World Controlling God

Chapter 979: Holy yang

Xin Li caught the emperor and smiled. "You brother, is this the face of the brother?"

It’s not a problem for Feng Lingtian’s big bag of emperors to win the first throne. Feng Lingtian gave them all the emperors. This non-condensation gave the position of the first throne to him. he.

Although Xin Li also imagined his master as the same year, he won the position of the first throne with the strength of one person.

However, at the moment his younger brother showed his strength, and this big bag of the emperor, the first throne is none other than him.

Xin Li did not want to be cheeky to take the first place in the throne!

"Senior brother, you know that I like to be low-key. If you don't want these emperors, then you can do it to the brothers or grandchildren. The first throne is on the hands of our smiling palace." Qotar.

When a few people listened to Feng Lingtian’s words, they all laughed. They couldn’t see the place where his younger brother had a “low-key”.

"Feng Lingtian, you are so good, actually killed my younger brother, I fight with you!" A Lingwu Pavilion's emperor stunned and wanted to kill Fenglingtian.

Feng Lingtian has not yet shot, Xin Li shot again, a move will repel the Lingwu Pavilion's emperor back.

"Who is rushing to make trouble. You should be clear. Your younger brother has closed his mouth and humiliated my sister and my brother. I have also killed my brother. If you are killed, you should be alive. If you want to replace him, Revenge, we don't mind sending you all on the road!" Xin Li stunned at the Lingwu Pavilion.

The people of Lingwuge want to say something again, but Bai Yuemei has blocked them. "This is a fair duel. In the war, there is life and death, let's go!".

"Sister, you... cold brother, he likes you so much, how can you calculate this?" said a Lingwuge emperor.

Bai Yuemei said, "I am not the opponent of both of them. I don't want to send him to death." After a pause, she said, "Wait out here. After I go back, I will report this matter to the elders in the cabinet. Everything will be decided by them!"

After all, she put away the body of Lengfeng, then glanced at Feng Lingtian, and sighed in the heart.

She did not expect it at all, because her affairs killed her brother.

However, she did not blame Feng Lingtian, but she blamed herself for her vengeful pursuit of Feng Lingtian, and did not stop her brother from repeatedly screaming Feng Lingtian. I felt that all this was caused by her, and my heart was extremely embarrassed.

With the end of this trial, the war has once again opened, and everyone can go out.

The name of the first throne of this session undoubtedly fell to Xin Litou, and the name of the second killing emperor was also acquired by Qi Yang of the Swordsman Palace. The third killing emperor fell to the hands of Lingwuge Baiyuemei... ....

The Swords Palace has undoubtedly become the biggest winner of this year's Imperial League.

In the hearts of all the emperors of this session, they knew that the first throne should belong to another young man named Feng Lingtian.

With the end of this battle of the Emperor, everyone believes that Lingwu Pavilion will shoot at the Pride Palace.

It must have died a cold-hearted disciple of the true true disciple of Tianzi.

However, everyone has been paying attention to it for a long time, but they have not seen the people of Lingwu Pavilion. There is no wave of turmoil between the one palace and one palace.


The battle of the Imperial List ended, and the reputation of the Pride Palace once again caused a big shock. Feng Lingtian, who is the son of Ling Xiao, wanted to keep a low profile. Although he did not win the name of the First Emperor, he was destroyed by the Emperors. The deeds of killing the cold peaks preached out, and Ling Li’s master, Xin Li, also had a far-reaching prestige, because his two shots were both a disciple of the Lingwu Pavilion, and the strength was visible.

This and the two people who have a thousand relationships with Ling Xiao began to be famous in the middle of the field, becoming a new generation of Tianjiao characters.

As the father of Feng Lingtian, Ling Xiao, the master of Xin Li, did not pay any attention to this matter.

After returning with the women four years ago, he entered the deep desert of the Death Mountain and hoped to break through the Emperor and become a great saint.

At this time, Ling Xiao is standing on an open land, his body is slowly moving, his hands are waving like a mess, and his movements are quite slow. People feel that they are not as good as punching civilians, but they have an inexplicable charm. The space around it gradually seems to fluctuate slightly between his hands.

Ling Xiao waved these movements with his eyes closed. He didn't know the passage of time. It was like this for three days.

Not far from him, a mighty man with a blond hair, leaning on a large tree pole, occasionally swayed in the direction of Ling Xiao, his eyes filled with incomprehensible and boring feelings.

On the other side, there is a huge three-eyed wolf king who beats tons, and the tail slaps the fleas coming close from time to time.

"Oh, for four years, I have not been able to comprehend the space power. Is it really so difficult for the holy step?" Ling Xiao stopped the action and sighed heavily.

After traveling for two years with the women, I have been practicing since I came back. After spending four years, he has reached the realm of Emperor Xuan of the Peak, and he can step into the Holy Order with only one step.

It is not so simple to want to enter the Holy Land. How many people are trapped in the life of the Emperor Xuan Emperor and cannot break through.

Ling Xiao, whether it is Tianbin or comprehension, is definitely a person, but he wants to realize the power of space in just a few years, which seems to be somewhat unlikely.

Of course, he hasn't lost anything in the past four years. It has been the faint touch of the edge of space power, but the total difference is so small that he can't grasp it, making him quite depressed.

"When will this go down to the Holy One, go to the Tianyu!" Ling Xiao sighed and sat down on the floor, with a pot of wine and chunks of dried meat in his hand, while eating wine while eating, as if Dissipate that depressed gas on top of this wine.

Then Ling Xiao sat on top of the Golden Wolf King and left the Death Mountain with a macho.

Two months later, he appeared in a deserted and hot desert.

This desert is known as the largest desert in the middle, called the Tamori Desert.

The most fierce in this desert are the rattlesnakes and the red poisonous cockroaches. They can be said to be the hegemons of this desert. They usually appear in groups, and the general warriors really only have to escape.

Why did Ling Xiao come to this Tamori desert?

Because he had consulted all the ancient books, and with many inheritance memories, he guessed that the map from the Lu family should be located here.

What can be called "Holy Land" is only the sacred sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect.

It is recorded that the original Catholics in the world were widely spread, and almost all of them existed in the major emperors. The emperors had to tribute them to the spirits every year.

At that time, the holy religion had unparalleled authority, and definitely not anyone can provoke it.

Only 200,000 years ago, all the high-level members of the holy yang religion disappeared, and the news that the sacred religion was dissolved was suddenly caused by Xuanran ### in the middle domain.

According to legend, all the senior officials of the holy yang religion went to Tianyu to teach.

At that time, the four great emperors began to scrape the disciples left by the Holy Spirit to strengthen their own power.

These sinister Ling Xiao had learned a little from the Warlord, but I did not expect this map to point to this great education that has been brilliant for countless years. It must have been an ancient era.

Moreover, there have been countless people who have searched the site of the holy yang religion. However, no one knows where he is.

This has become a fan of 200,000 years, no one can unlock.

However, many people also know that there is this largest desert. It is only where it is built, or is it isolated by people with more powerful space power, so that people can't find it?

Ling Xiao is also not forgotten that he can definitely find the existence of Shengyang, but he walked away with the luck of luck.

Even if he couldn't find it, he also regarded it as an experience and there was no loss.

Ling Xiao did not choose to fly, but like an ascetic monk, walking towards this innocent desert.

The heat waves are rolling, the dust is flying, the dryness is hot, the sand is fascinating.

The average person wants to walk like this, but he is afraid that he will be ran back after ten miles.

Ling Xiao is not a natural person. He converges all the breath, and does not carry any protection, letting these winds and waves heat up.

The more he rushed, the more he seemed to gradually merge with the desert, leaving only a shadow in the dust.

Ling Xiao’s perseverance for many years has already reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man, which is deeper than that of Feng Lingtian.

You must not touch the threshold of space power before you reach the unity of heaven and man.

It can be said that comprehending the relationship between man and nature is the premise guarantee for stepping into the saints.

Ling Xiao’s walk was half a month. Now he is in the middle of the desert. It’s all in all directions, without any anger.

Suddenly, there was a little noise under the desert "Hey...".

This very knotty sound is unusually harsh, not to mention that the rattlesnake is here.

Sure enough, a slender shadow shot towards Ling Xiao, which was exceptionally fast and elusive.

Ling Xiao raised his eyelids and lifted it up. He took the slender shadow that had been shot in his hand.

It was a fifth-order high-ranking rattlesnake that he was holding in his hand. It was not very thick, but it had a dozen meters of strips, a snake head, a golden snake body, and the tail was the most exotic. sound.

It was pinched by Ling Xiao's neck, and its thin body instantly stalked toward Ling Xiao's neck and tried to counter Ling Xiao.

Ling smiles calmly, his wrists forcefully pinch, and the snake neck immediately breaks open, and the snake blood begins to spill.

I thought that the rattlesnake was dying. Unexpectedly, the tail was as spiritual as it was, and it spurred toward the face of Ling Xiao.

That speed is fast and scary, even if it is a general Tianzun, it may not be able to react.

However, Ling Xiao is not the strength of Tian Zun, his arm flashes again, and the snake tail is hit in the powder. He grabs the snake body and picks up the snake, and puts it in the import.

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