World Controlling God

Chapter 908: Holy Order

Earth shaking like an earthquake

The sound of a heavy and violent sound makes people feel extremely repressed.

Numerous corpses have fallen from above the sky. They kneel on the ground and are ready to greet their king. The corpses are also on the ground, all with excitement. color

The people in the Swords Palace are all back to Ling Xiao, nearly a hundred people have died in one third. This casualty is not too big compared to the corpse.

Some of them are entangled in corpses and corrode vital forces.

Ling Xiao used the power of the innate yin fengzhu to absorb these corpses one by one, so that they did not leave any sequelae, and they would not be corrupted and died.

The congenital yin fengzhu can be absorbed even by the dead air, and these corpses are weaker than the dead air, naturally can not pose any threat to Ling Xiao.

On the contrary, the rich corpse here will become the nutrient of Lingxiao to supply the innate yin fengzhu.

"The palace owner, there is a terrible breath to break out of the earth!" The ancestor said close to Ling Xiao.

"It should be a corpse, may be repaired in the high-order Xuan Emperor!" Yan Hong also said on the side

Ling Xiao looks a little ugly and shakes his head. "No, it will definitely not be a corpse of a high-order Xuan Emperor. It may be a higher order!"

He obviously felt that the breath made him feel jealous, which is the feeling that the high-ranking Emperor is difficult to produce.

He is now the peak of the low-order Emperor, and has the strength to compete with the high-ranking Emperor. It is difficult to pose any threat to him except for the strength of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, he can conclude that this is a terrible existence.

He was lucky enough to bring out the breeze this time, or else they would have a semi-holy or holy corpse, then they will definitely have trouble.

However, Ling Xiao is very eager to fight this kind of existence.

Within the same rank, he is already a difficult opponent. Only beyond him can he be his opponent.


Finally, the ground exploded

Within the kilometer below the city, all the buildings were bombed into powder, and a very strong corpse rose up to the sky.


These ghosts and ghosts send out a horrible sound of deep and deep, which makes people feel scared.

Ling Xiao and others quickly retraced a few kilometers away, so as not to be affected by this energy, one by one to protect the spirits and melt these corpses

Ling Xiao is unscrupulously condensing these corpses and absorbing them all.

"Yes, it is almost close to the feeling of death, this is the big tonic of the innate celestial wind beads." Ling Xiao excited

At the same time, he sensed that there should be something close to the origin of the innate yin feng shui under the ground, so that the celestial yin feng shui was swallowed.


A sound like a beast came out from under the deep pit, like the demon regenerates, and the ghosts and ghosts are scattered one by one.

"Congratulations to the corpse adults...Congratulations to the corpse adults!"

The corpses kept screaming and they were equally excited.

Then, a huge figure appeared slowly in front of everyone.

This is a corpse nearly three meters high. He is not as jealous as other corpses, but he is wearing a set of patina armor, holding a long geek, and his body is surrounded by a layer of dark green. Double deep eyes and swearing

He is like an ancient battlefield general, and the wind can still be convincing.

Before he died, he was indeed an ancient general. He did not know how many years existed. He was found in a secret place by the ancestors of the corpse. They also transformed them with various secret methods and methods. He absorbed the heavens and the earth to the yin, so that he could sleep on the land. Only a large amount of blood could summon him and protect his ancestral heritage.

Before the corpse of the corpse flew to the corpse, he shook his bell and said, "The corpse is an adult, let me kill them, drink their blood, and cheer up my town!"

"The corpse adults, drink their blood, to cheer my town!"

"The palace owner is going, this is a sacred sacred demon!" The breeze appeared on the side of Ling Xiao.

Her voice just fell, the corpse has already smashed toward Ling Xiao and others, a terrible pressure, so that they all produced panic


When others flashed, it appeared before Ling Xiao and others, and the long Ge was like a meteor.


In the foremost few, the high-ranking Tianzun of the Swords Palace did not respond, and was immediately cut off by the head.

"Give me all the distance to kill him!" Ling Xiao ordered to drink

He has more than a dozen Xuan Emperors and dozens of high-ranking Tianzun here, and they can launch an offensive together, and the power can also be revived.


A variety of different attribute forces bombarded the corpse, and the smoke filled the surrounding area.

When all the attribute attacks disappeared, the corpse still stood there unscathed.

Everyone in the Swords Palace is shocked.

"Haha, don't bother with it. The corpse of the corpse is already the body of King Kong. If you can attack him with such an attack, you can kill him and kill them all!" The corpse of the corpse is excited. The color laughs

"Retreat... you quickly retreat!" Ling Xiao immediately ordered

The people in the Pride Palace immediately plucked back, and Ling Xiao didn’t want to build the Guards’ Legion, which was completely destroyed here.

At the same time, the breeze smashed her hand, and her cane swung a terrible wind blade in her hand, and wanted to cut the corpse into countless pieces.

The corpse danced with the long Ge and the wind blade was hit one by one.

He snorted, as the invincible demon head rushed to the past

That speed is not something that other people can capture.

Fortunately, the breeze is the weapon of the wind attribute, although it is a semi-holy level, but it has the speed of the holy order, barely fighting with the corpse

The breeze squandered all efforts, countless hurricanes smashed, and the wind blade formed a high-grade sword-like blade, and rushed toward the corpse.

This storm is abbreviated as horror, just like the ten-level hurricane will stir up the radius of this circle.

This is a semi-sacred power, and you can completely destroy a city between your hands.

Numerous intensive attacks broke through the defense of this corpse and rushed toward his body.

However, those sharp and sharp, comparable to the high-end spirit of the wind blade still failed to cause much damage to this corpse


The wind blade is like a bump on the steel, and it keeps starting the harsh sound.

The trick of the breeze does not stop there. She turns into a wind, blends into these wind blades, and lifts the crutches of her half-sacred steps to the top of the corpse.


A blow is enough to break the mountain and attack the river.

The breeze thought that the corpse would burst, but unfortunately she overestimated her strength and underestimated the horrible body of the corpse, which is comparable to the sacred defense, not hurt at all.

The corpse snorted and swung the long Gob to the breezy belly.

The breeze blew back, but it was still split by the sharp gas of Chang Ge, and the blood ran wildly.

The corpse opened his mouth and absorbed the blood, and the suffocation broke out completely, killing the past in the breeze.

The breeze is only a half-sacred, and the corpse is already a low-level saint. Every hit is like a mountain, and she is so reversing that she wants to use the speed to retreat here, but she finds that the surrounding space is full. A layer of corpse gas, surrounded her layer, making it difficult for her to leave, and constantly eroding the erosion of her protection

The corpse long Ge shocked the crutches, and the left hand took a punch and smashed toward her belly.


The wind was shunned, a punch was pierced by the corpse, and countless blood spattered.

The corpse is like blood, and the mouth will absorb the blood, and there is a strong suction to **** the blood from the body of the wind.


At this moment, an earth-shattering sound of the dragon rushed into the sky, and the shaking of the four sides shook up. A golden dragon shadow directly broke through the layer of corpse, and prevented him from further action before hitting the corpse.

Needless to say, it’s Ling Xiao’s shot.

The breeze also took the opportunity to drag the wounded body and quickly fled.

Ling Xiao activates the dragon-shaped war of the whole body, and he has a full force of thirty-five times. His body has risen a lot, his head has two dragon horns, his body is covered with golden dragon scales, and he holds a golden dragon gun. Such as an ancient half-orc, mighty and scary

Although Ling Xiao hates this Nie, he can only endure it.

Now that this corpse is powerful, he dares to hide his strength.

Ling Xiao lost the vial containing the spring of life to the wind. He immediately "recovered the injury and protected others".

At the same time, he took a deep breath and opened his mouth, sucking all the strong corpses that the corpse took the lead into the mouth.

These incomparably strong corpses can directly make the heavenly deities fall, and the evil things that the Emperor Xuan will retreat

However, in Ling Xiao’s eyes, it is the best fertilizer. It just grows the power of yin and death.

Not far from the corpse, the people who saw this scene were all shocked by the chin.

They have long refining their corpses, naturally they have absorbed these corpses and strengthened their bodies, and they have cultivated a stronger and more corrosive force.

They know that the corpse of the corpse is far more horrible than their usual contact, even if they all absorb a little bit of absorption and refining.

But this person is completely taken away, can this not surprise them?

"I know who he is. He is the main smile of the Swordsman Palace. He holds the golden dragon gun!"

"Yes, it is definitely him. I didn't expect him to bring someone to commit our corpse, and he is destined to fall here."

"But how can he absorb those corpses, is he also practicing my corpse?"

"This is impossible, maybe there is something different in his body that can absorb the corpse is not necessarily!"


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