World Controlling God

Chapter 982: You give me a slave!

The Xuan Emperor kept screaming with his native language. Seeing his angry expression, he knew that he was ordering everyone to deal with Ling Xiao.

The people around them listened to their words at home, and they did not say anything. They immediately prepared to shoot at Ling Xiao and wanted to kill him.

It’s just that they haven’t had time to make a move. The dragon horse is the first to bounce, and its figure is surging, and a horseshoe is trampling on those people.

Between a few blinks, there are actually many people who have died on the blast.

Those people were scared to retire far away, but they knew that it was even more terrible than the Longma than they were!

The Xuan Emperor was so angry that he had not enjoyed the thrill of sitting in this dragon for a few days. This dragon horse actually turned his back to the opposite direction, which really made him mad.

He screamed and shot at the dragon.

Countless mad sands were swept by him, and the sand formed a sharp edge to the dragon horse.

It is a pity that he only cut the shadow of Longma, and the real body of Longma has already stepped on his head.


The Xuan Emperor was directly kicked out of the big and distant, with two horseshoe prints on his shoulders.

Longma did not chase after the victory, but to the Xuan Emperor also said the words that Lingxiao could not understand.

Obviously it was warning the Emperor Xuan, or letting the Emperor Xuandi a horse, as if it was a few days ago.

Although the Emperor Xuan was not angry, but also knew that it was difficult to please in front of him, he had to swear a few more words, and the people who took him hurried away.

Ling Xiao hesitated and did not shoot them.

He must have killed these people, and he has no good to fish, but only stains his hands.

"His Highness, that man has spared me once, and I have spared him once now. Now I am not owed, I am willing to follow your Highness!" Longma once again returned to Ling Xiao.

The dragon horse is a kind of arrogant beast. It is dismissive to ordinary humans or spirit beasts, but it is not the same as Lingxiao, because it can feel the intimate atmosphere of Lingyuan.

Ling Xiao nodded and said, "Well, let them go, don't know who they are?".

"They are a bunch of horse thieves, often in this area, robbing other human things." Long Ma Yingdao.

"The horse thief? Where do they usually live?" Ling Xiao then asked.

He obviously felt that there were quite a lot of warriors seen in this neighborhood, and he was sure that there must be places where human beings lived in this neighborhood.

Sure enough, I learned from Long’s mouth that there is a human city named “Tasa City” not far from here.

The people who appeared were all from Tasha City. The words spoken were local words, which made Ling Xiao could not understand.

As Longpi survived nearby, he also learned these native languages.

"Take it for seven or eight months, and finally find the city, and take a bath in the advanced city!" Ling Xiao sighed, then turned over the back of Longma and took me to Tasha City! .

If the average person is on the horse, it must be smashed, but Ling Xiao will not suffer such a fate.

The proud dragon horse screamed with joy, leaving a shadow in the original direction and rushing in one direction.

Ling Xiao has discovered that the speed of this seventh-order low-order dragon horse is not the speed difference of the seventh-order high-order beast. If it is higher than the rank, I believe that it is more than a majesty. It is a rare good. .

Longma has Tianbin, Lingxiao does not mind to cultivate it well, its potential is no worse than the macho and Xiaojin.

In the blink of an eye, seven days later, Longma finally came to the outskirts of Tasa with Lingxiao.

Looking at the sturdy, solid city wall, looking at the simple earth and stone housing, watching the civilians walking naked...

Ling Xiaofang knows that this Tasha City does not seem to be as prosperous as he imagined. It can be said that it is far behind the Rock City where he was born.

"Maybe it is forced by the environment!" Ling Xiao sighed in his heart.

The wind and sand around the city is full of life, and the living conditions are extremely bad. The city here will not be prosperous.

Ling Xiao took the dragon horse into the city and immediately caught a lot of attention. Everyone’s eyes were filled with surprise and doubt.

Because they are not paying attention to Ling Xiao, but the dragon horse that is high-spirited by his side.

In Tassa City, most of the warriors like to choose horses for mounts. This is a custom of their own.

They have seen all kinds of good horses, but **** horses like the dragon horse, they only heard it in the legend.

When the civilians saw the dragon horse, they showed their sincerity, and the military saw the dragon horse but it showed a strong sense of corruption.

However, no one dares to go forward to the idea of ​​playing Longma.

Ling Xiao found a building that was not badly built and went inside.

He didn't know how to communicate with people here, so he had to let Longma convey his meaning.

He now only wants to find a place to wash well ###身子.

However, when I learned that the people here answered that there was no water to provide bathing, Ling Xiao almost caught it.

However, at the thought of the environment here, the water source is absolutely the most precious, Ling Xiao had no choice but to go out of the restaurant.

Just after arriving at the restaurant, many people immediately surrounded him and Longma.

Seeing that they are all emitting light to the dragon horse, they know that they are playing the idea of ​​a dragon horse.

"It seems that you are still a toon!" Ling Xiao patted the horse and smiled.

Although the strength of these people is not weak, it is not enough to see in Ling Xiao’s eyes.

Yo yo!

Longma Yangtian screamed, his front legs were high, and his momentum burst into flames, followed by its heavy hooves.


The powerful force shook the ground, and a large pit was revealed in a hundred meters before it.

Those people were scared and they quickly flew up and flew up.

Ling Xiao turned over the horse and turned into a lightning bolt that disappeared from the place.

However, there are quite a few powerful forces to chase out from other directions in the city.

There are only three people who are able to catch up with Longma.

Their strengths have already reached the high-level Xuan Emperor's cultivation.

Two of them kept calling in local language, and Ling Xiao couldn’t hear what they were shouting.

However, the other person finally called the "small brothers and sisters to stay in the slang of oysters. I am the chief of the city of Tasha, and I want to invite Xiaoxiongtai to be our guest."

"Stupid? This name is really special." Ling Xiao said to himself, patted the horse back and let the dragon horse stop.

The three people chasing after him are also coming.

The three were dressed in local costumes, two old men and a middle-aged man, all of whom were trained in the high-end Xuan Emperor. One of the old men was the Emperor Xuanfeng.

Ling Xiao did not expect that he would encounter three high-ranking Emperors in a city, which really made him feel surprised.

Those who must have reached the Emperor's Emperor, are generally too superior figures of the great forces, and rarely stay in the secular city to practice.

"I guess this is a different feature outside the domain!" Ling Xiao thought in his heart.

"I don't know what happened to the three?" Ling Xiao asked the three people to ask.

"The little brothers don't have to be nervous. I see you know the extraordinary people. I want to invite you to the house to be a guest, to do the friendship of the landlord!" The middle-aged man said.

He said it was nice on the surface, but in reality his eyes kept swaying on the dragon horse.

The other two high-ranking Emperor Xuan is also a greedy appearance, actually separated, forming a triangle will Ling Xiao in the middle, the meaning is self-evident.

Ling Xiao sneered and said, "As long as you have the ability, I will go to your house to be a guest!"

Ling Xiao suddenly thought of an idea, that is, to surrender the middle-aged man in front of him, and ask him if he knows where the holy religion is.

These people must know more about the desert than his outsiders. Maybe these people are still the remnants of the holy religion.

"Hey, Xiaoxiongtai, since you are not interested, then don't blame us." The middle-aged man sneered a sneer, and made a look at the other two, ready to shoot Lingxiao and Longma at the same time.

Three powerful forces shrouded Ling Xiao and Long Ma.

Although the speed of Longma was unparalleled, it saw that Ling Xiao did not escape, and it did not escape. He was immediately screamed by these three forces, and it was obviously uncomfortable.

"You don't blame me if you want to die!" Ling Xiao sighed coldly, and the breath suddenly rose. He instantly smashed the three stocks, and the finger took the lead toward the leader of the peak. .

call out!

Three-pointed gods - broken jade points!

This move continues to increase with the power of Ling Xiao, and the strength and speed are not comparable to the past.

It was only in the blink of an eye that it hit the chest of the Emperor Xuan of the Peak. The Emperor Xuanfeng had not had time to react, and pointed out that Mang had directly penetrated his chest.

The other two were shocked and they realized that they were arrogant.

Just when they were going to make a move, Ling Xiao pointed to the other high-ranking Emperor.

The high-ranking Emperor Xuan was so frightened that he wanted to turn and leave immediately, but found that he couldn’t move anyway in any way, letting the mang put him in the hole.

The city owner who called himself Shah saw it, and he was already scared and scared. He thought of the strength of the other party so terrible, and he did not say that he immediately turned around and fled.

However, how could Ling Xiao let him go?

He flew in the shadows, and only in the blink of an eye he went to the front of the sand whisper. "You are not asking me to go to you as a guest? How can I escape now?"

"No... No, Xiaoxiongtai, I... You let me go, I shouldn’t have the idea of ​​playing the horse, you let me go, as long as you are willing to let me go, ask for anything!" Continuously ask for mercy.

"That line, my request is very simple!" Ling Xiao smiled.

" say!" Shahhu said.

"You give me a slave!" Ling Xiao said, and the high-level spiritual curse instantly rushed into the sea of ​​Shahu.

When Shahu still wanted to say something, the sea of ​​souls was immediately attacked by inexplicable attacks.

His soul wants to resist, but unfortunately it can't resist for a long time, or it is branded by the many complicated and mysterious patterns, completely controlled by Ling Xiao.

"There is a good guide here!" Ling Xiao sighed.

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