Turtle Chengxiang explained.

The dragon girl just nodded lightly and did not say anything.

Ling Xiao knows that this snake should be a common beast around the dragon, preventing other foreigners from getting close to it, and those sinking ships are afraid of being the masterpiece of this snake.

As he got deeper and deeper, Ling Xiao saw a variety of sea fish and beasts swimming in groups. When the group of people passed by, these happy sea fish stopped, and they stayed on the side. move.

In addition, many high-order spirits are also appearing one by one.

For example, Wannian blood coral, Wannian knot flower, Wannian pearl shell...

Many precious spirits that will exist in the seabed are appearing before Ling Xiao and Luo Meiying one by one, and they are screaming and screaming.

It should be known that every such high-level spirits here will be robbed by thousands of people, but it is just like ordinary goods here. It seems that it is not difficult to find.

Suddenly, a slowly moving brilliant blue spirit grass broke into the dragon's dragon eye.

Ling Xiao is difficult to hide the frenzy of color and exclaimed "Yes... is the eighth-order high-order blue lotus!".

Very blue lotus, pure blue lotus vine grass, with a little star small flowers, like the stars are vast and ethereal. It is the water-property of the Baoling grass, which has the ability to transform the body of the water-property warrior, and is also one of the main materials for refining the eight-medicine medicine.

Such a high-level spirit grass, in the middle of the field, I am afraid that not many people can see, because that only exists in the legend!

"Boss, what's wrong?" asked the dragon girl and Luo Meiying.

Ling Xiao slammed the handcuffs and laughed, "Oh, no... nothing!".

"This young master, is it fancy it? I know that you humans are very fond of all kinds of spirit grass." Turtle Cheng Xiang looked at Ling Xiao and asked, the details accounted for a few minutes.

Ling Xiao seems to be seen in the heart, the old face is reddish "This... This is just a good look, you look much more beautiful, you can often see people really happy!".

"Oh, is it? Then wait for the old turtle to send you a belt to bring back, you can see it every day!" Turtle Chengxiang said very friendly.

"Okay, okay!" Ling Xiao couldn't wait to nod.

A discerning person can see the greed of Ling Xiao at a glance.

"I know that human beings are greedy, as long as you are willing to do so, as long as you let the princess stay, then everything is easy to say," Kui Chengxiang smugly pays in his heart.

A group of people, do not know how long it took, Ling Xiao has been shocked by the strange things.

The crowd came to two huge columns like gold and iron.

These two columns are like Optimus Prime. They need a dozen people to hold together. They stand on the sea and look up. They can't see the top of them. It makes people feel extremely magnificent.

The top of the column is like a real dragon with a vivid life. The dragon scales are so real, and the one giant claw is even more powerful.

Ling Xiao and Luo Meiying saw the two pillars at first, and they almost couldn’t help but worship.

Fortunately, the strength of the two is good, or else it is really unable to withstand the powerful dragon power of these two pillars.

Despite this, the two people's breathing became unsmooth.

In the dragon girl's beauty on the side of them is an unspeakable color, hands clasped to the chest, the head is slightly low, the blue hair is falling, it seems full of sincerity and respect.

Then, after the two pillars, there was a line of guards coming out.

Some of these guards look like two hundred guards who follow behind Ling Xiao and others. Others are another look, very strange, and there are quite a few gaps with real humans. They can only be regarded as Half-orc, the characteristics of the beast will not completely converge.

Ling Xiao guessed that these should be the shrimps and crabs. It is said that this is the guard of the Dragon Palace, and from its characteristics, it is also very close to the shrimps and crabs.

Among the pedestrians, the two leaders are quite violent and unusual. The body is like a copper wall. It is actually a square figure. It is particularly strange, but the head is small and pitiful. It is really disproportionate.

The two of them held two large silver axe in their hands, and they were ruthless.

The two square giants and the guards are all respectful to the turtles, "see the turtles!".

The turtle was lifted and lifted up and faintly said, "Imperial," and then pointed to the dragon girl and introduced "You will see the Princess of the Highness!".

The group of people looked at the dragon girl and showed the panic color and shouted "See the Princess of the Princess!".

Gui Cheng smiled relative to the dragon girl. "These are the guards of our Dragon Palace. What the Princess of the Royal Princess needs to do in the future, even if he orders it."

The dragon girl didn't want to say anything more, but just nodded and nodded.

"Let's go, the front is the real place for my family!" Gui Chengxiang said with a guide.

At this time, the heads of the heads and the guards of the guards were left outside. Only the turtles led the dragon girls, Ling Xiao and Luo Meiying.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao only felt that a flower in front of him, like the feeling of entering the transmission array, the next moment actually moved to another place.

"This... Is this the real Dragon Palace?" Ling Xiao couldn't help but whisper to himself as he looked at the stunning scene.

Luo Meiying is also amazed at "a magnificent place!".

The dragon girl did not speak, but her moving look also reflected what she thought.

There are no more water stains in front of me. Some are just castle-like palaces like Senyu. The palace does not know how many times it is bigger than the palace built by the Terran. The palace carving is not as fine as the human palace. However, it seems to be generous and lavish, especially like a ghost, so that people feel extremely spectacular.

Around each of the palaces, there is a rare coral landscape, a natural rockery landscape, and many high-grade Lingshu and Linghua dotted with countless white water properties. Ethereal, giving people a wonderful feeling of being in a fairyland.

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