World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1364 Waiting for departure

"Wait first, you'd better find out who is going, you can follow behind those guys first." Su Meiyao said, she and Bai Youyou both knew the importance of the beast killing technique to Chen Xiang. Besides, there is something hidden by Emperor Pill, which might be the lid of the Divine Cauldron.

Chen Xiang left the Ten Thousand Beasts Immortal Palace and was teleported to the Demon Suppression Immortal Palace. If he was going to the Night Demon Hell, the people from the Demon Suppression Temple would definitely be indispensable. That's why Chen Xiang came here.

The Asgard in the Demon Suppression Temple is not the largest, but it is one of the most powerful!

Most of the other immortal palaces are surrounded by a central area, and only people with a large number of immortal crystals are allowed to enter, or it is a gathering place for some powerful people, and the central area of ​​this demon-suppressing immortal palace is built. The incomparably huge hall is the Temple of Suppressing Demons.

Chen Xiang doesn't know how it works inside. It is said that only the people in the Temple of Demon Suppression know, and the people in the Temple of Demon Suppression are tight-lipped and won't reveal the details inside. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter this temple, because they are powerful If the immortal king wants to enter, he must be summoned in advance.

However, the outside of the Temple of Demon Suppression is still very prosperous, because the place near the temple is full of immortal energy, so there are many tall and magnificent buildings around the temple, all of which are hotels and inns.

Chen Xiang came here to inquire about the movements of the Demon Suppression Temple. If the Demon Suppression Temple was going to go to that Night Demon Hell, it would definitely be large in scale, and the movement would be very big, and there would be something to gain here.

"Over the years, many strong people have died in the Night Demon Hell. I didn't expect it to be the ancient domain of the holy beast. It seems to have changed a lot. It is no longer the cradle of the holy beast, but has become the cradle of the devil." The old man shook his head and sighed.

Chen Xiang was in a teahouse. He found that most of the people in it came to inquire about the movement of the Demon Suppression Temple, because if there was a Demon Suppression Temple, they would be relieved a lot, and they would definitely follow behind. .

"Suppressing Demon Temple, Fire God Temple, Emperor Dragon Clan, Wandan Immortal Kingdom, plus the Ten Heaven-penetrating Immortal Kingdoms and the Ten Holy Land Immortal Kingdoms, as well as other large and small immortal palaces and immortal kingdoms, if we go to the Ancient Holy Beast Domain together, I am afraid it is the largest force in history, and it should have a great harvest."

"But I don't know yet. If these superpowers are really dispatched together, they might be able to scare away the Night Demons inside."

Chen Xiang heard these people chatting, and this was one of the ways he collected information.

"Little scoundrel, tell me what happened in the Demon Execution Peak, remember to add fuel to it and exaggerate." Su Meiyao said suddenly.

Chen Xiang immediately understood Su Meiyao's thoughts, hurriedly moved to the table, and said, "You may not know that the legendary Demon Execution Peak is in the Night Demon Hell, and those big forces may be attacking the Demon Execution Peak."

"You've all heard about the Demon Execution Peak, all the monsters that came out of it were all guys who had provoked many major forces with the power of one person. For example, the Ruthless Demon Venerable was one of them, and Chen Xiang was one of them. It is said that it also came from Demon Execution Peak."

Chen Xiang's words made the people in this teahouse prick up their ears one after another. It was the first time they heard this statement. Although they thought it was unreliable, it sounded quite enjoyable.

"The Ruthless Demon Venerable was a big man from hundreds of thousands of years ago. His fame is still there. He really came from the Demon Execution Peak."

"It's no wonder that Chen Xiang is so powerful. It turns out that he is also from the Demon Execution Peak, but he may not have been to the Demon Execution Peak, but was admitted to the sect by the children of the Demon Execution Peak who were wandering outside."

"There must be a lot of powerful magic and magic arts in Demon Execution Peak, as well as many brilliant alchemy techniques. Otherwise, how could Chen Xiang be so powerful?"

"So those big forces are really going to attack Demon Execution Peak?"

"That is for sure,

It is said that there were two people who rescued Chen Xiang that day, but only a few people could see the silhouettes of those two people, which shows how powerful they were, and they killed the two Immortal Kings in the Temple of Suppression of Demons and the Temple of Fire under that circumstance. Even the Dragon Emperor's arm was cut off, as was the Dragon Emperor's holy dragon son who knew how to make alchemy. "

"Then why does the Wandan Immortal Kingdom also attack the Demon Execution Peak? Although they have a good relationship with the Emperor Dragon Clan, it is not good for them to attack the Demon Execution Peak. They have no grudge against the Demon Execution Peak!"

When Chen Xiang heard others say this, he interjected: "You don't know, Wandan Immortal Kingdom also suffered heavy losses, but the new King He Peiqing of Wandan Immortal Kingdom has a holy fruit, which would have been a competition. The reward, but it was stolen by someone, and that person belonged to Demon Execution Peak!"

"That's why they reluctantly took out the Divine Cauldron. Although the Divine Cauldron lacked a cover, its value was far above the Sacred Fruit, because the Sacred Fruit could still grow in the future, and the Divine Cauldron would be gone when it was sent out. ."

"I see, I don't know where you heard it? Is this true?" an old man asked.

"Of course it's true, this is all spread from the Fire Temple." Chen Xiang said.

This is indeed true, Chen Xiang didn't lie, he knew that it would not be long before such rumors spread.

After Chen Xiang stayed in the Demon Suppression Temple for a few days, he did not expect that an Immortal Monarch of the Demon Suppression Temple once mentioned in public that Demon Execution Peak was indeed in the Night Demon Hell.

"The Demon Execution Peak is in the Night Demon Hell. Could it be that the people in the Demon Execution Peak are trying to suppress the incredible monsters inside?" Chen Xiang sat by the window drinking tea, looking at the incomparably huge Demon Suppression Temple in the distance.

"I don't know if Renwang Xianhui will go." Chen Xiang didn't worry about Liu Meng'er and the others, their strength would not allow them to go to such a dangerous place.

Now that things are so turbulent, the Demon Suppression Temple and the others can't do it quietly. Chen Xiang has already confirmed that many people and fairy beasts have gathered in those fairy palaces that are far away from Night Demon Hell.

"I don't know if Yaotian and the demons from Motian will come!" Long Xueyi said: "The Imperial Bird Clan and the Imperial Dragon Clan will definitely go back, this place is too important to them, that is their roots, and for so many years No holy beast has ever been born, so they want to get the power to become a holy beast from it."

"What if they were found?" Chen Xiang remembered the strength of the white tiger, and even the so-called Dragon Emperor was afraid of the power of the white tiger.

"It's nothing, anyway, they can't find you, and they won't be able to rule the Nine Heavens like before. There must be saints of human beings who can fight against them and won't let them mess around." Long Xueyi said.

Now Chen Xiang is here waiting for the Demon Suppression Temple. To deal with the mysterious Night Demon, the Demon Suppression Temple is indispensable. Even if the Demon Suppression Temple does not want to go, I am afraid other forces will invite them to open the way.

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