World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1375: The Giant Shadow in the River

The water in Xiaohe was very clean, but it was a little less angry. Chen Xiang suddenly felt that those night demons might be afraid of water, otherwise this river would be unsafe.

At night, even if Chen Xiang was at the bottom of the river, he could hear the cry of the night demons, but the sound was not so harsh.

"This river is very narrow but deep. It doesn't look like a normal river. Could it be that someone deliberately dug it out? A river like this can't grow large beasts at all, so don't worry about giant beasts in it." Long Xueyi said.

Those who can create such a safe route must have a very good understanding of this ancient sacred beast domain, and their own strength is also very strong. There is a mark on the map of Emperor Pill, and Emperor Pill is a legendary figure, and his strength is stronger than that of Fire Emperor Bing. The emperor is much stronger, and if it is really these safe routes that he has come up with, it is also very reasonable.

Chen Xiang followed the water flow and felt that the speed of the water was too slow, so he speeded up and swam forward, because he was eager to solve the mystery of the map, what did Emperor Dan hide there, and whether there was that divine cauldron there what about the lid?

There is also the map that the Imperial Dragon Clan, the Fire Temple and the Suppressing Demon Temple put together, where will they eventually lead? What else is there?

This waterway is very long. According to the map, it is longer than the previous crack in the mountains, which means that Chen Xiang will spend a lot of time here. Fortunately, his speed in the water can be maintained at the same speed as on land.

"I can still see that Demon Execution Peak!" Chen Xiang swam at the bottom of the river for a few days, and stuck his head out to see that the silver-white giant mountain remained in that direction, as if it would move with him, letting him He was puzzled.

"I don't know what's going on, there are only two hours in the day and ten hours in the night!" Long Xueyi said, "If it's not a powerful force to manipulate time, then there is a powerful formation that reverses the yin and yang. , this is all to allow those night devils to have more time to come out."

"Are all night devils in here? No other beasts or something?"

This is the ancient sacred beast domain. Even if it is not the ancient sacred beast domain of the year, it should be a little beast. When he entered the crack before, he encountered a very terrifying beast tide, and he still can't figure it out. Why does the beast tide appear?

Chen Xiang suspected that maybe someone controlled a large group of giant beasts to prevent others from entering the depths of the ancient sacred beast domain.

Hundreds of thousands of people brought by those big forces, I don't know how many are left. In short, there will be tragic deaths. After all, there are so many, and their strength is not very strong.

"No, even if there is, it's not easy to find out. The beasts here are also likely to face the threat of night demons, so they rarely come and go. If there are, they should be the beastmasters, even the beastmasters. , if you face several Night Demon Kings, I'm afraid it will be hard to escape."

When they were in the Immortal Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts before, some old Beastmasters said that they escaped from here, and they never wanted to go back. It seemed that they had been brutally tortured in this Night Demon Hell.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xiang has been advancing under this long river for more than ten consecutive days. What makes him surprised is that such a small river has water all the time, and it has not been blocked, and has been kept intact for tens of thousands of years. , as if someone was carefully protecting the creek.

Along the way, the three safe routes were all unobstructed. Chen Xiang recalled it at this time and felt a little weird.

"It doesn't matter, as soon as you come, you will be at peace!" Chen Xiang said in his heart.

At night, the night demons are rampant. Since the last time Chen Xiang was entangled by the nosy Ye Demon Lord, he will now try to avoid those night demons. Although he is under the river,

However, both he and Long Xueyi could use the Divine Movement Technique to check the situation around the river. Although they didn't see the Night Demon King, they could always sense the presence of the Night Demon King nearby, so Chen Xiang rarely appeared on the water at night.

Chen Xiang has been advancing under this river for fifteen days, and judging from his observation of the surrounding terrain, he will soon be able to enter the fourth safe route. There are six safe routes in total, and he is still far from the end of the map. Half the way.

Every time after a safe route, before entering the entrance of the next safe route, it is always the most dangerous. For example, last time he almost disturbed the Night Demon's lair, and he also had a conflict with a Night Demon Lord, and this time , he didn't know what he would encounter, in short, he had to be ready to face danger at any time.

Soon, he saw a stone at the bottom of the river. There was a circular mark on the stone, which meant that he had to leave the river. This was the end of the third safe route, and he had to turn to the fourth from here. section safe route.

Chen Xiang waited until the daytime to go out, so that he would not encounter the Night Demon. He had already determined that even a very powerful Night Demon King would not dare to show up in the daytime.

Although there are no Night Demons during the day, this place is not absolutely safe. In order to avoid becoming a target, Chen Xiang turned into a small flying insect and flew to the entrance of the fourth safe route.

In Chen Xiang's view, the fourth safe route is not very safe, because it is not a crack or a waterway, but a dirt road in a forest, but the forest is very large, and it can bypass a large area from this forest. mountains and rivers.

To get to that forest, he had to cross a large river and two mountains. If it was normal, this would not be a big deal to him at all, but it made him look very difficult here.

"Let's hurry up, although I don't know if the forest is safe, but it is a safe route there anyway, so there shouldn't be any problems." Long Xueyi urged, she meant to make Chen Xiang return to human form, then can be faster.

In this, there are only two hours in the daytime. Chen Xiang has to hurry up and set foot on the safe route, otherwise, encountering those night demons will be enough for him to have a headache.

He changed back into a human form, stepped back on the ground, shuttled through the mountains and forests at a very fast speed, and soon saw the big river in front of him.

The surface of the river was very calm, and the river was flowing slowly. It seemed that there was no danger, but the clear river was eerily quiet.

Chen Xiang jumped high in the sky, and stepped down in the air, and soon he came to the middle of the big river, looked down, and suddenly took a breath, because he saw two huge underwater shadows on the river surface, from that body shape Judging from it, it should be a giant beast in the water.

"Not only are they big, but they are also very powerful. I don't know how many years they have lived here, so hurry up and stay away from this river." Long Xueyi said.

Chen Xiang swallowed his saliva, speeding up and running in the air, trying his best to avoid making too much noise, he was worried that it would disturb the behemoth lurking in the river.

"It seems that there are still powerful beasts in this night devil hell, but in the water, they can avoid being attacked by night devils. Those night devils are really afraid of water and fire. Next time you deal with them, try water. , how destructive it is to them."

Chen Xiang was still above this big river at this time, but he could no longer see the two huge water phantoms. Just when he was just relieved, a wave suddenly appeared on the river surface!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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