World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1388: Loose Immortal Tribulation

That beautiful colorful ball of light doesn't look like it can bring bad luck, but in Mu Qianxiang's mouth, it is a disaster!

"Does it appear often?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Of course not, if it happens often, we won't be able to survive at all." Mu Qianxiang hurriedly finished the barbecue.

Suddenly, a rush of bells came, and Mu Qianxiang stood up and said, "This is the bell for the whole clan to gather."

"What kind of disaster will the disaster star bring to people?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

"This thing will appear every few thousand or tens of thousands of years. Sometimes it will be safe, but sometimes it will bring all kinds of disasters. It seems that there is a world in the disaster star. Once it falls into the The ground will burst open, releasing all kinds of terrifying forces. According to the records of ancient books, the most terrifying one is the release of a large number of terrifying colorful sky fires, and sometimes a large amount of water will be released to submerge the place, or The strong cold has turned this place into a world of ice and snow."

Mu Qianxiang walked very fast, Chen Xiang followed behind her, and asked, "This thing didn't appear by chance, over the years, someone must have brought it in deliberately."

"I don't know, no one knows how this thing came from." Mu Qianxiang had heard many stories of these colorful disaster stars since she was a child, so her face was very solemn at this time.

"So every time it appears, many people will be killed and injured?" Chen Xiang felt that there must be some secret in this matter. He suspected that someone wanted to deliberately destroy the nine clans stationed here.

If it is man-made, then this person must be very powerful, otherwise such a thing cannot be condensed and sent here from far away, and this person should also be in this Night Demon Hell.

"As long as there is a natural disaster when it appears, more than half of the people will die. Whether it is the nine clan or other civilians, it will be affected. That kind of power is very terrifying. Now the colorful disaster star has just appeared. After the legend appeared, in the next seven days and seven nights There will be natural disasters within, and if they don’t, it means we’ll be fine.”

Chen Xiang followed Mu Qianxiang to a large square in the Mu family compound. Everyone's faces were as solemn as Mu Qianxiang's, because the natural disasters brought by the colorful disaster stars, even the Immortal Kings might be there. of which die.

"Xueyi, do you know where that thing landed? Do you have any clues?" Chen Xiang asked. After the seven-colored disaster star appeared, Long Xueyi followed him with his Immortal Travel Nine Heavens.

"It hasn't landed yet, this thing is very strange, it actually circles around the barrier, as if gathering strength!" Long Xueyi said: "This colorful disaster star is outside the barrier, it should have come from a long distance, I can't see it What kind of power is condensed inside, but the outside is definitely colorful skyfire, and now it circles this huge holy place, absorbing a lot of immortal energy to enhance its power!"

At this time, it was already dark, and the colorful rays of light flashed across the sky from time to time, and the colorful disaster stars were very naughty flying in the sky.

Mu Tianhua, the head of the Mu family, stood on a high platform in the square and said loudly: "Everyone should have known about this kind of thing since childhood, and I won't say much, and we have done relevant drills every once in a while, and now according to Do the drills, and the people under the Immortal Monarch first enter the depths to take refuge."

Soon, a large number of people left on the square, and the hundreds of people who are now left are the strength of Xianjun.

Mu Qianxiang is an immortal, so she is also here. Now Chen Xiang found out that there is only one woman at the level of an immortal, so it can be seen that there are very few strong women here.

"Qianxiang, you took Chen Xiang to another place for refuge. The more than ten outstanding children of the clan are all in that place, you should know where they are!" Mu Tianhua said.

"Well, but I really don't need my help here? My strength should be able to block some natural disasters." Mu Qianxiang asked in a low voice, she also wanted to contribute.

"No, take him to that place as soon as possible!" Mu Tianhua's voice became very stern.

Mu Qianxiang didn't dare to say anything more, she dragged Chen Xiang and walked towards the back door of Mu's house and entered a huge rocky mountain.

"The colorful disaster star has landed. It's very big. It's as big as a city, and it's very close to here. Do you want to go and see it!" Long Xueyi asked.

"In case that thing exploded, wouldn't it be going to die?" Chen Xiang said, he didn't expect that just when he came here, he would encounter this kind of unfortunate misfortune that was rare in ten thousand years.

"You are not easy to die, the Xuanwu Vajra armor on your body should be able to protect you!" Long Xueyi said: "If not, I can help you resist with a little strength."

If it is not for sure, Long Xueyi will not let Chen Xiang go to die, and Long Xueyi wants him to go so much, she is obviously curious about the colorful catastrophe.

Chen Xiang, who was dragged by Mu Qianxiang, suddenly stopped steadily, and then pulled Mu Qianxiang to his side.

"What are you doing!" Mu Qianxiang frowned.

"The colorful disaster star has landed on the ground, and it hasn't exploded yet. It's obviously gathering strength. I want to go and have a look!" Chen Xiang said.

"Do you know that the colorful disaster star has landed?" Mu Qianxiang was full of doubts, but she still said firmly: "You can't go, you will die if you get close to that thing. It is recorded in ancient books that someone once wanted to get close to the colorful disaster star. Destroy it, but just get close, die inexplicably, even if it survives, it will be abolished."

"That colorful disaster star has a strong devouring power. As long as it gets close, no matter how strong it is, it will immediately be swallowed up by the power of the whole body, but you are not afraid, your power is in your mysterious dantian, and it is difficult to swallow it. "Long Xueyi said.

"I'm not afraid, I'm going to have a look. You can take refuge in that place first!" Chen Xiang said, let go of Mu Qianxiang's hand, stepped back and walked through the space, and ran out of sight in a few seconds. This kind of speed surprised Mu Qianxiang, now even if she wanted to chase, she didn't know where Chen Xiang ran to.

"This stinky boy, don't die!" Mu Qianxiang scolded tenderly, she was very angry, Chen Xiang didn't listen to her, and ran to do such a stupid thing.

Mu Qianxiang was very helpless and could only run to the place of refuge by herself.

The closer he got to that place, the more Chen Xiang felt that power was very familiar.

"Isn't this the aura of the super calamity that tried to kill me several times during the Nirvana Tribulation?" Chen Xiang was surprised: "But this kind of Tribulation Force is very terrifying, and people who are in the Nirvana Tribulation absolutely cannot trigger it!"

"Xue Yi, do you know what's going on?" Chen Xiang asked.

"This seems to be a scattered immortal robbery. If this is the case, this guy has no idea how many people have been killed!" Long Xueyi thought of something and shouted: "Hurry up and enter that colorful robbery cloud. Take away the holy core of robbery!"

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