World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1259: White Dragon Girl

"Old dog, I don't have time to play with you here, so I can only send you on the road quickly!" Chen Xiang urged the Earth Killing Technique, the earth suddenly violently trembled, and the wildly vibrating earth burst out with a vibrating force All poured into Chen Xiang's body.

"Shock!" Chen Xiang swung his sword and struck like a thunderbolt.

The old man in the Fire Temple was shocked by the situation.

The power of an earthquake is one of the most terrifying powers in the earth, but now Chen Xiang can use this power to absorb this power into his body, and then release it to focus on a single target, it is very terrifying of.

With a "click", the long sword in the old man's hand was shattered by the invisible shock wave before it touched Chen Xiang's divine sword.

When the divine sword slashed past, the old man could only release all the True Qi in his body, forming a qi hood to defend his body.

boom! The incomparably violent shock fell on the old man, and the ground suddenly cracked into a spider web. The shock and sound waves crushed all the corpses around him.

The old man was stunned, Chen Xiang's strength was too terrifying, he knew that Chen Xiang must not have passed the Nine Tribulations of Nirvana, the current Emperor Tian, ​​after passing the Nine Tribulations of Nirvana, will soar to the heavenly realm, no matter how strong Chen Xiang is, There is no way to avoid this rule.

What he didn't know was that Chen Xiang's flesh body would become a holy body again, and although it was only the body of a heavenly holy body for the first time, with the addition of other powers in Chen Xiang's body, he would be able to compare with the powerhouses in the late stage of human immortals. Compete.

After Chen Xiang chopped out the knife, he knew that the old man in front of him was extraordinary, he just used his true energy to block it!

"I see how many moves you can block!" Chen Xiang shouted, the ground shook again, sending a strong shock force into Chen Xiang's body.

Chen Xiang slashed down again, releasing the shock force that poured into his body.

Seeing that Chen Xiang had such a ferocious power, those giants of the demon power who came to reinforce did not dare to approach this place. The Azure Dragon Demon Slayer Sword waving in Chen Xiang's hand was their nightmare, not to mention them, even if it was the Fire God Temple. It was so powerful that they were all beaten by Chen Xiang one after another and could only be resisted.

Chen Xiang's frantic attack, slashing out with one knife after another, all used the power of earthquakes in the technique of killing the earth, coupled with the power of his heavenly body, to attack the old man desperately, he did not believe that the bomb could not be broken. The old man's defense.

"This little brat has really tried his best." The old man was horrified, each of Chen Xiang's swords showed no signs of weakening, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

In the distance, the immortal monarch of the gods who fought with Bai Zhan in full swing, saw that Chen Xiang was able to escape the seal, and was also very shocked, because he was very aware of the power of the seal formation, he quickly thought of what happened over the years, he guessed that It's all related to Chen Xiang, but the owner of their Fire God Temple is like a fool.

"Little Miscellaneous Hair!" That Immortal Monarch couldn't help but scolded, pointed his finger at Chen Xiang, and shot out a scorching fire, which penetrated into Chen Xiang's body in the blink of an eye.

"You kind of people should die soon, and even if you don't look at your cultivation, you actually count someone who is so much weaker than you!" Bai Zhan was furious, and saw that a white armor suddenly appeared on his body, a pair of The eyes are extremely red, and the fist has also become a pair of large tiger claws, and the sharp claws on it seem to be able to tear everything.

What shocked the immortal monarch of the divine way the most was the tiger tail behind Bai Zhan's waist, coupled with the murderous aura on Bai Zhan's body at this time, he knew what was the origin of this violent old man in front of him!

White Tiger Warriors,

And he is still the super powerhouse in the White Tiger War Clan!

Don't allow this Xianjun to think too much, Bai Zhan has already slapped his paw, and there are several bloodstains on his arm!

Bai Zhan was furious. After the transformation, his strength increased a lot, and he launched a fierce attack on the fairy...

Speaking of Chen Xiang's side, after he was plotted by that Immortal Monarch, he was just kicked out. His physical body was very strong, and he had a basalt vajra armor, which didn't hurt him.

Seeing Chen Xiang being kicked into the air, the old man hurriedly rushed over, released all the strength of his body, condensed his fists, and hit Chen Xiang, the intense heat burned the corpses of some demons in the distance to ashes.

"It's just right!" Chen Xiang faced this powerful punch without feeling panic, and at the same time he punched back.

The two fists hit each other, and a huge fireball burst out, covering a radius of hundreds of meters. The semi-circular flame rose in the air like a huge mushroom, and the entire underground palace was also swept away by the heat wave emanating from it.

After the old man punched just now, he didn't hurt Chen Xiang, and he was very angry. At this time, he also felt that he was a little cold to his body, and even if he stimulated the heat in his body, he couldn't dispel it.

After Chen Xiang saw that the opponent was hit by his Ice Soul Demon Gang, he immediately put away the Azure Dragon Slaughtering Demon Sword. If he used the Azure Dragon Slaughtering Demon Sword to attack hard, even if he could defeat the opponent, he would consume a lot of power. Now many people are waiting. After he spent seven, seven, eight, eight, he besieged him.

"You... actually underestimate me!" When the old man saw Chen Xiang put away the Azure Dragon Demon Slayer Sword, he was furious and was about to punch.

But Chen Xiang was already rushing at a very fast speed, faster than his punches, his fists were like countless wild thunders, punching to the flesh, hitting the old man's body, so as to explode a truly violent thunder and lightning, and at the same time there was a trace of it. Ice Soul Demon Gang gradually injected into the old man's body.

The Ice Soul Demon Gang just numbs the old man's feeling and consciousness, making the old man think that he is frozen, and at the same time feels very cold, too cold to release his power, but the old man will not find out, only feel his body He was invaded by cold air, so he would constantly urge fire to drive away the cold.

Once the mad fist came down, the old man was already shivering with cold, but there was no cold air coming out of his body.

"This must be... the Ice Soul Demon Gang!" This old man is also well-informed. After he confirmed it, he immediately started from his own consciousness, but the problem was that he didn't have the time to do it.

"That's right, but you only recognized it now, it's already too late!" Chen Xiang hurriedly slapped the old man's chest. This was the power of the bone-turning devil's palm, which directly melted the bones of the upper half of the old man's body. Makes that body soft.

If it was before, Chen Xiang would definitely be difficult to use the Bone Transformation Magic Palm, because the opponent's True Qi was really strong and could be resisted, but after being invaded by the Ice Soul Demon Gang, this old man was equivalent to being paralyzed by ice, and it was difficult to mobilize those Really angry.

Without the bones, the old man's body would not be able to support it, and it would be broken together. Even if he could run the powerful True Qi in his body, he would not be able to exert the strongest power.

"The Temple of Fire will definitely disappear in Ditian today."

Chen Xiang called out the divine sword and slashed towards the old man on the ground. Using the power of earthquake, plus the powerful pressure of the divine sword, the divine sword ripped it into pieces before it touched the old man's body. shredded.


Many disciples of the Fire God Temple felt a chill in their hearts, knowing that the old man was a relatively strong elder under the Immortal Monarch of the Divine Dao, and he was actually beheaded by Chen Xiang.

After killing the old man, Chen Xiang rushed to Leng Youlan's side, because there were powerful demons attacking her.

"Youlan, I'm here to help you!" Chen Xiang flew over, chopped off a demon cultivator's sword-wielding arm, and then came to Leng Youlan's side.

"Brother, are you alright, you have cut down so many powerful guys, you are amazing!" Leng Youlan didn't expect Chen Xiang to be more brutal than her.

"Youlan, don't hide it, shake your foundation, I believe you have more than this strength." Chen Xiang said with a smile.

Leng Youlan has the blood of the white dragon, and her white dragon blood has been awakened, and she also has some memory inheritance, but she has not used it here, so it can be seen that she is hiding.

Leng Youlan laughed loudly: "Brother, look good, don't be frightened by me!"

Afterwards, a white glow lit up on Leng Youlan's body, and the big sword in her hand turned into a white long sword of a Coiling Dragon. The tattered armor on her body had disappeared, and a mighty battle armor of a snow-white eagle dragon appeared. Her long hair is full of decorations with carved dragons, which looks very domineering and majestic, especially the domineering dragon spirit released from her body, which makes people think that she is a dragon.

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