World Controlling God

Chapter 960: Daughter Ling Ying

When Feng Fengyun was born in Fenglingtian, Ling Xiao was absent. He did not understand the excitement of being just preparing to be a father.

Now, Feng Xianyun regenerates the second child, Ling Xiao thoroughly understands the feeling of being a father.

He was worried and excited in his heart. He was worried about Feng Xianyun or his child's accident. He was excited to prepare for a second child. He always wondered whether he was a son or a daughter.

He already has a son of the little devil, and he wants to be born a daughter.


As the sound of a baby's screaming sounded, Ling Xiao's body paused, and his face showed an infinitely happy color. "Give birth...born...".

He really wanted to rush in to see the situation immediately, but he was still pulled by Caixia and he was not allowed to enter.

After a while, the dream cloud was happily holding a child out of the room.

"Mother, is it a daughter?" Ling Xiao asked immediately.

Dreaming of the cloud, he glanced at him, "Do you like your son so much?"

Ling Xiao puts a hand in the handwriting "Of course not!".

"You stinky boy, I really don't know how bad your luck is, you are said to be a daughter." Dreams are not good.

Ling Xiao was close to the dream of the cloud, watching the bright and pure eyes, ### cute doll, a feeling of flesh and blood connected, he smug in his heart, "haha, she is my daughter".

"Right, Yuner, she has nothing!" Ling Xiao remembered the Fengxian rhyme, and quickly whispered, and immediately ran into the house.

Feel the scent of Feng Xianyun still, Ling Xiao everything is down.

As long as she has a sigh of relief, it is definitely not a problem to live with his spiritual things.

Dongfang Yan told Ling Xiaodao, "This child has survived, but Shouyuan may be affected!".

"If you can survive, you will be able to make up for your loss!" Ling Xiao politely caressed Feng Xiyun's hair.

Ling Xiao was very happy in advance, this is a big happy event, which is a dilute atmosphere of sadness in the Palatine Palace.

Finally, Ling Xiao named her daughter Ling Ying, hoping she would be happy and happy.

Since she got Ling Ying, Ling Xiao has been laughing and laughing.

He always hopes to have a daughter, and now he is willing to pay for it. The mood is naturally great.

Feng Lingtian, this little devil is also very fond of his sister, but he still does not change his mind. He often gets some small poisons to scare Xiaoying, making Xiaoying often crying.

Every time at this time, he couldn't help but be called by Ling Xiao directly to guide him in martial arts. The process must be a slap in the face.

"Daddy, can you be more eccentric? After the younger sister grows up, I must pull her into my camp to deal with you!" Feng Lingtian said with dissatisfaction.

Ling Xiao was too lazy to care for his son. Anyway, he also saw that his son was not at the heart.

Ling Xiao was immersed in the atmosphere of joy, and he passed away for most of the month without knowing it.

After half a month of recuperation, the people injured in the battle also recovered.

At the same time, the news that Ling Xiao became a holy pharmacist was also widely spread out. In addition, the Swordsman Palace defeated the Ouyang family, and the imposing earthquake, many warriors have expressed their willingness to join the Swords Palace.

After passing the test of the Xuan Yao array, there were hundreds of people left behind.

But these people are just a drop in the bucket, not enough to watch!

Ling Xiao’s expedition, of course, brought these people to the party and declared them with them in advance. It is impossible to enjoy the foothold in their singular palace without baptism.

Many of these people were paralyzed, and finally one third of the people were out of the game.

In the end, there were only more than 300 people left. The Xuan Emperor was just one. It must be too urgent, and there are not many people who come to the run.

Ling Xiao is ready to go, this time there will be no more people, only a thousand people, and all others stay in the Palazzo.

This thousand people are basically Tianzun, and the Emperor Xuan is only a dozen people. As for the Holy One, there is none.

It seems that it is not enough to rely on this strength to clean up the Ouyang family that has lost so much.

It must be that the Ouyang family is still there. It is not a problem to get 10,000 soldiers and horses together, and there is also a saint who is sitting in the array. This is not difficult.

Others have to admit that Ling Xiaoxian does not want ###, and it is not too late to kill Ouyang after he has taken a rest.

However, Ling Xiao still insisted on his own way, not listening to anyone's intention.

Everyone is impatient, and they can only let Ling Xiao go. They must know that Ling Xiao is different from the past. Even if the Holy One is to drink and hate under it, perhaps this thousand people can really return.

Ling Xiao took the lead, the ancestors, blush, 赤红, cold, and the leopard... and so on.

Not long ago, there was too much loss in the first battle. Ling Xiao can squeeze this thousand horses and horses already quite well. Moreover, the Dark Lord Gate is watching, so you must leave someone to watch the house.

Moreover, this time Ling Xiao also made a good plan, and it is absolutely no problem to have the cooperation of Wan Huazong to win the Ouyang family.

The Swordsman Palace has already spread the people of the Ouyang family with a thousand people.

There is a reason for Ling Xiao to do this. He just wants those who want his life to gather together at the Ouyang home and plan to go all out.

Because his message of artifacts has spread throughout the middle, I believe that many people will dare to take risks.

The Ouyang family had already suffered heavy losses. They were afraid that the Swords Palace would come back to revenge with other forces. Many Ouyang families had the idea of ​​fleeing.

However, when I heard that the Pride Palace only brought such a small number of people, and there was no other force to help, I settled down.

Nanyuan is the site of their Ouyang family. There are also many affiliated forces under them. It is not a problem to deploy 20,000 people from them.

Such a force, is it still afraid that a thousand people in the Swords Palace will not be formed?

As a result, the people of Ouyang’s family are waiting for the people who are waiting for the Pride Palace, and they threaten to let the Pride Palace come back.


The Dark Lord Gate naturally received the news that Ling Xiao took the expedition to Ouyang’s family in the first time.

The charm brake is hesitating whether or not to sneak into the Swords Palace this time, and to give off the Pride Palace.

The venomous snake immediately reminded me, "Mrs., the old woman in the East is still in the Swords Palace, Han Kai is not dead, we are rushing to the past, I am afraid I can’t ask for it!"

"What, the old woman in the East still stays in the Pride Palace?" The charm brake is a bit strange.

"Well, it can't be wrong. She only sent other people back. I wanted to come to make Ling Xiao's little miscellaneous. I was relieved to stay in the air."

"Hey, it seems that this old woman is still ironed to protect this little miscellaneous. Kind of" the charm brakes coldly, then she looked at the poisonous snake road "If this time let you go to sneak attack Xiaoxiao that little miscellaneous. Can you kill him?".

"Although he was only a high-ranking Emperor Xuan, but this kid is very weird, but there is nothing in my enlightenment. I suspect he may have other treasures, unless he can strike his head with a blow, maybe Maybe!" The venomous snake should be.

The venomous snake remembered clearly. On the same day, he clearly stunned Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao did not have anything at all, and even the signs of poisoning made him more confused.

Be aware that his poison is not even dare to be in the same rank.

The venomous snake had to suspect that Ling Xiao had something to restrain his poisonous spirits.

"Well, no matter what, even if you can't kill him, you have to give him back to life."

"Life 擒? He has the **** drum, I am afraid it is not easy." The venomous snake took a bit of awkwardness.

On that day, he saw Ouyang Zhen’s sound of a drum and it became a **** water. How can it be easy to make people oysters!

"As long as you don't give him the time to drum," said the fascinating sorcerer, and then she took out a black rope with a glimmer of glory and threw it toward the venomous snake.

The venomous snake took the black rope and couldn’t help but whispered, "This is... the ropes!"

"Yes, the eighth-order mid-level bundle of magic ropes, even the eighth-order high-order spirit beasts are difficult to break free. I believe that it is not a problem to bring him back to life. When I don't believe it, I can't kill him!" said the charm brake.

"Oh, my wife, please rest assured that with this bundle of magic ropes, even if Ling Xiao has a great ability, it is difficult to escape my palm!" The venomous snake smiled confidently.

"Well, then you are on the road immediately, be sure to complete anything!".

"Yes, this is the old man!"


In addition to the movement of the Dark Lord, the ghosts and the killing organizations also have their actions, and several other forces have sent people to ask for it.

They are all going to Lingxiao that artifact.

There must not be anyone in the middle of the domain who has artifacts, but there are only gods on the heavenly domain.


On the side of Wanhuazong, Huali has received the news that Lingxiao brought people to come.

"What, with only a thousand people coming over, I want to clean up the Ouyang family. What do he want to do, do you really want us all the flowers and the Ouyang family to fight hard, do you think we have sincerity?" In an angry way, then she looked at the side of the Bi mother, "Sister, I have to count it, we want to cooperate with him to eradicate the Ouyang family, we will also suffer heavy losses, which is very uneconomical."

After the mother-in-law squinted and silenced for a while, "I don't think he is the kind of person. I must have moved a thousand people with a big fan, but I will only look around and I will definitely have a move."

"But I think he is arrogant. Do you think that you can destroy Ouyang's family with the power of artifacts?" Flower lily is not channel.

"No matter what, we have to do the same thing here. It is impossible to give him the power of the whole sect. It is necessary to take five thousand elites. Otherwise, he will feel that we have no sincerity!" .

"Well, I really hope that he can also be surprised this time." Flower lily should bear the path.

For the five sacred Dans, it is absolutely necessary to dispatch five thousand elites. It must be where the identity of the Pharmacist is.

Unless they do not want to mix this matter, they do not want that sanctification.

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