World Defying Dan God

The first thousand one hundred and eighty first chapters

Chen Xiang really wanted to quickly collect the Heaven and Earth Killing Technique, but now there are several parts that he doesn't know where. Take it away quickly.

"Are you going back to the Dragon Subduing Gate now?" Duan Chong asked.

"I won't go back for the time being. Even if I don't have anyone here, Dragon Subduing Sect can develop very well. I'm not too worried! After you go back, you can only tell Elder Li about my escape and let him formulate a secret plan to help Chenwu Continent. The plan, it is best for him to contact the dean of the Demon Conqueror Academy, I think that if the Fire God Temple attacks the Chenwu Continent, it will definitely pull the power of the Demon Realm."

Chen Xiang still has to go to that underground palace to completely destroy the plan of the Fire God Temple to revive the Ice Emperor. The Ice Emperor is such a terrible guy, and he must never be reborn in the New Emperor Heaven.

"I know, I will find the location of the ancient sacred beast as soon as possible." Duan Chong nodded, he already knew where the ancient sacred beast was, but now the crisis in the Fire Temple has not been resolved, he is worried that Chen Xiang will At this juncture, he went to the ancient sacred realm to take risks. He felt that at least when the fire temple attacked the Chenwu Continent, he could tell Chen Xiang about the ancient sacred realm.

Chen Xiang and Duan Chong separated in Xuanbing City, Duan Chong returned to the Dragon Subduing Gate, while Chen Xiang went out of the city to find the underground palace.

He knew that the underground palace was very important before, so let Long Xueyi remember the location of the underground palace, so that he could find it quickly in the future. As soon as he left the city, he quickly determined the direction and ran towards the underground palace.

Xuan Bingcheng, where the master of the Fire God Temple is still there, is also the most powerful character in the Fire God Temple. Chen Xiang felt that there would not be too many strong guards in that underground palace. At most, there were some very powerful formations. He estimates that there are not many strong people in the Fire Temple, and now they need to go everywhere to attract people to join the alliance, and there are some headquarters and Xuanbing City stationed in the Fire Temple.

Last time in the underground palace, Chen Xiang also killed two relatively strong ones. If he encounters that level of powerhouses again this time, he will directly use the ancient strange poison. will be soft.

Two days passed, Chen Xiang used the shrinking space and the shuttle space to hurry. At this time, he could see the high mountain from a distance, and the underground palace was built under that high mountain.

As he had guessed, the mountain was surrounded by a powerful formation. After the accident happened last time, the Fire Temple had reinforced the formation defense. Chen Xiang didn't know if he could sneak in like the last time.

"The entrance to the cave is gone!" Chen Xiang turned into floating snow and observed the entire mountain with divine power. The entrance to the cave had disappeared, but the underground palace was still there.

"It's a very strict formation. If you touch it with divine power, it may cause a lot of movement. As for what powerful formations are in it, I can't see it. I don't dare to use my divine power to spy on it now, otherwise It will cause them to be alert." Long Xueyi said.

Chen Xiang observed it and found that the formation was blocked even by the wind and snow, and the space was also very stable and difficult to penetrate.

"There will be people patrolling outside regularly, and I can sense the residual breath." Long Xueyi said excitedly.

Chen Xiang immediately understood and said with a smile, "Just wait for those patrolling to come out, then I will find a way to hide from them and let them take me in!"

So far, very few people know about the powerful magical power of the art of transformation. Even if some people have heard of it, they do not think that it can be used by humans. It is a high-level magical power in the Imperial Dragon Clan, so Chen Xiang can use this magical power to transform himself into a supernatural power. All kinds of things that can facilitate him to sneak in.

Chen Xiang just waited for half an hour,

I found that someone was passing by, it was a small team, there were ten people, wearing white robes, white clothes, and white hats, all of them were immortals, and the fire attribute in their bodies was very strong. It can be seen that they are all fire. The master of the temple.

These ten people are considered very strong in this Xinditian, and they are all existences beyond the Nirvana realm. With their strength, it is not difficult to destroy a medium-to-large force.

Chen Xiang, who became Feixue, controlled himself to fall on one of them, and then turned himself into a small snow-white mosquito, hiding in the wrinkles of that person's clothes, and then patiently waited for these people to return to the place after patrolling. The underground palace.

These people are patrolling around the mountain, mainly to find the people who are near here at the first time. Generally, if they are found by them, as long as they are not from the Fire Temple, they will be killed by them. This is what Chen Xiang heard from their conversation. arrived.

They patrol for three days in a row before changing shifts, and on shifts, there are ten people with the same strength as them.

Finally changing shifts, Chen Xiang already felt that those people brought him into that powerful formation, and then a secret teleportation formation inside teleported to the underground palace below.

The underground palace below is also shrouded by a strong formation, which reinforces the space and makes it difficult for people to travel through the space. This is because of Chen Xiang's intrusion last time, which made the Fire God Temple use this great skill. But now Chen Xiang is still in the mix, and it's much easier than last time.

This fire temple has a long history, and it knows how to arrange many powerful ancient formations, all of which have very strange power.

For example, now, the ten people who have just returned from the outside need to enter a formation, and they can distinguish their blood and breath through this formation. This is to prevent people pretending to be these patrolling people from infiltrating.

After entering the formation, Chen Xiang suddenly felt a mysterious force penetrate into his body, and then only saw a strong ray of light from the formation, and it shook!

"Oops, it was discovered!" Chen Xiang didn't expect this great formation to have this ability. Originally, he planned to attach himself to that person and follow him into the depths, but he did not expect to be sensed by this great formation. , but also made such a big move.

That magical power could enter Chen Xiang's body, causing Chen Xiang, who had turned into a mosquito, to emit a burst of white light. At this time, several old men had come to the outside of this formation, and they all saw the dazzling ray of light. mosquito.

"It's not an ordinary mosquito that can make this formation move like this!" An old man with a gloomy face took out a small tower. He urged the small tower to make this small tower produce a strong strong force. suction.

Chen Xiang felt that his body was flying towards the small tower. If he continued, he might be sealed up again. He already felt that the small tower was terrifying.


Everyone saw that the little mosquito suddenly flashed a strong golden light, and then a middle-aged man with a plain appearance appeared with a black hammer in his hand!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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